Galakrond Warlock totally useless?
Submitted 5 years ago by
Has anyone found any success with Galakrond in Warlock? I've tried some Zoo strategies, but it basically gets blown out by Galakrond Shaman's rush invoke.
I've just started trying to make a more control-oriented Darkest Day Galakrond work with things like Plague of Fire to get value out of the token imps, but so far results are unclear.
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Has anyone found any success with Galakrond in Warlock? I've tried some Zoo strategies, but it basically gets blown out by Galakrond Shaman's rush invoke.
I've just started trying to make a more control-oriented Darkest Day Galakrond work with things like Plague of Fire to get value out of the token imps, but so far results are unclear.
Trumps version could be a Tier 2 deck
I wouldn't say useless - Galakrond ZooLock is doing pretty decent so far. Sure Shaman is a hard match-up but so far the Zoo-Galakrond lists are doing well.
Mabye not T1 but at least T2 !
Also saw Regis playing some ZooLock :
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
I did see a Galakrond Handlock deck earlier. It ran stuff like Jumbo Imp as well as some standard removal like Lord Godfrey and Twisting Nether.
I believe this was the deck (or at least close to it). This is in Japanese, but the deck code is below the initial post:
Summoning two imps with Galakrond does seem super underwhelming though. They couldn't even give them rush?
I really don't see any fit for Galakrond in warlock except for Veiled Worshipper and, when fully invoked the weapon. As already mentioned, i can not understand how shaman gets 2/1 Elementals with rush and warlock just some lousy 1/1 wisps with demontag.....
Could it be useful in the Plot Twist deck?
It's hard for all classes against Shaman right now so that shouldn't be the focus.
IMHO it has to be aggro to work because there's not a lot of tempo in the meta so you need to compete with aggro decks and beat control for speed.
Here is the list for anyone curious:
It struggles a bit against shaman, the main problem being the invoke twice card and the fleshshaper. Other than that though, the deck performs pretty good, with its second weakest matchup being highlander mage and the best match up rogue.
Your face is already dead
I don't get why people call the warlock galakrond bad... People say getting 2 1/1's is bad.... BUT THATS ODD PALADIN IN A NUTSHELL. I'm having trouble understanding why people call odd paladin a problem (Wild ofc) and the warlock galakrond bad. They basicly have the same hero power, for the exception of having a demon tribe instead of Silver hand synergies (Level Up!). Playing the warlock galakrond is basicly a reload. And Token Druid even used The Forest's Aid as a reload. Okay it doesn't work as good as Forest's aid, but it's a reload none the less... Maybe demon's rght now are just bad? I'm curious how well warlock galakrond functions in wild, where nearly all the really good demons are.
(This Galakrond HAS to be THE reason Doomguard was hall of famed 5 months ago)
Perhabs the reason warlock Galakrond is considered bad is because it gets outshined by Shaman Galakrond & Pirate Warrior? I truly hope the upcoming nerfs will make it so warlock galakrond gets some time to shine!
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
The problem with demons is the missing support. Maybe in a few months. But not right now.
It's more than fleshshaper or the double invoke card. The whole class has some strong synergies. The whole overload package and the new +1/1 (1 overload) as connector to the galakrond heropower/invokes.
In comparison to warlock shaman is on steroids.
Warrior for example has a fitting Galakrond as well. And rogue players will surely refine their decks. It has always been like this with combo decks
I think that Warlock could possibly go for a more control-style gameplan.
I just fought against a guy who used Expired Merchant and Soulwarden to get multiple copies of Galakrond, the Wretched (+ the Elekk/Plot Twist combo). The Standard Demon-Pool has no Mal'Ganis or Voidlord, but the random Summons are still pretty decent with things like Siegebreaker, Illidan Stormrage or just a 5-5 Sathrovarr.
Maybe this kind of Warlock-Deck could be something to consider if Shaman loses its Topspot?
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This warlock Galakrond still amuses me.. I mean, if you are playing zoo, you are meant to be playing an aggro deck. Aggro decks should not rely on hero cards, especially those that costs 7 mana
Even with the Invoke stuff to summon the imps, still the invoke cards are not aggro oriented!!!
IMO this Galakrond Warlock was an extreme design flaw. They should have created something that could make a control deck more viable.
If someone makes a competitive deck with this card, then he/she will get my applause!
GalyLock is better than I gave it credit for, but I don't believe it will ever be able to be better than T2. (And I didn't even think it could be a T2 deck before).
Sometimes, spamming 3 minions multiple turns in a row just gets there against bad starts. Even when those minions are trash and cost 3+ mana.
But it's Galakrond battlecry is still garbage because of the extreme RNG involved.
Odd Paladin is strong because it has that hero power from turn 1. Justicar Trueheart didn't see play in Paladin when it was in standard because getting that hero power in the mid to late game isn't impactful enough. This is just a repeat of that, but it's extra hard in this meta to find a place for a tempo oriented Warlock.
That's not true, Justicar Trueheart was staple in Midrange Paladin.
I'm calling Galakrond, the Wretched a semi-sleeper card. It just needs that little extra support to be competitively viable. The Zoo approach feels underwhelming to me, but maybe some sort of Midrange version might pop up soon.
Been having good success with it! Havent refined the deck though, but it has some potential. No tier 1 potential but maybe 2 or high tier 3
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I'm sorry, I misspoke, what I meant to say was that it wasn't the win condition that made any single Paladin deck work (in the way that it did for Control Warrior with Tank Up), and that's because getting an extra 1/1 in the mid to late game is strong, but not in a way that's entirely degenerative to the meta game. Having access to it on turn 1 is the reason Odd Paladin is overpowered, and Justicar Midrange Paladin's hero power was never a game-ruining problem.