JoJo Stands as Legendaries!

Submitted 5 years ago by

Stands and their abilities from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure in Hearthstone! What do you think?

  • KingKuba's Avatar
    Forest 310 77 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Stands and their abilities from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure in Hearthstone! What do you think?

  • Lightspoon's Avatar
    Merfolk 495 405 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    While the flavor is all there (good job!), some of them will be unplayable at best: Hyerophant Green it's almost a dead card in late game unless it will be able to target also the enemy hero and Metallica won't even have sense since Warlock's HP is to draw a card.

    Also, Dio Brando is sad because you didn't put his Za Wardo :(

    "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"

  • Hellmorgar's Avatar
    Charmander 525 24 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Lightspoon
    Metallica won't even have sense since Warlock's HP is to draw a card.

    I think this is about "deal 2 damage" part.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I like killer queen, but the stat line is horrendously bad, bomb cards have been mostly vanilla stated -1~-0.5 mana card of vanilla value, killer queen is a legendary so it's power budget is a bit higher.. so I would say either 5 mana, or up +2 hp.

    Sticky Fingers doesn't make sense really he can tear apart a person not make a person into little functional parts.. hmm dunno how would you go about it to implement in HS but the ability doesn't match.

    Hierograph green is just bad, too much price for an ok effect.. I mean you start from 1 mana again.. that's a BIG downside... it should be able to hit the enemy hero but only spend the remaining crystals and not all of them.. or dunno.. this card is very toxic in design, it doesnt' fit kakyoin too much though.. I mean his emerald splash doesn't really makes him that much weaker after use should do some AOE random damage that much I agree.

    Metalica, I mean.. would warlock really use such card.. it's a 4 mana hero power upgrade... is it thematic as well to deal damage you would have take.. that's more of the lovers ability rather than metalica, metalica is a straight damage stand rather than "self damage= your damage"

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    ^The pertinent thing about Killer Queen is that it's not just shuffling a bomb in, it's *replacing* a card in the deck with a bomb. Obviously a high roll scenario, but imagine hitting the opponent's Shirvallah in OTF paladin, that's just game right there. The potential to kill key cards in the opponent's deck is definitely worth more than just the generic 5 damage bomb, so it justifies the statline. Heck, I'd say the card is generous with its stats/mana considering what it does. It's a combo-killer in a class that naturally wants to play control and thus is vulnerable to comboes. Oh and let's not forget that the effect repeats itself if the Queen sticks, so there's that as well.


    Of the bunch I think it's the most well-designed card in that it compliments Warrior's natural game plan.


    Sticky Fingers seems underpowered. On average you're putting more stats into play than you're removing, so unless you're killing a giant Edwin or a utility minion, chances are this doesn't improve matters all that much. Barring narrow scenarios like the opponent already having a full board or being resurrect priest, i don't really see much utility in the card.


    Black Sabbath I dislike simply because I dislike Stealth in general. The card is underpowered, but any deck that could make him work wouldn't be fun to play against: bunch of stealths going face until you die, meh.


    Star platinum is neat. Might be one mana too cheap but the card has obvious synergy between its attributes as well as decently representing Star Platinum as a character. Would play over Icehowl ten times out of ten.

    I dislike the wording on Aerosmith, not sure if it could even be made to work. Just have it battlecry to remove taunt, divine shield and stealth from all minions instead.

    Hierophant Green just seems bad. Even if you're ahead on board after it kills the opponent's stuff, you're all in on what you have because you're back to one mana next turn.


    I get what Metallica is trying to do, but I dislike the wording and suspect that hero power: draw a card & deal 2 damage to enemy minion is ridiculously OP.  If it were a minion like Garrison Commander that only provided the upgraded hero power while in play I'd be a lot more comfortable with it.


    King Crimson seems both too powerful and confusing as worded. If you negate your opponent's 3 actions, were the cards still spent? Suppose your opponent performed 2 actions and you end up negating your own flamestrike as well, does that return any minions killed to the game? etc.


    How many cards would hermit purple reveal? The full hand? 3? Either way the card seems fine, if a bit underwhelming for a legendary spell.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    ^The pertinent thing about Killer Queen is that it's not just shuffling a bomb in, it's *replacing* a card in the deck with a bomb. Obviously a high roll scenario, but imagine hitting the opponent's Shirvallah in OTF paladin, that's just game right there. The potential to kill key cards in the opponent's deck is definitely worth more than just the generic 5 damage bomb, so it justifies the statline. Heck, I'd say the card is generous with its stats/mana considering what it does. It's a combo-killer in a class that naturally wants to play control and thus is vulnerable to comboes. Oh and let's not forget that the effect repeats itself if the Queen sticks, so there's that as well.


    Of the bunch I think it's the most well-designed card in that it compliments Warrior's natural game plan. 

    Oh I am dumb I didn't read the card didn't read it's an end of turn effect.. it's probably too good then..

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    No worries, at first glance I assumed it was a battlecry as well. Definitely too good for the stats it has RN, should probably be somethingcloser to an 8 mana 4/6.

  • KingKuba's Avatar
    Forest 310 77 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    King Crimson seems both too powerful and confusing as worded. If you negate your opponent's 3 actions, were the cards still spent? Suppose your opponent performed 2 actions and you end up negating your own flamestrike as well, does that return any minions killed to the game? etc.

    King Crimson's ability is actually really, I mean, really simple. It's like instead of you playing Ragnaros and your opponent trading it and playing Grull, the only thing that happened is a 5/5 played on your battlefield side. Your Ragnaros is in your hand, an enemy minion is still alive, Grull is in your opponent's hand. These events never took place.

    And these are not just your opponent's actions, but ALL actions. Of course King Crimson's enter as an action is shown after its Battlecry.

    Oh and yeah, Hermit Purple reveals all the cards that are currently in enemy's hand, just like N'Zoth summons all dead Deathrattle minions.

  • magmalizard's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 290 145 Posts Joined 03/15/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    is that a jojo reference

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