Neoguli's Custom Paladin Core Set Changes

Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by

Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Paladins's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

This time, I've put crossfire onto Paladin. You thought enough clases got facelifts from me? Well, you are wrong. Maybe I should start making an enitre rework of Core sets and release them as an expansion on Hearthcards Class Creator section?

Strengths and Weaknesses

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  • Strengths
    • Minions - Paladins lead a huge army of troopers.
    • Secrets - Paladins can punish the unworthy.
    • Survivablity - Soldiers are meant to survive on the battlefield.
    • Buffs - Light smiles upon the righteous and empowers them.
  • Limitations
    • Card Draw - Paladins have time to call the Gods when they are desperately needed. They don't call them for mere situations…
    • Card Generation - Paladins may not directly receive help, but they pray for the lost to return. TL;DR Paladins will be the premiere class for shuffling cards into your deck or fatigue style decks.
  • Weaknesses
    • Spell Face Damage - Paladins prefer melee duels.
    • Big Removal - Paladins have some smaller, consistent tools at their disposal, but they don't have the most reliable huge board wipes or permanent effects like Assassinate, as they'd rather convince you to reconsider your past tenses. They don't want to kill you.

New Sets

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Basic Set

Classic Set


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Subdue - A bit better than Humility. New players deserve something better.

Warhorse Trainer - a buffed version version of the original card. Teaches people about Silver Hand Recruit synergy.

Heroes Never Die - a new card. Something to showcase Paladin as a class suited for Fatigue style of decks.

Imprison -  a new card. A single target hard removal for Paladin, but it's not permanent, because if you have no minions, then there's nobody to watch over the prisoner.

Rallying Blade - adds Divine Shield synergy for the evergreen set. Not too strong, but pretty decent.

Silver Hand Enforcer - a new card. Adds a defensive body for all decks based around Secrets.

Enter the Coliseum - returned with a change. It's probably the biggest board wipe Paladin has ever seen at their disposal. With the change, now you have higher chance to actually clean the entire board, provided your survivor is strong enough. Again, the later part makes this not as reliable, but still serves as a mass removal, especially for Highlander decks.

Hall of Fame

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Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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Potion of Heroism - could've been a good replacement for Hand of Protection, but pulled it off, because I have a bit of a bad reputation of overpulling cards from expansions into Core sets. Also card draw.

Immortal Prelate - was undecided if to include this card or not. On one hand, it introduces more of the shuffling theme and gives more synergies for future Buff cards. On the other hand, it could limit design space.

Crystal Lion - was thinking of this card as something to include Silver Hand Recruit synergies, but went for a simpler and a bit more balanced effect. A large minion that can be cheated out pretty quickly can feel a little chaining to be evergreen.

Autodefense Matrix - maybe a little too strong for evergreen. Also redundant with the Enforcer.

Lightforged Blessing - probably also limiting. Also no need to add Twinspell to the Classic Set.

Bronze Herald, Cathedral Gargoyle - yeah. Dragons were intially meant to be strengths of Paladin, but I didn't find the place for them as much as I would like to.

Blackguard - thought of adding something to bolster Healing Paladin for future sets. I guess it's not that necessary, other aspects probably need more spotlight.

Divine Favor - was thinking of bringing the card back with some obvious tweaks. Ultimately didn't find room for the card.

Sand Breath - was also meant to add Dragon synergy and replace Hand of Protection. Decided the original card was alright.

Seal of Champions - didn't find room, but maybe one time, it will replace the card I've already mentioned so much. Or maybe also ditch out Blessing of Might for something else once this card comes in.

Seal of Light - felt a bit weird. Was meant to replace Holy Light.

Among many, many, MANY other cards…

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 599 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Paladins's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

    This time, I've put crossfire onto Paladin. You thought enough clases got facelifts from me? Well, you are wrong. Maybe I should start making an enitre rework of Core sets and release them as an expansion on Hearthcards Class Creator section?

    Strengths and Weaknesses

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    • Strengths
      • Minions - Paladins lead a huge army of troopers.
      • Secrets - Paladins can punish the unworthy.
      • Survivablity - Soldiers are meant to survive on the battlefield.
      • Buffs - Light smiles upon the righteous and empowers them.
    • Limitations
      • Card Draw - Paladins have time to call the Gods when they are desperately needed. They don't call them for mere situations…
      • Card Generation - Paladins may not directly receive help, but they pray for the lost to return. TL;DR Paladins will be the premiere class for shuffling cards into your deck or fatigue style decks.
    • Weaknesses
      • Spell Face Damage - Paladins prefer melee duels.
      • Big Removal - Paladins have some smaller, consistent tools at their disposal, but they don't have the most reliable huge board wipes or permanent effects like Assassinate, as they'd rather convince you to reconsider your past tenses. They don't want to kill you.

    New Sets

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    Basic Set

    Classic Set


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    Subdue - A bit better than Humility. New players deserve something better.

    Warhorse Trainer - a buffed version version of the original card. Teaches people about Silver Hand Recruit synergy.

    Heroes Never Die - a new card. Something to showcase Paladin as a class suited for Fatigue style of decks.

    Imprison -  a new card. A single target hard removal for Paladin, but it's not permanent, because if you have no minions, then there's nobody to watch over the prisoner.

    Rallying Blade - adds Divine Shield synergy for the evergreen set. Not too strong, but pretty decent.

    Silver Hand Enforcer - a new card. Adds a defensive body for all decks based around Secrets.

    Enter the Coliseum - returned with a change. It's probably the biggest board wipe Paladin has ever seen at their disposal. With the change, now you have higher chance to actually clean the entire board, provided your survivor is strong enough. Again, the later part makes this not as reliable, but still serves as a mass removal, especially for Highlander decks.

    Hall of Fame

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    Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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    Potion of Heroism - could've been a good replacement for Hand of Protection, but pulled it off, because I have a bit of a bad reputation of overpulling cards from expansions into Core sets. Also card draw.

    Immortal Prelate - was undecided if to include this card or not. On one hand, it introduces more of the shuffling theme and gives more synergies for future Buff cards. On the other hand, it could limit design space.

    Crystal Lion - was thinking of this card as something to include Silver Hand Recruit synergies, but went for a simpler and a bit more balanced effect. A large minion that can be cheated out pretty quickly can feel a little chaining to be evergreen.

    Autodefense Matrix - maybe a little too strong for evergreen. Also redundant with the Enforcer.

    Lightforged Blessing - probably also limiting. Also no need to add Twinspell to the Classic Set.

    Bronze Herald, Cathedral Gargoyle - yeah. Dragons were intially meant to be strengths of Paladin, but I didn't find the place for them as much as I would like to.

    Blackguard - thought of adding something to bolster Healing Paladin for future sets. I guess it's not that necessary, other aspects probably need more spotlight.

    Divine Favor - was thinking of bringing the card back with some obvious tweaks. Ultimately didn't find room for the card.

    Sand Breath - was also meant to add Dragon synergy and replace Hand of Protection. Decided the original card was alright.

    Seal of Champions - didn't find room, but maybe one time, it will replace the card I've already mentioned so much. Or maybe also ditch out Blessing of Might for something else once this card comes in.

    Seal of Light - felt a bit weird. Was meant to replace Holy Light.

    Among many, many, MANY other cards…

    "Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me

    "If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me

  • HyperOrange's Avatar
    860 65 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I really like your changes. They do a good job at bringing some of the cards in line with the current design philosophy of the game while keeping things simple enough for basic and classic. That said, the wording on some of the cards should be updated.

    Heroes Never Die should read: Shuffle a copy of the three highest cost friendly minions that have died this game into your deck.

    Imprison should read: Choose a minion. It goes Dormant. When you have no minions, it awakens.

    I personally would like all of these to be added into the game. Hopefully next year blizzard does something similar.


    Coming soon from a HyperTree near you!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From HyperOrange

    I really like your changes. They do a good job at bringing some of the cards in line with the current design philosophy of the game while keeping things simple enough for basic and classic. That said, the wording on some of the cards should be updated.

    Heroes Never Die should read: Shuffle a copy of the three highest cost friendly minions that have died this game into your deck.

    Imprison should read: Choose a minion. It goes Dormant. When you have no minions, it awakens.

    I personally would like all of these to be added into the game. Hopefully next year blizzard does something similar.

    Yup, those are my only issues with this as well. Except for i dont like Imprison in the Classic set at all, but other than that seems fair i think.

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  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 599 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Imprison used to destroy a minion and resummon it once you have no minions, but the current version makes more sense thematically and mechanically. Prison is to keep people locked, not to kill them - so triggering Deathrattles wouldn't make sense. Also makes sense to keep it dormant for easier tracking of when it will break free.

    "Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me

    "If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Neoguli

    Imprison used to destroy a minion and resummon it once you have no minions, but the current version makes more sense thematically and mechanically. Prison is to keep people locked, not to kill them - so triggering Deathrattles wouldn't make sense. Also makes sense to keep it dormant for easier tracking of when it will break free.

    I get that, my issue is that Dormant was not a mechanic when the game launched, so it makes no sense it would be on a Classic card. I guess with set changes nowadays, one could overlook this, but it still doesnt feel like it should be there.

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  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I think the buffed Guardian of Kings is way over the top: it does too many things for (7).

    I'd rather give Lay on Hands a buff.

    And Imprison is a very fancy design indeed, but as an Evergreen card I think it should cost no less than (5), especially with Subdue already included in the set as Tempo swing.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Have to say that the Imprison card is really neat and unique. But there's just so many ways to abuse this card especially with Archmage Vargoth. At some point you may have half your opponent's board filled with dormant minions giving you a massive advantage. I would adjust it so it has the same effect as Maiev Shadowsong, except it cost only 3 to play.

    Other observations;

    - Guardian of Kings buff is pretty nice. Its pretty much a weaker Libram of Hope, but as an evergreen card this is what I think paladin cards in expansions ought to measure up to.

    - surprised that you didnt give Desperate Stand a second look considering that one of the key features listed is survivability. Personally I've always thought this card to be underappreciated, but that was a different meta.

    - Why not include a card that generates a dude at the end of the turn. Silverhand Quartermaster, 2/2 that cost 2 and generates a 1/1 [Hearthstone Card (silverhand recruit) Not Found] at the end of the turn. It fits your description for flooding boards, and that's what I think paladin's core should be.

    - I would perhaps buff Warhorse Trainer to cost 3 mana instead. At present, its just unplayable. Evergreen sets should be more than just basic stuff.

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