It's just my impression ...
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
... or this expansion will be extremely overpowered ?
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... or this expansion will be extremely overpowered ?
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... or this expansion will be extremely overpowered ?
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Many revealed cards are very strong, yes. We'll have to see if the whole expansion is OP. But since DoD was so very OP they have to make AoO et least somewhat OP for it to not disappear entirely.
Not really. The most powerful thing so far announced is the new dhunter class. Aside from that most the other cards are either plagued by RNG, draw RNG, or just plain not good.
Just about every expansion feels overpowered (with the possible exception of witchwood and rastakhans) because they're fresh and untested. But eventually every decks gotta start cutting down of these 'overpowered' cards because they need to tech against aggro decks, a feature that's nearly always the majority of the ranked matches.
As it stands right now, I can't see why face hunter wouldn't just wipe the floor with everyone's hopes and dreams, since the replacement for Zilliax has not (yet) been revealed.
Many of the revealed cards are hugely powerful in terms of Value, with little to no Tempo.
That will not really translate into real power, because the meta will likely force most of them out of viability.
Given that some sets are rotating out, it needs to be somewhat powerful tho, otherwise is going to be eclipsed by DoD power level.
I’d rather not get another Rastakhans’s Rumble thank you. “When everyone’s op, nobody is”
This ain't no place for a hero