Craft Flik or Maeiv?
Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
I have the hanar card. But I don't have flik. Craft flik or maeiv?
Also, which deathrattle card is the best one to craft from the Ashes expansion?
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I have the hanar card. But I don't have flik. Craft flik or maeiv?
Also, which deathrattle card is the best one to craft from the Ashes expansion?
Both are excellent cards. I would choose Maeiv as it's a neutral and will be in standard longer.
Maiev Shadowsong is going to be the most useful since it's neutral, and as mentioned, it has two years of life in Standard.
But Flik Skyshiv is imperative to most Rogue decks, so if you prioritize Rogue, it's certainly not a bad choice.
As to the Deathrattle card, I assume you are talking about Primes. That depends on the class you like really. I have Akama, and he seems good, though I haven't played a lot of Rogue yet.
Totally go Maiev. It is already proving to be an essential defensive and offensive card and will be around for two years.
I main rogue for the most time and I would choose Flik.
Of course if you prefer to focus on more classes, Maiev is most likely the best choice, bein neutral and in standard for 2 years.
But since you compare her to Flik, I would throw in that My personale opinion is that Flik is more usefull. Assuming you want to play some rogue decks.
Thanks to everyone for their advice and suggestions. I think I may craft Kargath Bladefist as my only prime. (55 packs and got only 3 legendaries and none of them are primes)
Definitely Flik if you are planning to craft it right now.
Flik has already proven herself and is an excellent card. Maiev on the other hand, although very promising, still needs to be proven.
I haven't been too impressed with the primes so far. Maybe the right deck for them hasn't been found yet, but it seems they're at least not strong enough to just include in every deck. I am experimenting with Akama + Stowaway for example, but the deck isn't consistent (yet?). The Warlock prime can be played in a Imprisoned Scrap Imp deck, which seems to be powerful, but it's still early in the meta.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to craft Flik now and save the rest of your dust until the meta has settled a bit more and you know whether you want to craft a prime or craft Maiev instead.
Flik is just insane, if rogue stays in the meta it's a must have.
Maiev can fit in much more decks but is not *that* good.
That's actually slightly above average luck. Average is 1 per 20 packs. With the pity timer around ~37.