What class/deck do you play to beat Mech Paladin?
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What class/deck do you play to beat Mech Paladin?
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What class/deck do you play to beat Mech Paladin?
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What class/deck do you play to beat Mech Paladin?
Probably best is control shaman or any deck with 2 silence/sap/hex with enough tempo
Definitely Rogue. Just running saps puts the paladin in such a difficult spot. Not to mention the possibility of more saps, vanishes, walk the planks, etc. from spell lackeys.
Silence Priest is generally very effective against it. I'm not yet 100% convinced Silence Priest is viable tho, I'm only getting about a 50% win rate with it so far.
Maybe the meta decks should consider Tech-ing E.M.P. Operatives (5 mana 3/3 destroy a mech). Its also good against Pogo Rogue and Mech Hunter and other mech-based decks. What do you think boys?
^ Against mech hunter and especially paladin, half the time the biggest concern isn't even the big burly mech itself, but all the deathrattles it has stored up, and the potential to reanimate it if you kill it. That's why silences, bounces and transform effects are so much better at dealing with mechs than just "destroy a mech". The last thing you want to do is put that juiced up Mechano-Egg in the Kangor pool.
So no, I don't really expect EMP Operative to become a popular tech option. Owls and Spellbreakers for the classes that don't have access to better options are likely though. Hell, don't be surprised if you encounter a few cheeky Warriors running Tinkmaster Overspark, especially in the slower, more controlling lists.
Shaman and mage are the best counters.
I'm genuinely surprised at those rogue stats, especially for pogo rogue. Maybe I just got lucky, maybe those lists aren't running double sap, or maybe my opponents have been playing the deck wrong, but to me it's felt like one of the easier matchups because of the lack of pressure from the pally and ease of dealing with their mid-game threats. It also helps that the deck doesn't have an answer to a stealthed Spirit of the Shark. By the time they can finally break their Mechano-Eggs you should have Pogo-hoppers that can fight toe-to-toe with Robosaurs.
Pogo rogue has always been a deck that's really popular, but pretty difficult to play. As such, its stats don't reflect its actual power, much like miracle priest. A lot of lesser players lower its actual win percentage.
I took Mech Paladin to rank 2 tonight. Then, every opponent was running silence. I expected it from Shamans or the occasional Priest. But I started to see Hunters running 2 ironbeak owls and Warriors even running spellbreakers. It was infuriating. So trust me, there are plenty of ways to counter this deck.
Devolve is an Old Gods card, it's 2 years in the wild format
Is mech paladin a problem? I haven't seen it on ladder at all. I run a version that also has the immortal prelate cards in it.
I check the statistics and saw that Murloc Shaman has 65% winrate against it . I dont know how . Maybe Bloodlust is the key card
nah it is Earth Shock and Hex..
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Mech paladin is the unintended victim of the post-buff metagame, where everyone is teching in silence/bounce/transform effects to beat Sn1p-Sn4p and Pogo hoppers. The deck wasn't that great before, but at least it could get in the odd win against aggro decks with zero silences.
I run mech paladin. What tends to kill me are:
1. Silence/transform/ext. Note that instakill helps me as I make big mechs to make them die. So bouncing/silencing/so on easily ruins my day, especially if I go all in.
2. Killing small mechs. The exception comes here. Having to play small mechs due to pressure then seeing them die doesn't really help me much. It's also a good idea because, at least in my version, I tend to be able to dump A LOT of stats into a standing mech especially if they've been buffed or had their mana lowered.
So basically do both. Put a bit of pressure early on so that I can sit around until I can stack 3 cheap mechs on top of each other and have to either put smaller fry on to hold the board or dump everything into a big boy. Once the big boy shows, silence/transform/ext and the game ends.
Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions?
Had a crazy game where I had an army of mountain giants (4) as mage and he had this huge buffed taunt mechs...but no way to remove my board. I discovered another conjuring spell but man I really had to sacrifice 3(!) mountain giants on one resurrected buffed mech having more than 20 health.
Finally all his buffed craziness was removed but we still had to play more turns since we both were low on cards in hand by now. In the end I managed to win but that was one crazy Giants vs big mech's game.
What can also help in your games is just freeze those big mechs (as mage) get some fireballs with Antonidas and shoot away.
Those techs are also a direct response to the increase in Mech Paladin power and popularity, including Glowstone Tech. It's not unintended at all.
It cost too much for it's stat cost.
Plus, mech has often deathrattle.
It's not a great card against other deck, it's a dead card to be honest.
not slot worthy
For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord
Been having good luck with control warrior ... IF ... the Paladin doesn't play smart. Running double silence, I let them dump as many mech's into one minion, then silence and kill it. It's working for now, but it won't be too long before they adapt and start going wide instead of trying to build one or two super-mech's.