Is Linzi Redgrin too good to be the 1st boss?

Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by

I see people complaing about different bosses being to strong, but for me the most frustrating boss is actually the 1st one: Linzi Redgrin. There are games that you cannot win against Haro (playing Murlocs or other "swarmy" archetypes for example) and sometimes P.O.G.O. just starts shuffling your Muscles into his deck only to draw them and beat you, but most of the bosses have that - a situation / set of draws in which they are insane. That said that is why you play Heroic - to feel to challenge of facing the more difficult bosses and try to make your deck OP enough to beat them.

Problem with Linzi is that usually, his deck is just better than your starting deck most of the time. Your only chance is swarming him and taking the board from him, which can be really hard since his curve ussually tops out at 2-3 mana and if he starts losing he goes all face. On top of that there are many versions that require different plays against them (against Edwin you should play your Convincing Infiltrator, but against the version with Gang Up! you need to hold it until Gang Up! is played). There have been runs when I wanted to try particular archetype (Kobolds desire, Bomb Warrior), but just wasn't able to get through him like 4-5 times in a row. I think the challenge should come only after you picked something for the deck and have your treasure not before. It is just such a feel bad moment to lose even before you have any chance to customize your deck.

I think he should be at least made into 2nd or more only boss so that you can have at least some treasure/advantage to use against him or his appearance rate should be lowered so that you wouldn't play him 5 times in a row. Especially given that ALL of the other 1st bosses almost can't beat you even if they are super lucky. Wendy, for example, has stolen from me Frost Lich Jaina only to be killed before she played it and played my Wrench-Callibur (basically 16 damage!!!) that also wasn't fast enough for her.

  • MarvelOfRain's Avatar
    210 30 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I see people complaing about different bosses being to strong, but for me the most frustrating boss is actually the 1st one: Linzi Redgrin. There are games that you cannot win against Haro (playing Murlocs or other "swarmy" archetypes for example) and sometimes P.O.G.O. just starts shuffling your Muscles into his deck only to draw them and beat you, but most of the bosses have that - a situation / set of draws in which they are insane. That said that is why you play Heroic - to feel to challenge of facing the more difficult bosses and try to make your deck OP enough to beat them.

    Problem with Linzi is that usually, his deck is just better than your starting deck most of the time. Your only chance is swarming him and taking the board from him, which can be really hard since his curve ussually tops out at 2-3 mana and if he starts losing he goes all face. On top of that there are many versions that require different plays against them (against Edwin you should play your Convincing Infiltrator, but against the version with Gang Up! you need to hold it until Gang Up! is played). There have been runs when I wanted to try particular archetype (Kobolds desire, Bomb Warrior), but just wasn't able to get through him like 4-5 times in a row. I think the challenge should come only after you picked something for the deck and have your treasure not before. It is just such a feel bad moment to lose even before you have any chance to customize your deck.

    I think he should be at least made into 2nd or more only boss so that you can have at least some treasure/advantage to use against him or his appearance rate should be lowered so that you wouldn't play him 5 times in a row. Especially given that ALL of the other 1st bosses almost can't beat you even if they are super lucky. Wendy, for example, has stolen from me Frost Lich Jaina only to be killed before she played it and played my Wrench-Callibur (basically 16 damage!!!) that also wasn't fast enough for her.

    “Some men aren't looking for anything logical. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”


  • Livesage's Avatar
    90 17 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Agreed, I've never lost to Linzi but she does feel a bit strong for a first boss that appears commonly. Perhaps they should make her appearance rate rarer (it's ok to have a boss that is significantly tougher than others in its tier if it is a rare one). 

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I hardly ever lose to Linzi and I've played a lot of Dalaran heist, so no, I don't think she's a problem. The first few bosses are tedious enough, at least with Linzi there's a remote chance she might win. It sounds to me like you might be misplaying the match; with a 5 health lead and the starting advantage, so long as you curve out on turns 1&2 and hit face you should handily win the vast majority of the time. Maybe if you get unlucky with a random deck you might lose due to a lack of early plays but all the standard decks have a curve.

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I've been playing the Heroic Mode of Dalaran Heist as my main game mode for the past month and a half, and while I do agree she feels stronger than the other bosses of her tier - she doesn't seem broken to me. I don't even mind seeing her as commonly as I do now, and while I have lost to her numerous times in the past - it was always due to me not being able to curve. I agree that these situations feel shitty, but at least you don't lose anything meaningful (you basically just click the play button again).

    I would rather they balance some of the later bosses a bit - especially ones that are ridiculously one sided like facing Haro Setting-Sun with a swarmy deck, or the shenanigans Vas'no can pull off at the start of the match with triple overload + mana advantage.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2792 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I love her line "Careful, im a sharp one" :D i always hope she is my first boss, it makes me smile :)

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  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Snailborne

    I would rather they balance some of the later bosses a bit - especially ones that are ridiculously one sided like facing Haro Setting-Sun with a swarmy deck, or the shenanigans Vas'no can pull off at the start of the match with triple overload + mana advantage.

    According to the post about Mike Donais, they apparently are going to nerf Haro Setting-Sun soon. Indeed he's pretty frustrating!

  • FrostyFeet's Avatar
    Senior Writer Derpcorn 2170 1449 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From OmarComing
    Quote From Snailborne

    I would rather they balance some of the later bosses a bit - especially ones that are ridiculously one sided like facing Haro Setting-Sun with a swarmy deck, or the shenanigans Vas'no can pull off at the start of the match with triple overload + mana advantage.

    According to the post about Mike Donais, they apparently are going to nerf Haro Setting-Sun soon. Indeed he's pretty frustrating!

    I remember them mentioning somewhere the bosses they've already nerfed and Vas'no and Linzi were both on that list. And this will be a second nerf already for Haro. Mike mentioned that it was the hardest boss based on stats. Funnily enough it basically a Big Priest, so there's some irony about these quick nerfs to Haro's deck...

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