Some Demon Hunter Interaction Questions With Some Existing Cards

Submitted 4 years, 3 months ago by

I know this is a bit of early for asking these questions but I think that maybe i missed some answers of them around web and maybe you know some of them so I wanted to ask here. If you know any answers or any information that has been answered by development team, please share with sources.
Also, if you have some questions like me, just ask it. I will add it here if it is an unanswered one.

I will edit the post if we got some answers with source.

I will spare them on titles as; Standard and Wild.


  1. Will Zephrys the Great offer Demon Hunter cards ? ( Kayn Sunfury for example)


  1. Will Sir Finley Mrrgglton offer the Demon Hunter hero power aswell ?
  2. What happens if we play Justicar Trueheart with Demon Hunter ? I mean, Will there be an upgraded Hero Power for Demon Hunter aswell ? I'm asking this because we see some cards that interacts with upgraded hero powers like; Sir Finley of the Sands etc. So I assume we might see some in future aswell.
  3. Another question for Upgraded Hero Power. What will happen if we use Baku the Mooneater in an Odd Demon Hunter deck ? Also will Genn Greymane and Even-cost archetype be completely useless for Demon Hunter ?
  4. It won't probably but, Will Demon Hunter can use one of the MSoG's crime family cards ?
  5. Will Whizbang the Wonderful give Demon Hunter decks aswell ?

This question is a bit personal question and more like a request with the hope that someone from Blizzard reads here just because I love to play Dungeon Run, Rumble Run etc.

  1. Do we able to play older adventures with Demon Hunter. I mean, I know we can play with constructed decks in some adventures but i meant the dungeon-type adventures and we will be offered to choose demon hunter to start withor not.

    Also, It would be so nice if older adventures such as Rumble Run and Dungeon Run have future support and get some offers for newer cards. I'm playing Dungeon runs from time to time and it is really sad to see that There are not cards that released after Kobolds & Catacombs.
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1480 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I know this is a bit of early for asking these questions but I think that maybe i missed some answers of them around web and maybe you know some of them so I wanted to ask here. If you know any answers or any information that has been answered by development team, please share with sources.
    Also, if you have some questions like me, just ask it. I will add it here if it is an unanswered one.

    I will edit the post if we got some answers with source.

    I will spare them on titles as; Standard and Wild.


    1. Will Zephrys the Great offer Demon Hunter cards ? ( Kayn Sunfury for example)


    1. Will Sir Finley Mrrgglton offer the Demon Hunter hero power aswell ?
    2. What happens if we play Justicar Trueheart with Demon Hunter ? I mean, Will there be an upgraded Hero Power for Demon Hunter aswell ? I'm asking this because we see some cards that interacts with upgraded hero powers like; Sir Finley of the Sands etc. So I assume we might see some in future aswell.
    3. Another question for Upgraded Hero Power. What will happen if we use Baku the Mooneater in an Odd Demon Hunter deck ? Also will Genn Greymane and Even-cost archetype be completely useless for Demon Hunter ?
    4. It won't probably but, Will Demon Hunter can use one of the MSoG's crime family cards ?
    5. Will Whizbang the Wonderful give Demon Hunter decks aswell ?

    This question is a bit personal question and more like a request with the hope that someone from Blizzard reads here just because I love to play Dungeon Run, Rumble Run etc.

    1. Do we able to play older adventures with Demon Hunter. I mean, I know we can play with constructed decks in some adventures but i meant the dungeon-type adventures and we will be offered to choose demon hunter to start withor not.

      Also, It would be so nice if older adventures such as Rumble Run and Dungeon Run have future support and get some offers for newer cards. I'm playing Dungeon runs from time to time and it is really sad to see that There are not cards that released after Kobolds & Catacombs.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5557 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Dont think Zephrys the Great will offer any dhunter cards aside from the confirmed basic cards. Most of their cards are technically part of year of the dragon.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    My expectations:

    1. Expect the basic DH cards, but not any of the others. After all Zephrys only pulls from basic and classic, and for now DH has no classic set.
    1. Yes, I expect so. Or the devs will add it when people complain enough...
    2. Justicar and Baku raise it to 2 damage I think, but you will need to find an official source for that.
    3. Even DH is pretty pointless, yes.
    4. No.
    5. Yes, it just picks from the current pool of deck recipes.
    1. I have wondered this myself. I doubt DH will be playable. Dungeon Run might be a small enough effort for them to add the class buckets and starting deck for, but all the rest seem very unlikely. The easiest of those is Rumble Run, but that requires messing with the entire structure where you compete with all the other classes.

    Frankly the class doesn't have enough cards or game-plans for these to work very well yet.

  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Baku and Justicar will upgrade your Hero Power to give +2 Attack, while Genn will do absolutely nothing. (Source)

    Finley will be able to offer the upgraded Demon Hunter Hero Power. I think it's implied that OG Finley will offer the Basic Hero Power as well. (Source)

    The wording is sort of vague, but I believe you won't be able to use Demon Hunter in any Dungeon Run style adventure. Any adventure that has you building your own deck is fair game. (Source)
    (As an aside on this one, I believe they've said in the past that they don't intend to update the Dungeon Run style adventures with new cards. Each is intended to be experienced 'as it was', so to speak. I don't feel like trawling to try and find a source for that one, however.)

    Zephrys will offer Demon Hunter Basic cards (so no Kayn Sunfury). (Source)

    Based on the information available, I feel confident in saying that Whizbang will offer you Demon Hunter decks.

    I also feel confident saying that Demon Hunter won't join a MSoG gang.

    I have no source on either of those ones, though.

    Welcome to the site!

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1480 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From ShadowsOfSense
    Show Spoiler

    Baku and Justicar will upgrade your Hero Power to give +2 Attack, while Genn will do absolutely nothing. (Source)

    Finley will be able to offer the upgraded Demon Hunter Hero Power. I think it's implied that OG Finley will offer the Basic Hero Power as well. (Source)

    The wording is sort of vague, but I believe you won't be able to use Demon Hunter in any Dungeon Run style adventure. Any adventure that has you building your own deck is fair game. (Source)
    (As an aside on this one, I believe they've said in the past that they don't intend to update the Dungeon Run style adventures with new cards. Each is intended to be experienced 'as it was', so to speak. I don't feel like trawling to try and find a source for that one, however.)

    Zephrys will offer Demon Hunter Basic cards (so no Kayn Sunfury). (Source)

    Based on the information available, I feel confident in saying that Whizbang will offer you Demon Hunter decks.

    I also feel confident saying that Demon Hunter won't join a MSoG gang.

    I have no source on either of those ones, though.

    Thanks for answers and sources. You've shined my day ! :)

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • Yusuke's Avatar
    295 187 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I would say yes Zephyrs would offer DH cards, but only the ones tagged as Basic and Classic cards. And I remember there is an article where Blizzard mentioned that DH will also get cards that are tagged as Classic.

    So if Kayn belongs to "Classic" Set of DH, which i doubt it, he would offer this card.

    Quote From A.
    Will Whizbang the Wonderful give Demon Hunter decks aswell ?

    Actually an interesting question I don't know, because Whizbang came up with Boomsday and the devs are working 3 addons in ahead, so i guess they need to add a code for Whizbang that he recognize DH as a class to get access to his deck receipts. So my guess on this is that Blizzard would add this later, if there is an demand for it, but since Whizbang rotates to wild, he will be left out without DH.

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