Building Embiggen Druid

Submitted 4 years, 6 months ago by

Hi guys,


With the new DoD expansion out, one of the few epics I opened 2 copies of was Embiggen. Now this is a very unique card, which is similar to good ol' Prince Keleseth. When I first started building a deck around it, I had to decide what way to go. Embiggen really wants you to play as many minions as possible, because that way you can profit as much from its effect as possible. That rules out Quest Druid and Token Druid, since those run a huge amount of spells, reducing the effectivity of Embiggen.

Because the new card Breath of Dreams seemed busted as hell (and it is), I decided to take the deck into a dragon direction. The gameplan is simple: Mulligan for Embiggen and Breath of Dreams, play overstatted minions, go face, win. The sidequest Strength in Numbers is a great addition as well, because it can pull big rush minions out of your deck for large boardswings. I am only playing 1 copy of it so far because I didn't open a second one yet, and I don't like crafting cards this early. For this same reason I have not included Frizz Kindleroost, and it's also why I run Ysera instead of Ysera, Unleashed.

Currently, I have a 77% winrate. However, I am not 100% sure of the decklist yet: The early game is still a very rough area, but too many small minions interfere with the sidequest and are bad topdecks in the lategame.

Does anybody have any suggestions with which to improve my decklist, and how have you built this deck yourself? Let's brainstorm the best version of Embiggen Druid together.

  • Erodos's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Hi guys,


    With the new DoD expansion out, one of the few epics I opened 2 copies of was Embiggen. Now this is a very unique card, which is similar to good ol' Prince Keleseth. When I first started building a deck around it, I had to decide what way to go. Embiggen really wants you to play as many minions as possible, because that way you can profit as much from its effect as possible. That rules out Quest Druid and Token Druid, since those run a huge amount of spells, reducing the effectivity of Embiggen.

    Because the new card Breath of Dreams seemed busted as hell (and it is), I decided to take the deck into a dragon direction. The gameplan is simple: Mulligan for Embiggen and Breath of Dreams, play overstatted minions, go face, win. The sidequest Strength in Numbers is a great addition as well, because it can pull big rush minions out of your deck for large boardswings. I am only playing 1 copy of it so far because I didn't open a second one yet, and I don't like crafting cards this early. For this same reason I have not included Frizz Kindleroost, and it's also why I run Ysera instead of Ysera, Unleashed.

    Currently, I have a 77% winrate. However, I am not 100% sure of the decklist yet: The early game is still a very rough area, but too many small minions interfere with the sidequest and are bad topdecks in the lategame.

    Does anybody have any suggestions with which to improve my decklist, and how have you built this deck yourself? Let's brainstorm the best version of Embiggen Druid together.

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