Galakrond Shaman sprinkled with Wild cards

Last updated 5 years ago by
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The idea is simple. The goal of the deck is to swarm the board and then kill your opponent with Bloodlust. That being said the Battlecry and Galakrond cards going off are really strong and can in fact overwhelm your opponent even without Bloodlust. The Shamans Galakrond is one of the more viable ones. Not only his Invoke cards are pretty good, but his Invoke itself gives an immediate impast and payoff unlike Priest Galakrond etc. The abbility to swar the board consistently to threaten lethal every turn from midgame and further is pretty scary.

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  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Why Hot Spring Guardian

    I'd replace them with some tech cards like Eater of Secrets or Golakka Crawler

    Running both Novice Engineer and Coldlight Oracle seems a bit overkill as well. 

    Not running Mogu Fleshshaper with either Mutate or Evolve seems like a mistake currently. But maybe that will change with the nerfs next week. 

    I haven't tried to convert Galakrond to Wild yet. Guess I better do that before the nerfs come in!

    • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
      Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
      Posted 5 years ago
      1. Hot Spring Guardian is here for a heal and good taunt on curve against aggro matchups like Secret Mage or Odd Paladin etc. The reason why I don't play Secret Eaters in this deck is because it targets 1 matchup only and against other decks is just 4 mana 2/4 which feels terrible to drop at any point of game
      2. Running Novice Engineer and Coldlight Oracle may sound like an overkill until you bump into Kabal decks. Where you realise that the draw engines that you have are really important either it be for milling or recovering from the opponents Psychic Scream. This deck doesn't want to be too much in the late game because that's where Reno decks are superior. And in order to finish games faster you need a powerful draw engine
      3. It's not a mistake. My version is just Token/Bloodlust burst oriented but there are plenty versions out there which run on Evolve shell,Lifedrinker otk shell,Dragon Shell etc. I'm also not saying that my shell is the best. Keep in mind that I brewed it at the beggining of the expansion where people are experimenting and even my archievment with it on Legendary rank can be questionable due to me meeting favourable matchups etc

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