Big Deathrattle Hunter.. any inputs?

Submitted 5 years ago by

So I wanted to try out some deathrattle stuff especially with the coming Necromechanic buff.


The deck has a slow start but powerful mid to late game so it struggles versus aggro as expected.. I plan to add powerful cards to it too.. so craft Sneed's Old Shredder , Sylvanas Windrunner or N'Zoth, the Corruptor ?

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    So I wanted to try out some deathrattle stuff especially with the coming Necromechanic buff.


    The deck has a slow start but powerful mid to late game so it struggles versus aggro as expected.. I plan to add powerful cards to it too.. so craft Sneed's Old Shredder , Sylvanas Windrunner or N'Zoth, the Corruptor ?

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Sylvanas should help your matchup against big priest. But that probably still doesn't make it winnable. Sneed is probably one of the only deathrattle cards that actually allows you to outvalue a control matchup. 

    I'd craft N'Zoth, the Corruptor first, as that's just a plain better Zul'jin in this deck. Zul'jin doesn't do a whole lot for you when you play him on turn 10. Replaying a random marked shot or two is far too inconsistent. All you'll really get out of Zul'jin is a Nine lives or two and maybe a secret and a single deadly shot. N'zoth provides much more value and a way bigger swing.

  • Synesthesy's Avatar
    240 142 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I did it using Kathreena and a pack of big beast (King Krush, Charged Devilsaur, Oondasta); and the card that mimic a deathrattle in your deck that I don't remember how is called in English...

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Apologies.. the deck turned into a totally different direction and well I now have more options to choose from lol..


    I'm not sure whether to lean more into the secret/token side with some Emerald Spellstone or to turn into a shaman with one more Witch's Cauldron . Right now this is Token druid with potentially the ability to do more than 20 dmg in a turn with 

    Grubs+Timber wolf and two kill comands.

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • Irini's Avatar
    160 20 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    The deck needs better pay off cards as deathrattles: Kathrena Winterwisp (and some beasts like King Krush, Oondasta, 2x Witchwood Grizzly), Sylvanas Windrunner, maybe Sneed's Old Shredder.


    Also Explosive Sheep against aggro decks that go wide in the early game.

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I was running secret plan as a turn 1 play and as a way to make Zul'jin worth more than one turn but these suggestions sure are interesting...


    • I don't run Witchwood grizzly cause it works better against a hunter than for him.. mages, warlocks even priests generally have a big hand and with priest, if they steal the bear then it's disaster for you.


    • Unleash + revenge in a token deck.. why didn't I think of it.. I feel dumb.


    • Tundra Rhino takes up precious board space.. plus it'd be a miracle if that lives long enough to be of any use.. timber wolf is a much nicer surprise to drop on a grub board. I might try it though.

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • RangDipkin's Avatar
    Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Just wanted to add a little more to what others have said:

    • I feel like Rat Pack might synergize well as a 1-of in a token style of deck.  What I was thinking is that when you hit it with Dire Frenzy on Turn 7 it's like Violet Wurm but a turn earlier (though for 2 cards).
    • I could also see Flark's Boom-Zooka being fun with Silver Vanguard and Violet Wurm in the deck, but fitting it in would probably require a number of changes.
    • And then if you switch up the deck in a more traditional direction there's always old faithfuls like highrolling Devilsaur Egg, combo'n cards w/Spiritsinger Umbra, and ruining someone's day with Carnivorous Cube + Play Dead ;P

    If you're interested in playing a Big Hunter in Standard, I recently uploaded a Boom-Zooka deck you might enjoy.  While it focuses on big beasts, I have another version that swaps them out for a deathrattle package centered around Mechanical Whelp, Oblivitron, and Nine Lives (and then subs out the beast card draw and dire frenzy for [Hearthstone Card (Ursatron[Hearthstone Card (s and another Tracking).

    ) Not Found]) Not Found]
  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago


    Rat Pack 's great! Will work nicely with the rest of the deck..  rats and worms.. this deck is pretty horrible


    [Hearthstone Card (Flark's Boomzooka) Not Found] would leave my board with a bunch of 1/1s without spending the opponent's removal .. not worth it..  

    I like the modern version of good old DR Hunter.. looks like a strong deck to me.

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

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