New Warrior Spell - Ramming Speed
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Epic Warrior Spell, Ramming Speed, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Warrior Spell, Ramming Speed, has been revealed!
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The art for this looks like something I'd see on a Judas Priest album.
I guess we will still need to play around Supercollider even after it's gone...
"True mastery takes dedication."
Just goes to show how absolutely nuts Supercollider is.
Do note that this can also be cast on your own minions (for whatever that's worth)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Interesting removal, but I don't see why you'd run this when even supercollider isn't ran as it's often an overkill, except in hyper control warrior.
A single use Supercollider that doesn't require you to face tank.
This will see play eventually due to being entirely dependant on what minions are being played in the current meta...good card!
I'm not sure 1 charge of supercollider would be worth playing, even if you don't have to tank the minion with your face for it to happen. Sometimes one charge is game-winning, sure, but typically it's the ability to threaten to neuter a board turn after turn that makes that weapon so good.
great card for control. supercollider is a srong weapon. this have the benefit of not hurt your face
Until Supercollider rotates out - I doubt this one will be used. But after that....
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
A one use Supercollider that doesn't damage you is pretty interesting. Its not going to be game breaking but its nice to see warrior still getting new interesting spells after all these years.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Not to bad compare to Supercollider since you don't have to take damage and its cheaper.
supercollider but a spell.. idk how i feel about this
Interesting card to deal with big boards. Makes positioning even more important!
Seems like a weaker Betrayal. But Supercollider is a thing and this might find its way into decks when it rotates out.
This is like Supercollider only not a weapon. The fact that it is not a weapon can be good, or it can be bad.
Pros: You don't take damage. You can still play this if you already have a weapon equipped. You can do this multiple times in a turn if you already have a Supercollider on the field, or another Ramming Speed in your hand. And it costs less.
Cons: The effect only happens once and then the card is gone.
Looks like the pros outweigh the cons, granted, some of the pros are going to be irrelevant most of the time, but they are still there.
Really, this card seems super powerful. Killing a minion costs 5 mana, and this can potentially kill 2 minions, or kill one and damage another. Due to the number of minions on the field and the positioning of minions this card won't always be very consistent. But doing this on turn 3 can do a lot to slow down an aggro deck, and it can also kill multiple giants at once, an with the return of handlock plus the new mage giant, that will also be very helpful.
Another thing to consider, dealing 2 damage to two enemy minions is worth 2 mana, this card costs one extra mana and you are able to control what gets hit.
All in all this card is very powerful and it will see play in multiple warrior decks even thought they already have a bunch of options. This card is just too good for its mana cost.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I don't see this Card getting played. Betrayal isn't played and this is pretty much a copy of it. Also, Warrior has already cheaper and more effective Removal than this
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collider on a spell is bad. also worse than a rogue spell
Would just prefer a Supercollider really, not that great
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Control warrior will probably not use this, they have loads of better removal. Still, a cool card to see.
[Hearthstone Card (Betreyal) Not Found] needs a wider board to be more efficient. This needs only two minions for that.
That's why Betrayal isn't played that much. You don't face 3 minions in board so much times that Betrayal can handle two of them.
But I do think like most of the guys here, This might be good, but there are better removals for warrior for now. If someday warrior will be out of removals in next year, this might be a thing.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Lesser Supercollider but still worth it. You have a chance for 8 Supercollider effects instead of 6!
Supercolider's will- gimme that name
May be more playable after Supercollider rotates, right now I would prefer a supercollider even I have to facetank to make it work and has to prioritize taunt minions.
Once you play Supercollider you get big tempo advantage by playing huge minions and clearing their board for free while opponent has to play around your stupid weapon. Supercollider gives you tempo for atleast 2 turns while when this is played its gone and very situational dont think this will be played even after Supercollider rotates.
a 1 time supercollider without face tanking the damage..decent against big minions..against aggros its utterly useless.
You don't take any damage from casting this (unlike swinging a weapon), but getting a meager one hit of Supercollider for 3 mana is a tough sell, and Warrior already has a lot of viable 3 drop options.
I honestly would prefer to run the Supercollider, and not just because I pulled one Golden.
3 mana destroy 2 minions? Seems pretty good, but until Warpath rotates out, I don't see this card getting played over Supercollider
This ain't no place for a hero
Or could be a sleeper thanks to the wording, yet I don't have any deathrattle in mind but it may still have potential
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Not very exciting, with it being an epic card, I will not bother spending my dust on it. I fear I will open a tons of them homever.
weak compare with all the other removal tools that warrior has
Strong removal, we saw how good was Supercollider this is a one time effect rather than 3 times but you don't have to tank damage and it comes sooner or cheaper, control warrior just got even more removal.
Yeah true, could be some interesting things done with that. Though that said, in the past Warrior would usually just use Shield Slam to trigger a deathrattle if they really wanted to.9
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
This a nice card for control warrior style of decks.
If you get the max value from this card it's insane, so this card rewards people that play around it.
Is a similar concept to rolling fireball, i think cards like this are very good for the game
With all the big minions coming down this expansion, I'm sure this will see significant play.
I don't like it. I know that can trade 2 minion for 1 card...but i prefer execute because it's not situational.
It's also pretty expansive compared to Mass Hysteria for example (granted less random). This card might only find a spot in Control Warrior when Supercollider rotates out of Standard.
Seems like this will get much better in April. For now? Seems bad.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Begs the question to not run Supercolider. The answer being anti-weapon cards may be seeing play
Until Supercollider rotates out - I doubt this one will be used. But after that....
A control tool which can be used in tempo decks too. I think its very good. Warrior has weapons and a ton of rushers, so you almost always can manipulate the board to make only 2 enemy minions to fight each other.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I personally think that Betrayal is better than this, it even costs 1 mana less.
This won't see any play as long as Supercollider is in standard.
More dragons? Yes please!
A little expensive but could be THE removal tool late-game. And you don’t yourself as with Supercollider, though then weapon cab be used 3 times.
Reminds me of Betrayal. I think it's not strong enough, maybe at 2 mana would be good. At 3, hardly worth it.
Valuable for Arena though.
Useful makes me think of betrayal first before SC but this is going to be a goodish card since you could remove a threat or taunt without sacrificing any HP
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Now this is a fine card. 3 mana for removal of 2 minions, legit good. I like this card alot.
Supercollider is way better than this, and today you only run 1 copy of this weapon in control decks, why I would bother to run this? Bad
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Control warrior has already enough board clears and Supercollider. I don't think that this card will see much play right now, but maybe after the rotation next spring.
Oh wow, that's soo weak. Betrayal effect but costs more and affects only one neightbour. Also gets damage a minion which is attacking, but still supercollider's better
Seems super weak to me. In ideal scenarios this card is crazy strong, but its also difficult to make it happen all the time.
I'd say it's a situational removal card and i like to have this option! Supercollider was played a lot but it wasn't a must include card in any control warrior deck. I do not think Ramming Speed is on the same power level as Supercollider but it's strong and might be used.
Probably not worth running when Supercollider is also available? There is the option of targeting your own minions but I can’t imagine that’s particularly useful when Warrior has plenty of Whirlwind-style effects to damage their own stuff in a more controlled fashion.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Supercollider caught may players of-guard for how good it was, mainly due to its intimidation factor, since you equiped it, attacked and still had 2 charges to warn off any minion play from your opponent. This is a one time Possible removal, warrior as many of those, cheaper and better.
Very good card to remove big threats or key minions from the board. Will definitely work out well in any warrior deck.
One thing I see no-one has mentioned is the ability to combine this with Execute to remove 2 minions in virtually any scenario. Yes, admittedly it's an inefficient removal, but given both cards would be run in a control deck, it does provide that option.
The supercollider effect is good, but 3 cost is just too high. Sure it does not make you take damage, but the upside is too minor.
3 mana spell Supercollider without taking damage. Good card for aggro decks to deal with taunt minions.
It has potential, depends on how the meta shapes. It will most likely see play at some point.
Supercollider on the stick (I mean... you know...). Mana discount is nice and I don't think one time usage is such a big downside. You can combine this with weapon attack (maybe with real Supercollider) for even bigger clear.
Fun and interactive game.
I'd really like these "attack a neighbor" cards better if they hit BOTH neighbors, not random. C'est la vie.
I think this is supper bad. One of the worst class cards in the expansion and quite easy to play around. 1 stars
I think ppl really bad at reviewing cards. This is one of the best card warrior have this expansion.
2 mana cheaper is huge, because it will ruin any openning of agressive decks. Image the normal play of a CW. Pass turn 1. Aggro deck . Play a 2/1. CW armor up turn 2. Aggro deck play a 3/2. CW play this one turn 3 and both
Like supercollider, this card is also an exellent anti midrange tool. 1use is enough, because it is only cost you 3 mana
Could have seen play if it had costed a bit less, but at 3 mana I don't really see it being used, maybe as a one of when Supercollider rotates out.