Explorer hero cards prediction?
It's quite obvious by this point Paladin, druid and Hunter will be getting hero cards each representing the explorers.. there are 4 weeks, and 4 explorers.. reno is one I really doubt the others won't be hero cards as well specially since reno isn't the "boss" of the gang it's clearly elise.
Elise: looking at the adventure Elise had a starseeker hero power of making moonsfires, so I think she will go that route with something to do with combos. her legendary uldum card also have to do with combos, so my guess is something along the lines of a 7 mana card with a hero power that generates moonfires for 2 and a battlecry that gives armor or survability. Other option is a value heavy hero power of discovering a card like in battlegrounds.
Edit: in this expansion the druid theme was treants and dragons elise has less to do with treants so she might have to do with dreams as well.
Findley will provide either murlocs or buffs, that's the thing I got from him. About the cost, I predict for him is quite low around 5 cost since his other 2 versions cost little as well. hero power. again the basis is battleground where his hero power is to give minions +1/+1 multiple times as well as the uldum adventure where he summoned 2/1 amalgams, so buffs to small minions or summon murlocs.
Edit: this expansions' paladin theme was mechs,purity and some dragons I don't think this hero card will have to do with those themes though.
Brann, is weird I would say.. battlecries. but it's hunter, and hunter and battlecries don't mesh well together(it's not the hunter's theme at all).
Maybe he will have something about weapons since his second hero power in uldum made a weapon with 1 durability I can see that hero power be the one that actually appears in game or one similar, about his costs... I am not sure, but since it's hunter and they try to push it for late game generally I guess 8 or 9...? another direction they might go with it taming dragons since it's this expansion direction for hunter so he might rushing dragons on his battlecry.
So what do you think they will be? predict away!
Edit: added some better grammar sorry about it :/
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It's quite obvious by this point Paladin, druid and Hunter will be getting hero cards each representing the explorers.. there are 4 weeks, and 4 explorers.. reno is one I really doubt the others won't be hero cards as well specially since reno isn't the "boss" of the gang it's clearly elise.
Elise: looking at the adventure Elise had a starseeker hero power of making moonsfires, so I think she will go that route with something to do with combos. her legendary uldum card also have to do with combos, so my guess is something along the lines of a 7 mana card with a hero power that generates moonfires for 2 and a battlecry that gives armor or survability. Other option is a value heavy hero power of discovering a card like in battlegrounds.
Edit: in this expansion the druid theme was treants and dragons elise has less to do with treants so she might have to do with dreams as well.
Findley will provide either murlocs or buffs, that's the thing I got from him. About the cost, I predict for him is quite low around 5 cost since his other 2 versions cost little as well. hero power. again the basis is battleground where his hero power is to give minions +1/+1 multiple times as well as the uldum adventure where he summoned 2/1 amalgams, so buffs to small minions or summon murlocs.
Edit: this expansions' paladin theme was mechs,purity and some dragons I don't think this hero card will have to do with those themes though.
Brann, is weird I would say.. battlecries. but it's hunter, and hunter and battlecries don't mesh well together(it's not the hunter's theme at all).
Maybe he will have something about weapons since his second hero power in uldum made a weapon with 1 durability I can see that hero power be the one that actually appears in game or one similar, about his costs... I am not sure, but since it's hunter and they try to push it for late game generally I guess 8 or 9...? another direction they might go with it taming dragons since it's this expansion direction for hunter so he might rushing dragons on his battlecry.
So what do you think they will be? predict away!
Edit: added some better grammar sorry about it :/
Since Galakronds were all (7), I'd go for (10) for all the LoE Hero cards.
No idea about HP and Battlecry, it could be really anything for each hero.
well, since Reno'S hero power turns out to be a complete meme I have no idea what they're going for.
Maybe some of them are buildarounds, or maybe they just support existing archetypes.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Other than that Finley will once again change your hero power, there really isn't a lot to go on other than the +3 bonus cards for week 1 of the explorer side looks suspicious. My guess there is that we get all the Finley, Elise and Brann cards week 1, and only get Reno week 4 because that is when we rescue him.
It would be out of flavour to make Finley cost a lot, so I'm interested in just how small they make him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the cheapest hero card we have seen so far at 4 mana. I also doubt he has anything to do with murlocs, since his character doesn't spend any time with murlocs.
My best guess for Brann is that he makes actual use of his gun, since he'll be the first gun-wielding hunter hero and that side of the class has been under-explored.
I have no idea with Elise. Something that is thematically studious/intelligent I'm sure.
As for actual mechanics, I would only guess they don't go in the same direction as the Uldum quests, so no choose one stuff for Elise or minion summoning for Brann. It would also be nice to get Pally's first hero power that doesn't summon minions.
The thing about galakround cards is that they are all essentially the same character and have a shared mechanic so it makes sense for them to cost the same but the explorers are quite different and as I said findley in his 2 iterations has been a low cost card so him being at 10 would be weird..
Elise could maybe do something with Cards in Hand/Handsize. Or maybe something else control-ish like Healing. Don't think they'll go with Aggro-Token for her, wouldn't really fit her Character imo.
Paladin, a Class that has Murloc-Support and a Hero, that's a Murloc... Hmm... Srsly though, not a fan of them, but COME ON, don't waste that opportunity!
And for Brann: He learned how to tame a giant Dino, so maybe his HP/Battlecry could be more related to Beasts? Has been a while since Hunter had a Deck build around Beast-Synergies. I don't think they'll go a Deathrattle or Weapons route with him. Hunter might have Weapons, but, except for 1 Card, they never had any support for it in all these years.
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Im still not 100% convinced we will get more Hero Cards, but if we do, since they said they want to build upon mechanics introduced during the entire year with GA, my guess would be that each Hero Card could bring back something from other sets during the year, not just DoD.
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(Not a prediction but something like these is my dream for the other explorers.)
Elise is a leader and educator so
BATTLECRY: Add one of the "Wisdom of Elise" battlecries to each minion in hand
HERO POWER: Teach a minion, 2 mana randomly give +1/+2, taunt, or full heal to a friendly minion
Bran's a hunter so
BATTLECRY: Fill your board with random dinosaur minions that are part of Bran's hunting pack of trained dinosaurs (non-collectible minions)
HERO POWER: Mark prey, 2 mana mark an enemy minion. Your minions do 1 extra damage to it. Whichever minion kills it can't die as a result (left with 1 health).
Finley's a gentleman explorer so
BATTLECRY: Discover one of Finley's treasures
HERO POWER: Search for treasure. 2 mana blind discover, so you just see three card backs. One of them gives you one of Finley's treasures. The other two are just sand.)
Yo this is sick: now I want it.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I predict the "Heroes" to revolve around something like this:
Reno - RNG
Brann - Dinosaurs
Finley - Murlocs
Elise - Discovering
All will probably cost 10 mana.