New Neutral Minion - Blazing Battlemage
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Blazing Battlemage, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Blazing Battlemage, has been revealed!
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Last new card from the stream and still no Warrior invoke cards revealed.
Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.
neutral crow. 1 drop 2/2 is very strong
Good arena card. DOn't think Constructed is a place for this. It doesn't scale and it has no tribe. Crystallizer is just better because 1/3s at least make better targets for buffs.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Only upside i see for this card is when you get devolved in wild into a 2-2
Does anyone know the artwork for this? I recognize it as TCG art, but I can't remember the card.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
So 1 mana 2/2 is good, but perhaps now they are not good enough to really see play in constructed unless there is other benefits such as tribal synergy etc.
Should be a very nice card in Arena though.
When will the make Battlemages a thing in Wow for players... Come on now... stop teasing.
Zombie chow cries somewhere in a dark corner...
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Dang they actually printed an aggressive Mistress of Mixtures.
new dire mole, really great card. neutral, too, that's a bonus
4 statpoints for 1 Mana is a lot, but i don't know if the +1/-1 makes it better or worse than the usual 1-3.
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Premium 1 drop. It is lacking a tribe, but its still going to be a staple in decks that aren't concerned with that. It won't be the best 1 drop ever, but its a nice choice across the board.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Power-creeps are already taking over the game, I am not surprised to see kinds of card like this one.
Sideffects? Not this time for sure.
I really don’t think constructed decks are gonna want this that much. Usually you’ll want to use a more threatening 1 drop instead
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
5 stars for it being a 2/2 1 mana! Fits perfectly in token decks!
is this the 1st 1 mana 2/2 neutral card? i know druid kinda had 3 2 of which was spells
This can be a thing if Embiggen works well enough or this might make Embiggen work better. Both are acceptable.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I think a 1 mana 2/2 just isn't good enough anymore without any other upside (tribe, effect,...). But maybe this finds a place in hyper aggressive decks
Something something Power Creep.
Bye bye Classic Wild.
Cute, but seems to be pack filler to me. As people mentioned, a 2/2 doesn't cut it anymore without any kind of effect or fitting a specific tribe, even for 1 mana. That said, this card might still fit some aggressive decks to fuel cards like Brazen Zealot. Enchanted Raven saw play in token Druid, and now we have a neutral variant.
Wasn't that 2 mana?
Enchanted Raven but for everyone. Do they want it, though; that is the question. No tribal synergy can be majorly off-putting for some classes.
1 mana 2/2 is a strong play for any token/zoo deck, but not having any tribal tag might mean the opportunity cost of this is too high for aggro archetypes.
arena only..why in the world would anyone play this normally..
it's a card I guess, zoo might want to run this, synergy with carpet but no more than that.. zoo always is good at the start of the expansion so we will see.
I don't see this card as a staple since it has no tribal tag, or any text (like divine shield,deathrattle or reborn) the 1/1 alternate "2/2"s have
1-mana 2/2 for every class seems very good, and yet there are still better options that are more specialized than this card.
I can see this not seeing as much play in Wild, but might be quite strong in standard, and possibly Arena.
I mean, if you are in need of a 1-drop. This guy is always here.
There isn't much to say about this card, it is pretty straight forward. It is just good, 2/2 for 1 is a good 1-drop. So this will see play in aggro/midrange decks.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Pack filler - LAZY pack filler at that. Booo.
Aggressive decks want to play something on turn 1. Not always they do have enough things that they want to run at that cost, in those cases they can put this card as an early pressure.
Is not super strong, but has his merit in my opinion
Strong card in my opinion. We will see a lot in arena and in all aggressive deck that need a solid early game
1 mana 2/2 pack filler, but spooky nonetheless
Not bad, not really great either. It will probably see some play, but since there's no tribe, it won't be so great.
Very solid 1-drop stats. Not sure it'll join the meta unless this makes a Magic Carpet zoolock build suddenly meta
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
WHYYYYY?? Why has this set to be this strong? A 1 mana 2/2 without any downside is just not healthy.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
strong for every zoo o token, but not as OP as it seems
insane arena card, pretty bad anywhere
1 mana 2/2 should always be strong. Aggro and token decks will love running this.
More dragons? Yes please!
Pack filler, there's no reason to run this .. But it's a strange cards, I have to admit.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Ey its that raven except for it's not a beast good arena I guess love the art but otherwise pack filler I wish this gnome had a better effect or stats because I think this art is great
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This could work only in an aggro or token deck. I'm not very interested in it.
Will be interesting to see if this can find it's home in constructed. Probably not. In arena though, amazing 1 drop. Art is good.
Crow but neutral. Pretty strong, but I think meta has too powerful cards to be played
This card might be played in Zoo or Token decks. It is also a decent 1 drop in the arena.
Isn't it a lot of 1 drops for one single expansion?
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
[Hearthstone Card (Saronite Taskmaster) Not Found] has seen play this might too.
A solid expansion filler. That's all i guess) Decent for arena, unplayable on ladder.
Potentially acts like a pre-nerf Leper Gnome, letting aggro decks chip in damage right out the starting gate. However the lack of a tribal synergy means it might lose its shine compared to 1-cost Murlocs or Beasts or Mechs.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Pretty meh card. Maybe some aggro decks desparate for 1 drops play it.
Suffers from the lack of a tribe tag, but will probably see play as a deck filler.
Never underestimate an agressive 1 drop. The most meta-defining cards of all time have mostly been 1 drops, since those can decide the fate of a game before you have mana to hero power.
More support for Magic Carpet
Decent 1 drop. May fit in to the zoo decks
Bit of a 'meeh'. Stats are good, but I'm not really seeing a use for it due to lack of synergy. Great 1 drop in arena I guess
Enchanted Raven is better because of the beast tag.
This card is good mostly for arena.
Well, we've had 1 mana 1/3 with strong upsides since the very beginning of Hearthstone. This has a similarly strong statline, but no extra effect, so I don't find it an outrageous indicator of power creep. Although power creep has happened this expansion, obviously.
A good card for Zoolock Decks. Great for Token Druid too.
Decent one drop for aggressive decks, but this does not guarantee to see play due to lack of synergy.
Very good card for it's stats and cost. Will definitely see play in arena although I don't think it will in constructed.
Textless cards have no chance to be played on ladder, in arena though it's a different story.
Fun and interactive game.
good minion even without tag. maybe will find a place in aggro decks
It was going to happen sooner or later, as a legendary it would have been to weak. Aggro will use it and maybe some other decks that lack 1 drops and can buff this card. 5 stars
I expect to see this nerfed down to 1 attack at some point.