Quest in Highlander Mage
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
Hey guys, lurker doing his first post
I really enjoy playing Highlander mage, especially using The Amazing Reno. However, one thing that I see most people agree on is that his hero power is... lacking, to say the least.
What I was thinking is that you add Raid the Sky Temple into the deck. Maybe you mulligan it back into your deck, or keep it. It depends on what you think that matchup is going to be. Then, after you play reno, you complete the quest and get back a decent hero power, at least one that's better than random spells milling your entire deck. This strat may be to slow, but if it's against Hunter, maybe you just mulligan the quest.
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Hey guys, lurker doing his first post
I really enjoy playing Highlander mage, especially using The Amazing Reno. However, one thing that I see most people agree on is that his hero power is... lacking, to say the least.
What I was thinking is that you add Raid the Sky Temple into the deck. Maybe you mulligan it back into your deck, or keep it. It depends on what you think that matchup is going to be. Then, after you play reno, you complete the quest and get back a decent hero power, at least one that's better than random spells milling your entire deck. This strat may be to slow, but if it's against Hunter, maybe you just mulligan the quest.
Open to Hear Suggestions
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Highlander mage is in a peculiar spot where it's fantastic against all classes except for hunter. Which is by far the most popular class.
Hunters kill the mages before they can come online and mages need all the survivability they can get.
Wasting one of your mulligan options to look for said survivability for a win condition that you won't ever need anyway is therefore a big no-no.
I'm genuinely confused why you'd run Amazing Reno if you're not going to use the hero power. Surely there are better options than burning a card slot and potentially a mulligan opportunity to be able to play a 10 mana Twisting Nether...
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I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
Thanks for the Feedback. I was thinking more of a solution to a problem than actually deck construction with this post I guess. I guess mage already wins the long game, no need to extra win.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
I think the Twisting Nether compassion is a little short-selling Reno. It's more like Plague of Death (with the silence-like effect)with a small upside of messing with res priest (Ironically, the deck that runs plague of death) and Mech Paladin. As for why I run Reno, highlander only allows you to have one of each card. Board clears that mage has are Reno the Relicologist, Flamestrike, Blizzard, and Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron (sometimes). I found myself sometimes getting overrun by swarmy decks or ones with enough health to live Reno or Flamestrike. The Amazing Reno allows me to deal with ANY size board, and screw over some decks like the above-mentioned ones or Treant druid with Soul of the Forest. Also, casting the occasional spell may win you games, but eventually, you want to stop when you're close to fatigue if you're worried about drawing cards. That is why I run Amazing Reno, even if it is just for the complete board wipe. (Edit was for spelling)
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Don't know about that, I definitely use ping a lot playing highlander mage. And also the thing is: to complete quest Raid the Sky Temple you need to play 10 spells and highlander mage runs like 12 and 4 spell generators (maly/kaly/2/2/arcane breath). So basically you don't complete it till turn 10 in most cases. And there we have it:
1) You don't want to lose a card on your mulligan
2) Deck poorly synergies with quest (most of the spells are big and don't generate more)
3) Quest reward is not good enough, in some cases you don't even want to replace ping for random spell (for 2 mana)
It would be an ok addition to the deck if it was "discover a spell" I guess, but since it's random spell it's just trash tier honestly.
Well i saw some Highlander Mage Lists with Quest but i personaly prefer them without.
Like others mentioned above - the Quest usualy has poor synergies with the usual Highlander lists and the reward is not good enough in highlander mage.
I realy prefer Reno because of the board clear - and sure he can "betray" you with his random spells but also can safe you :)
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KillaFish isn't talking about replacing ping. He is talking about replacing The Amazing Reno hero power.
But that is a good point about the quest being nearly impossible to complete.
Carrion, my wayward grub.