Is even shaman worth it
Submitted 4 years, 7 months ago by
As in the title. Is it worth to craft even shaman in this meta? I wanted to grind to legend for the first time ever this month, the only cards i'm missing are Vessina and [Hearthstone Card (Storm Bringer) Not Found]
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As in the title. Is it worth to craft even shaman in this meta? I wanted to grind to legend for the first time ever this month, the only cards i'm missing are Vessina and [Hearthstone Card (Storm Bringer) Not Found]
Yeah, it´s one of the better decks in the meta currently.
It is strong, but not the best now. I don't know which build do you mean exactly (Totem or Overload package), but Raza Priest is a bad matchup, Odd DH counters your early totems and if you want to hold back to combo a large totem board you're behind on board. Quest Mage will also beat you if it has at least a semi-competent pilot. Secret Mage is really draw dependent. You can try playing it without Vessina or Stormbringer, they're not essential, and you will see for yourself. Instead of those two you can add some tech cards ( Nerub'ar Weblord to counter mages, Windfury against control instead of Stormbringer). That being said, it can definitely take you to Diamond 5 and if you are a good pilot then right to Legend. I suggest try it first, if you enjoy it then craft it, but otherwise maybe wait.
I don't think that Even Shaman could take you to Legend as easily as it did some Time ago. DH and Mage should be pretty tough Match Ups and Control/Combo Decks can steamroll you (I've played against a Ton of Even Shamans with my pre-Buff Razakus, and I usually mopped the Floor with them).
I'd say your best Chances are with a Totem-Build. Drop Totem Golem on t2, buff it then copy it with Splitting Axe.
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Even Shaman is a "save craft" in my opinion. The archetype is an "evergreen" for a long time and has a loooot of different options to build and be teched against the meta.
At the moment I whouldn`t play "the totem axe version" of the deck and build it "more oldshool". If you face a lot of mages 1-2 Weblords can give them a really hard time, for example for Secret Mage over half of their minions getting "nearly unplayable" with it. If you wanna f*** up Quest Mage even more you can even tech in one Nerubian Unraveler.
If you havn`t the deck yet, I whouldn`t craft the Stormbringer. I like the card in this deck, but it is by no mean a must have card. The try the deck at first without this card and then see if you like the deck enough to craft the Stormbringer too.
I see you!
The cards you mentioned could win you some extra games, but I wouldn't craft them. Not in this meta.
I am used to play Even Shaman as my laddering deck since its inception, but I feel you can find better Tempo decks right now, with more resilience to stuff like Secret Mage and Renodecks.
Like Discolock.
The deck is fine without those two cards. It can take to you Legend.
You said you already have those two cards, so why don't you try the deck out for yourself? See how you perform with it, whether you like the gameplan, do you enjoy playing with it? The deck has no card draw and kind of plays itself, games are fast and short, is that your cup of tea?
Put your faith in the Light!
as long as u have devolve u should be fine