Does your Elysianna see much play?

Submitted 5 years ago by

Hi all, popping my OOC cherry here, so go easy...

I was just wondering what people's experience of archivist elysianna is in control warrior. I unpacked her last weekend and crafted the last few epics I needed to make the deck and have been having a lot of fun with it, but I've been a bit disappointed in the performance of elysianna. It seems like most games end before fatigue, so I rarely have cause to use her, which is a shame  as the idea of having to quickly draft a new deck at the end of a game seems like a lot of fun.

I just wanted to know what other players' experience of the deck has been. How often do you actually play elysianna? Are there circumstances in which you use her not just as an anti-fatigue tool (eg vs bomb warrior, etc)? Or, if you don't run her, do you feel it makes much of a difference to your win rate? 

Love to hear your thoughts :)

  • Majere's Avatar
    490 180 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Hi all, popping my OOC cherry here, so go easy...

    I was just wondering what people's experience of archivist elysianna is in control warrior. I unpacked her last weekend and crafted the last few epics I needed to make the deck and have been having a lot of fun with it, but I've been a bit disappointed in the performance of elysianna. It seems like most games end before fatigue, so I rarely have cause to use her, which is a shame  as the idea of having to quickly draft a new deck at the end of a game seems like a lot of fun.

    I just wanted to know what other players' experience of the deck has been. How often do you actually play elysianna? Are there circumstances in which you use her not just as an anti-fatigue tool (eg vs bomb warrior, etc)? Or, if you don't run her, do you feel it makes much of a difference to your win rate? 

    Love to hear your thoughts :)

    May all your legendaries be golden.

  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I dusted mine during the nerf period, with the expectation that I'd craft her again sometime later or maybe get her in a pack. She was useful for Control Warrior mirrors, but outside of that I had a similar experience where I just didn't need her. For a time, I put in Azalina Soulthief for the mirrors so that I could just let my opponent bring his Archivist Elysiana to the party, and I could kindly borrow her. But I've since moved on to other decks at the moment.

  • MarvelOfRain's Avatar
    210 30 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I dusted her and instead played Bomb Warrior with the idea that if I really want to come back to control Warrior I would craft her again. Haven't done it yet since Warrior is mostly anti-aggro / anti-rogue deck for me, but I sometimes slot in an [Hearthstone Card (Azalina Soulthief) Not Found] for the Mirror.

    “Some men aren't looking for anything logical. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”


  • SqueeZ's Avatar
    30 2 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Not really much: it was there just for mirrors but I've found, as others already said, more value from Azalina after the nerf.

    Also Azalina may is more flexible than Elysiana.

  • Mackie26's Avatar
    60 2 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I dusted mine for full value and then used that dust to craft Luna's Pocket Galaxy. I already got the 1600 dust to craft Elysiana back and she's a fine card but she honestly seems unnecessary to me on the current meta.

    1. I really don't feel like playing Control Warrior, the deck is just so slow and with the current meta being so hostile against it, it seems like I'm just wasting time, all the tier 1 decks and a lot of tier 2s have amazing match-ups against Control Warrior so you're playing long af games that you're kinda loosing from the start just based on match-ups.

    2. Bomb Warrior is just better atm. It's not like the deck is the best either, it suffers (mostly) from the same bad match-ups than Control Warrior and it's a kinda mid-range deck that has a lot of aggression but also a lot of cards to stabilize and get back into the game but it also has a solid and somewhat consistent finisher in the bombs which makes games not take as long as the Control counterpart.

    3. You usually won't need Elysiana anyways. On the past meta (the immediate one), Elysiana was a must cause there were so many Control Warriors that if you didn't have her, you just lost on the MU, the chances of you out-tempoing and killing your opponent on the mirror is hella low, so you absolutely needed her. The truth is that Control Warrior almost disappeared form the meta, I honestly haven't played against a single Control Warrior since the nerfs, all of them have been bombs as it is the more solid archetype.

    4. I feel like Azalina Soulthief is the better card right now. Not saying that she's good or that she should be core on the deck but she definitely feels like a more solid choice. Why? Well, you almost never need Elysiana right? And she's a card that 9/10 is gonna rot in your hand for literally the entire game and Azalina at least gives you a chance to get back into the game if your hand ever runs out of fuel while also keeping the value of allowing you to fight on the mirror, you know they'll save Elysiana until they have like 1 or no cards left so knowing when to play Azalina is stupid easy on the mirror.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Generally agree with what others have said, but one thing I have found that really messes with people and can often result in "wins I probably wouldn't/shouldn't have gotten" is playing Archivist Elysiana BEFORE fatigue. Basically if I think I'm either already sunk or have a window to a win condition I'll roll the dice i.e. last week my opponent and I were both was down to <10 HP, so I used Elysiana with maybe 12-15 cards still in my deck because I was specifically hoping for Charge minions or face spells for lethal and managed to get a Wolfrider that helped me get the win. I think of it kind of like Myra's Unstable Element - one of us is going to win this right now; either me if the Hail Mary works, or them if it doesn't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Trollbert's Avatar
    Excited Elf 510 338 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I have an anti-control control shaman. Use it a lot there with a double shot of value from a withheld shudderwok for being nigh unfatigueable and to destroy bombs.

    Had a warrior load up 6 bombs with a lot of emote spamming.  I dropped her and he rage quit.  Emotional value card.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Archivist Elysiana, in my opinion, is a horrible card. She's only run in control decks. And because she's run in those decks, every single control deck is forced to run her, despite her not being of any use in any other matchup. If a control deck does not run her and they're matched up against a control deck that does run her, the player who doesn't have Elysianna instantly loses due to fatigue. 

    So what we end up with are control mirror matches that take even longer than they should to begin with. Only to eventually be decided by 'who gets better cards from Elysiana'. 


    TL;DR: She is pretty much useless in any matchup that isn't control vs control. If you don't run her, you will lose every control mirror match. It's up to you and the decks you face on ladder if you want to include her or not.

  • Synesthesy's Avatar
    240 142 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Archivist Elysiana is a tech card. She should used only when the deck she counters (other control warrior or other infinite value no fatigue deck, standard or wild) are too much at your rank, and your win rate isn't enough high.

    If either one condition isn't met, you should not play it. Just like you don't play Dirty Rat in a meta without combo deck.

  • Tetsuo's Avatar
    Magma Rager 840 638 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    TL;DR: She is pretty much useless in any matchup that isn't control vs control. If you don't run her, you will lose every control mirror match. It's up to you and the decks you face on ladder if you want to include her or not.

    I think I agree. I've never used her in non-control matchups. Most of the time, she's just a dead card in your hand. She's essential in Control Warrior mirrors, but also responsible for making those games unbearably loooong. 

    I don't regret dusting her after the nerf. 

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