Earlier today we rendered all the golden cards for the Ashes of Outland expansion and the new Demon Hunter cards. What are some of your favourites?
Ashes of Outland Golden Images
Here's a look at a few of my standout picks for golden animations for Ashes of Outland.
Demon Hunter Initiate Golden Images
Just look at these! You can see all the Demon Hunter Initiate golden images here.
Demon Hunter Basic Golden Images
The Demon Hunter basic cards are also looking great! Find them all here.
So, no more golden neutral cards bonus as we level up Illidan to 50-ish?
Libram of Justice, daaayum. Nice collection here!
I've always wanted to see all the new golden cards in one place! Great idea! Thanks!
I love the golden animations, but I have a question: I guess we can aquire the basic golden cards by gaining experience/leveling with Demon Hunter, just like how we did with the other classes. Now, how about the initiate set? The same way or does anyone have a legit information on this?
Since Basic cards cannot be crafted I would imagine there will be a way to get those by leveling. Although I can't remember them ever mentioning anything about leveling, but I'm at least hoping that's going to be a thing for some incentive to play instead of just dropping them all to us after the Prologue campaign.
Since the Initiate cards have a rarity and therefore a dust cost (although I wouldn't count on them being disenchantable right away) I'd assume those won't be given to us for free.
EDIT: This has been confirmed, golden Basic cards are leveling rewards (Source).
I love the golden artwork on Reliquary of Souls , so much so that if I don't unpack it it's going to be a Craft.
Underlight Angling Rod and Reliquary of Souls are really cool
I wish they had changed the Underlight Angling Rod animation just a little bit so that at the end of the animation it is in the same place as when it started so that it doesn't jerk back to the start when it is done swinging.
My personal shortlist of little touch that makes the art so vibrant :
Waste Warden's pendant ; Netherwalker's spectral look ; Archspore Msshi'fn slow bouncing vibe ; The magical reflection over [Hearthstone Card (Astromancer Solaris) Not Found]' facemask ; Shadowjeweler Hanar ominous look with his levitating glowing gems & Teron Gorefiend's aura, to only name a few
The best one for me and it's kinda sad is the under light angling rod, im a big sucker for when shit actually moves in the golden animations.
Check out the shadow behind Cursed Vagrant! :D
Same! Anytime something moves I get so excited. I think it is underused.
Same too. My favourite golden card of the last year has been the blinking token from [Hearthstone Card (Henchclan Hogsteed) Not Found]