Grandmasters 2020 continued with Week 2 last weekend. The field was again cut in half during Wednesday's and Thursday's off-stream Swiss rounds, and the remaining 24 players entered the weekend hoping to secure some much needed points for the second phase of the new Grandmasters system. As a test to the players' versatility, the format was changed from the usual Conquest to Last Hero Standing. You can re-live the action with our spoiler-free post below.

Top 2 Decklists

These were the players that made it into the Final in each region, respectively. Due to the nature of Last Hero Standing, some of the decklists may be heavily teched towards certain matchups.

Top 2 Decklists

Gallon's Decks

0 1108011080 873 0
0 66806680 783 0
0 51205120 817 0

glory's Decks

0 1624016240 368 0
0 37203720 941 0
0 73607360 893 0
0 86008600 730 0

Jarla's Decks

0 2086020860 920 0
0 1540015400 654 0
0 1050010500 716 0
0 1144011440 895 0

languagehacker's Decks

0 88408840 644 0
0 52205220 868 0

Surrender's Decks

0 72807280 773 0
0 1126011260 1244 0
0 70007000 720 0
1 1290012900 946 0

Swidz's Decks

0 72807280 673 0
0 35603560 661 0
0 97609760 694 0
0 98009800 587 0


Here are the VoDs from the three days of competition Blizzard wanted you to see (i.e. excluding the Swiss portion, see tournament format). Timestamps have been provided in a spoiler below the video if you're only interested in certain matches.

Day 1: (Video not available at the time of writing, check spoiler for links to individual videos)

Day 1 No-spoilers Timestamps

——— Asia-Pacific ———

  • Surrender vs Shaxy: VoD
  • Alutemu vs glory: VoD
  • Winners: VoD
  • Elimination: VoD
  • Decider: VoD

——— Europe ———

  • Bunnyhoppor vs Felkeine: VoD
  • Thijs vs Jarla: VoD
  • Winners: VoD
  • Elimination: VoD
  • Decider: VoD

——— Americas ———

  • Zalae vs languagehacker: VoD
  • Monsanto vs Gallon: VoD
  • Winners: VoD
  • Elimination: VoD
  • Decider: VoD

Day 2: (Video not available at the time of writing, check spoiler for links to individual videos)

Day 2 No-spoilers Timestamps

——— Asia-Pacific ———

  • Staz vs Flurry: VoD
  • kin0531 vs Tyler: VoD
  • Winners: VoD
  • Elimination: VoD
  • Decider: VoD

——— Europe ———

  • Bozzzton vs Hunterace: VoD
  • Swidz vs Viper: VoD
  • Winners: VoD
  • Elimination: VoD
  • Decider: VoD

——— Americas ———

  • bloodyface vs PNC: VoD
  • Eddie vs Nalguidan: VoD
  • Winners: VoD
  • Elimination: VoD
  • Decider: VoD

Day 3:

Day 3 No-spoilers Timestamps


The results in full, including the preceding Swiss rounds, can be found here.

Swiss Results for All Regions

Asia-Pacific Top 8 Results

Group A

Group B

Top 4

Europe Top 8 Results

Group A

Group B

Top 4

Americas Top 8 Results

Group A

Group B

Top 4


As a reminder what's on stake here, the players are getting points for their performance during the first three weeks as follows:

  • First place: 6 points.
  • Second place: 5 points.
  • Third and Fourth place: 4 points.
  • Fifth through Eighth place: 3 points.
  • Ninth through Twelfth place: 2 points.
  • Thirteenth through Sixteenth place: 1 point.

At the end of the three week period, players will be divided into two divisions based on their points tally. The players can still reach the playoffs from both divisions as well as get relegated from both, but Division A has got some massive benefits for both prospects compared to Division B, so the points do matter. You can find the current point standings here.

Some Spoiler-containing Discussion

The change in format toned down the popularity of Demon Hunters a bit, but they were still near the top with 20 out of 24 players picking it. The runaway top 3 picks were Rogue (21), Demon Hunter (20) and Warrior (19), the first of which got a huge increase in popularity (only 6 last week) while Druid and Warlock faltered. Nobody was playing Paladin this week either, but at least Uther got company from Thrall as this week's absentees.

The switch from Conquest to Last Hero Standing also changed the fortunes of the players. From last week's respective top 4s, only one from each region made it further than the mid-week Swiss rounds, and only one altogether was able to replicate their top 4 success (Surrender in APAC). This meant that the point standings for each region evened up quite a bit. In Asia-Pacific, Surrender's back-to-back Final berths meant that he already booked his place on Division A, but the other spots are very much up for grabs. In Europe, nobody can breath freely just yet with only 6 points separating the points leaders from 16th place. And if you thought that sounds close, the opposite ends of the table in Americas are only separated by 5 points. The stakes for next week's matches are truly high.

Grandmasters will continue next week and Conquest will return - with a 10-deck format with 6 bans! Will Paladin finally see play? Don't forget to tune in!