The new MMR matching system in ladder is not good

Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by

It seemed really great in the beginning when you don't see the opponent rank and you think "cool, I'm matching against opponents with my winrate"... but I reached legend since yesterday and I thought of playing some meme decks (as you do in legend). But then i got bored and I started to play seriously again and since I'm legend I can see my opponents rank. I've been destroying diamond 10 and 9 opponents and possibly made them gave up from ladder. And it doesn't feel good at all. Why am I not matching up against legend players for so long? This guys got no chance. I would not have felt good knowing that I was matching a good legend player if i was diamond 10.

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    It seemed really great in the beginning when you don't see the opponent rank and you think "cool, I'm matching against opponents with my winrate"... but I reached legend since yesterday and I thought of playing some meme decks (as you do in legend). But then i got bored and I started to play seriously again and since I'm legend I can see my opponents rank. I've been destroying diamond 10 and 9 opponents and possibly made them gave up from ladder. And it doesn't feel good at all. Why am I not matching up against legend players for so long? This guys got no chance. I would not have felt good knowing that I was matching a good legend player if i was diamond 10.


  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I think if they can get up to diamond, they're pretty good enough to take on lower legend players.

    Likewise vice versa. I like to believe that diamond players are good enough to to take on even upper legend players.

    (also, just like to point out that you've created a duplicate thread on this topic)

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    i didnt create it twice, it bugged out i think.. and no, they weren't even playing good decks to face legend



  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Wait, if you match up with people who have your MMR then they're more than capable of beating you. Whether they're Bronze 5, Diamond 10 or Legend players.

    Them choosing to play meme decks is the risk they take. Especially if they're looking to climb. They should be fully aware of this.

    Also, how does one 'destroy' their opponent in a card game, other than through deck matchups and RNG?

  • Korialstrasz's Avatar
    Supporter 390 81 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Aye, Wild Legend player here and I can't say I understand certain things about the new ladder system.

    First point is honestly me being nitpicky about everything, but why the hell can't you see your opponents rank till you're in Legend. Seems kinda nonsensical to me. 

    Secondly, I'm so sick of seeing the same lame Bronze to Diamond ladder system. COME ON, the game is based of World of fucking Warcraft, can't they honestly come up with something more original?

    Third point being. I like to play meme decks once I hit Legend, but I do not like the fact that I constantly play against Rank 10 to 5 players. I do not like giving non-legend people free wins.

    Neither of my points are anything extreme, but I guess it's a new system and it obviously needs tweaking as hitting Legend was quite a breeze.

    That being said, I'm very glad they have come up with a new reward distribution system as it finally feels worth grinding to higher ranks. Especially for casual players that are used to heading just for the old systems Rank 15.

  • DelkoHS's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 485 481 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    "These guys got no chance", well they have the same mmr as you, so if you managed to get Legend, they should be able to as well.

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    After you play hs for 5 years, you are able to tell who is a good player and who is not. Winning games doesn't exactly mean you are a good player in hs nowadays, especially in wild. There are so many rng related scenarios that win you the game. An AI cannot possibly tell who is really as good as you.           I could tell they weren't players who deserved legend. But that wasn't my point anyway, my point was: why have i not been facing legend players for about 25 matches straight?

    I would not like facing legend players at rank 5 either too. The ladder should come gradually. Facing legend players every match at 5 is not fun.


  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Korialstrasz

    First point is honestly me being nitpicky about everything, but why the hell can't you see your opponents rank till you're in Legend. Seems kinda nonsensical to me. 

    Because you may face players MUCH higher rank than yours and that would make players unhappy. So Blizzard solution - do not show opponents rank.


  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    yeah but now we know...


  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Techwood

    After you play hs for 5 years, you are able to tell who is a good player and who is not. Winning games doesn't exactly mean you are a good player in hs nowadays, especially in wild. There are so many rng related scenarios that win you the game. An AI cannot possibly tell who is really as good as you.           I could tell they weren't players who deserved legend. But that wasn't my point anyway, my point was: why have i not been facing legend players for about 25 matches straight?

    I would not like facing legend players at rank 5 either too. The ladder should come gradually. Facing legend players every match at 5 is not fun.

    Come on, it is rare you can tell how good a player is from a single game, regardless of what rank they are. There has to be a particularly technical and/or unorthodox play that ends up winning them the game to know they are good, or unjustifiable sloppy plays to know otherwise. Most games against competent players (who may or may not be legend worthy) just don't tell you enough to work from, especially at the start of an expansion when it takes time to learn what to expect, and doubly so when the 9 classes people have learned before have all but disappeared.

    Returning to the main question, underlying it is the question of how you judge how good a player is. If you have the same MMR as someone else then by that measure you are about as good as them, no matter how arrogant you want to be about it. Of course all MMR calculations will be imperfect (win-rate based measures would underestimate a brilliant player who insists on playing tier 4 decks for example), and it seems to me your issues are with the MMR calc rather than the system using it. So I advise you try to come up with solutions there instead.

  • JackJimson's Avatar
    670 673 Posts Joined 11/19/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I wish they could just show you your actual MMR value like BG

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