It seems that we're finally getting into that delightful swing between official information and leaked information for the upcoming expansion.

Ridiculous Hatter of Coin Concede brought to our attention some information from Twitter user @basedinc, highlighting that there's pre-release Fireside Gatherings planned for April 5th at Microsoft Stores! We did some digging ourselves and found several other Microsoft Store Fireside Gatherings planned for the same date.


First image from @basedinc, via Ridiculous Hatter // Second image from us

In the past, pre-release Fireside Gatherings have taken place the weekend before the expansion goes live; April 5th is a Sunday, pegging our release date as the following Tuesday, April 7th.

What do you think of this potentially short schedule between reveal and release? Does it take some of the sting out of the lack of information so far? Let us know in the comments!