Custom Adventure to replace Galakrond's Awakening - feedback appreciated

Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

Hello everyone,

Following the reveal of Galakrond's Awakening, I got inspired to get creative and try to make my own adventure.

This is my first time trying to design a custom set of cards, and I'm at that point where I finished it and want to see other people's opinions about it.

The set would be the last of the Year of the Dragon (and kind of like an imaginary alternative to Galakrond's Awakening). My main goal was to create a set of 35 cards that would be coherent, that would bring freshness to the current meta, that would support multiple archetypes for all classes, that would be powerful (to follow up on DoD), that would be fun, that would be (at least somewhat) balanced, and that would bring a slightly slower pace to the game, in order to make the mid-game shine more for all classes. As I tried to focus on the actual playability of the cards themselves, I didn't try to think too much about a theme or try to be too innovative (no new keywords, etc). I instead went for the "Galakrond's Awakening"'s route of trying to expend on the current sets, as well as bringing back some keywords from this year. The goal wasn't to have each card make you go WOW but to just create a proper collection that would try to respect Hearthstone's design philosophy in a world where Galakrond's Awakening didn't really happen.

I will be commenting on most cards to provide some insights. Also, forgive me if sometimes the flavor is awkward, I tried my best to at least make everything look decent !

Each class gets 1 common, 1 rare, and 1 legendary. There are 2 neutrals of each rarity. Enjoy.



Totems can be used for many things, especially with all the Lackeys around, so this aims to negate the drawbacks of Overloading by giving you something to do when you can't do much.I believe that evolve is a fun mechanic, and I think such a card would give the archetype a lot of juice, especially since its effect can be triggered multiple times unlike spells. Synergizes with Primal Invocation quite nicely.Very versatile, great value for a struggling class. Not an oppressive early game due to poor stats and overload.



I believe Mage could use the help of a powerful, slow 1-drop that could be used across most of its archetypes.Fun, versatile spell that aims to ease your curve a bit, if you highroll. Awesome in Cyclone decks.A strong, relatively cheap tempo play to make up for the lack of good 4-drops in Mage, that I think would fit greatly with the rest of the cards.



We saw the impact of Winged Guardian, and I believe priest could use a strong minion as well, but without the frankly obnoxious Taunt keyword. The optional battlecry is there because Priest has a lot of ways to buff its minions.Giving love to control Priest but without giving love to resurrect Priest. Can also be used in combo decks, I guess.This card has a lot of potential and I love it. Insane tempo and value, at the "cost" of delaying fatigue. Priest could really use some fun stuff like this that doesn't fall into either combo or resurrect archetypes.



I really like zoolock as an archetype because it revolves around "carry" minions and "enabler" minions that all need to work together, unlike Galakrond Warlock which is just token spamming.Handlock is finally a thing and it would be a shame to see it go. Also great in zoo.What is great with Warlock is that it's also a fun control class. This one could surely make for some cool moments.



Nowadays, Rogue revolves quite a bit around finding answers out of thin air. I like this philosophy, even if I can see how it can be frustrating, as an opponent, when you don't know what to expect. Really good to complete the Uldum quest, too.Rogue doesn't have insane expensive spells, so this can't really be abused... unless you find a way to abuse it. Probably a bit too good with Togwaggle ?And even more craziness, to conclude from the last two cards. Have fun !



Sure, Mech Paladin would love this, but how about some support for control Paladin while we're at it ? please ?Just a sweet weapon with great value in the early game.Now, all we needed was to give control Paladin a win condition. Hope this does it.


A tool to deal with all the Rush minions in the current meta. Batterhead better watch out! Also neat against Divine Shield minions.Great value overall, always welcome in most Hunter decks in my opinion.An argument in favor of giving Secret Hunter a real purpose.



A really powerful minion to keep the board in check, and that synergizes with most Warrior minions.Control Warrior is still a thing, Dr Boom isn't gone yet, I believe such a minion could be of use.Pirate Warrior needs a leader. Also, this is just a very strong minion that most Warrior archetypes would appreciate.



Ferocious Howl is rotating out, and I think it needs a replacement.OK, maybe this card doesn't need to exist, but Treant Druid is finally somewhat viable, so let's embrace it !A decent minion for ramp/control/quest Druid, if you can enable him. Potentially spooky depending on how easy Druid can get Armor.



Just a fun RNG 2-drop.A minion that hides among the Lackeys.Delay your draw but stop aggro. Worth it ?
The packfiller of the set Again, basically a minion that synergizes with all the Lackeys.The set is heavily centered around giving control decks more power, so I believe such a card would be welcome in some aggro decks.I made sure to design some neat 6-drops just to so I could justify this card because I like it. Very fun in my opinion.

Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle!And at last, a final love letter to Highlander decks. 


Thank you for reading my thread ! I hope you had fun. I sure did. Getting creative like that felt awesome. Can't wait to see what the next year will bring.

Feel free to reply !

  • Cocoduf's Avatar
    350 81 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    Following the reveal of Galakrond's Awakening, I got inspired to get creative and try to make my own adventure.

    This is my first time trying to design a custom set of cards, and I'm at that point where I finished it and want to see other people's opinions about it.

    The set would be the last of the Year of the Dragon (and kind of like an imaginary alternative to Galakrond's Awakening). My main goal was to create a set of 35 cards that would be coherent, that would bring freshness to the current meta, that would support multiple archetypes for all classes, that would be powerful (to follow up on DoD), that would be fun, that would be (at least somewhat) balanced, and that would bring a slightly slower pace to the game, in order to make the mid-game shine more for all classes. As I tried to focus on the actual playability of the cards themselves, I didn't try to think too much about a theme or try to be too innovative (no new keywords, etc). I instead went for the "Galakrond's Awakening"'s route of trying to expend on the current sets, as well as bringing back some keywords from this year. The goal wasn't to have each card make you go WOW but to just create a proper collection that would try to respect Hearthstone's design philosophy in a world where Galakrond's Awakening didn't really happen.

    I will be commenting on most cards to provide some insights. Also, forgive me if sometimes the flavor is awkward, I tried my best to at least make everything look decent !

    Each class gets 1 common, 1 rare, and 1 legendary. There are 2 neutrals of each rarity. Enjoy.



    Totems can be used for many things, especially with all the Lackeys around, so this aims to negate the drawbacks of Overloading by giving you something to do when you can't do much.I believe that evolve is a fun mechanic, and I think such a card would give the archetype a lot of juice, especially since its effect can be triggered multiple times unlike spells. Synergizes with Primal Invocation quite nicely.Very versatile, great value for a struggling class. Not an oppressive early game due to poor stats and overload.



    I believe Mage could use the help of a powerful, slow 1-drop that could be used across most of its archetypes.Fun, versatile spell that aims to ease your curve a bit, if you highroll. Awesome in Cyclone decks.A strong, relatively cheap tempo play to make up for the lack of good 4-drops in Mage, that I think would fit greatly with the rest of the cards.



    We saw the impact of Winged Guardian, and I believe priest could use a strong minion as well, but without the frankly obnoxious Taunt keyword. The optional battlecry is there because Priest has a lot of ways to buff its minions.Giving love to control Priest but without giving love to resurrect Priest. Can also be used in combo decks, I guess.This card has a lot of potential and I love it. Insane tempo and value, at the "cost" of delaying fatigue. Priest could really use some fun stuff like this that doesn't fall into either combo or resurrect archetypes.



    I really like zoolock as an archetype because it revolves around "carry" minions and "enabler" minions that all need to work together, unlike Galakrond Warlock which is just token spamming.Handlock is finally a thing and it would be a shame to see it go. Also great in zoo.What is great with Warlock is that it's also a fun control class. This one could surely make for some cool moments.



    Nowadays, Rogue revolves quite a bit around finding answers out of thin air. I like this philosophy, even if I can see how it can be frustrating, as an opponent, when you don't know what to expect. Really good to complete the Uldum quest, too.Rogue doesn't have insane expensive spells, so this can't really be abused... unless you find a way to abuse it. Probably a bit too good with Togwaggle ?And even more craziness, to conclude from the last two cards. Have fun !



    Sure, Mech Paladin would love this, but how about some support for control Paladin while we're at it ? please ?Just a sweet weapon with great value in the early game.Now, all we needed was to give control Paladin a win condition. Hope this does it.


    A tool to deal with all the Rush minions in the current meta. Batterhead better watch out! Also neat against Divine Shield minions.Great value overall, always welcome in most Hunter decks in my opinion.An argument in favor of giving Secret Hunter a real purpose.



    A really powerful minion to keep the board in check, and that synergizes with most Warrior minions.Control Warrior is still a thing, Dr Boom isn't gone yet, I believe such a minion could be of use.Pirate Warrior needs a leader. Also, this is just a very strong minion that most Warrior archetypes would appreciate.



    Ferocious Howl is rotating out, and I think it needs a replacement.OK, maybe this card doesn't need to exist, but Treant Druid is finally somewhat viable, so let's embrace it !A decent minion for ramp/control/quest Druid, if you can enable him. Potentially spooky depending on how easy Druid can get Armor.



    Just a fun RNG 2-drop.A minion that hides among the Lackeys.Delay your draw but stop aggro. Worth it ?
    The packfiller of the set Again, basically a minion that synergizes with all the Lackeys.The set is heavily centered around giving control decks more power, so I believe such a card would be welcome in some aggro decks.I made sure to design some neat 6-drops just to so I could justify this card because I like it. Very fun in my opinion.

    Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle!And at last, a final love letter to Highlander decks. 


    Thank you for reading my thread ! I hope you had fun. I sure did. Getting creative like that felt awesome. Can't wait to see what the next year will bring.

    Feel free to reply !

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