Anybody else sick of reno mage in wild?
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
they just always get ice block into reno into perfect kazakus spell into perfect random spells into just kill me now please...can't even go to casual to try and get away from it they're literally everywhere.
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they just always get ice block into reno into perfect kazakus spell into perfect random spells into just kill me now please...can't even go to casual to try and get away from it they're literally everywhere.
Eh, I don't mind the deck as much as secret mage.
Besides, if you keep losing to ice block into Reno then why not just add some secret tech to get through that ice block the turn before they can drop reno.
Pretty much the only decks that Highlander Mage reliably beats in Wild are greedy control decks, so either you're playing too greedy, getting unlucky, or playing the matchup very wrong.
I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake
I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
I dont mind it except for the fact they can get their combo running on turn 10. Thats fucked up. Anything else is fine. Secret mage on the other hand oh boy i hate it
When I play Wild, I'd rather face this stuff any time, instead of the Standard decks I typically see. Seriously, most of my Wild matches are against the Standards lists for Galakrond Zoolock, Galakrond Rogue, Face Hunter, and Tempo Galakrond Warrior. They don't run a single Wild card. I go to Wild to get AWAY from the stale Standard meta. The nutty control/combo decks I play in Wild have much better odds against Reno Mage than those streamlined Standard netdecks.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
You could try and run the new anti-Battlecry tech card: that makes Reno unavailable for a full turn.