Wild Reno Paladin

Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
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After the last few Paladin buffs i felt inspired to make a Paladin deck that uses librams in wild, but this time without The Last Kaleidosaur, and this time with a highlander package. 

This deck is EXTREMELY flexible. You can play aggro/tempo with it, play midrange or even control/value. YOU decide your game plan depending on the matchup! Because of this, this deck will take a while to 'learn', but has a big pay-off. Some things this deck can do are: playing/surviving till fatigue against secret mages and The Caverns Below Rogue, Get turn 7-8 Lethal against Big Priests/Reno Priests and win value-wars by getting HUGE minions every turn, thanks to Libram of Wisdom.


Sir Finley Of the Sands

Sir Finley of the Sands has a powerfull effect, and from my experience Sir Finley of the Sands gives ALMOST always something really good.

My personal favorite Hero Power that i almost always pick is Dire Shapeshift ("+2 Attack this turn. +2 Armor.") Armor is fantastic because it lets us get more health in total, and it also let's us remove small minions. This heropower is just really good. (Also "The silver Hand" is good too, this basicly makes you an odd paladin with even cost cards.)



Don't be afraid to take face damage! This deck has plenty of healing to dish out.

We have Reno Jackson to heal to full.

Brann Bronzebeard + Amber Watcher to heal for 16 health.

Lady Liadrin To give an additional Libram of Hope.

Bronze Dragon is here to help, just like everyone's favorite: Zilliax!



Lady Liadrin Got our back! She gives us Libram of Wisdom back if in case it Libram of Wisdom got removed by some transform card like Polymorph or some kind of Silence.

Replicat-o-tron is AMAZING. Don't underestimate this mech! This card has big synergy with a LOT of cards in our deck! This generates more Libram of Wisdoms, you can magnetize Zilliax onto it so you get two big lifesteal taunts, or you can use Spikeridged Steed on it, so you basicly cast it twice. HOWEVER, don't be afraid to just play this with no buffs! Just giving an Silver Hand Recruit +2/+2 as a tempo swing is good enough. I won plenty of tempo games because of this. (Demon Hunters hate when you do this lol)



This deck has plenty of ways to draw cards. We have the "cheaty" Divine Favor to fuel you when you go full FACE. (or to find some answer)

Flash of Light is a nice draw and heal, I prefer using this small heal on a minion so it can do a favorable trade. But healing our hero is also nice if we for some reason don't have any other heals in hand.

Call to Adventure always fetches our Aldor Attendant. And if we already pulled it, than we can fetch Zephrys the Great, Sir Finley of the Sands or Murgur Murgurgle instead. All three are good targets.

Skulking Geist is here to ruin all these Jade Druids their whole career. (Don't expect too much from this, as most player also run Skulking Geist. This card is our biggest answer to jade druid, besides Shrink Ray. Save shrink ray till you have no other choise in this matchup)

Vinecleaver might seem like an odd card in the deck, but it's arguably one of the most vital ones. This gives some Silver Hand Recruits in case you swapped hero power, and it can be used to close out games. Vinecleaver + Dire shapeshift heropower (or DH) is also really strong. An 6 atk weapon with 3 durability shouldn't be underestimated.

Maiev Shadowsong is your best friend against Priests. It always feels good to dormant their "greetings fellow humons" for 2 turns and go face. (fellowed up by Hex from Zephrys the Great on their "~OUR TOMBS")

Brann Bronzebeard is helpfull but i generally just play this to double the battlecry of Aldor Attendant. Don't feel scared to put it down, it isn't that important of a card to lose.


There are a couple of replacements you could make.

Suggested: +1 Shotbot and -1 Murgur Murgurgle: Shotbot is a great budget option for those who don't have Murgur Murgurgle! Highly recommend this if you don't have Murgur.

Suggested: +1 Wild Pyromancer and -1 Aldor Peacekeeper: Aldor Peacekeeper isn't that helpfull and i often just play it on a minion that already has low atk. Wild Pyromancer is a great control tool and i often run into the problem of lacking a small clear, and this synergises a lot with Libram of Justice. The only reason i don't put this in the deck YET, is because Wild Pyromancer doesn't feel great to play if you decide to go tempo. 

Lightforged Blessing: Big synergy with Replicat-o-tron and Wild Pyromancer. (if you include it in your list) 

Archmage Vargoth: Vargoth is strong, but isn't necessary. it primarely just gives 1 copy of Libram of Wisdom. Feel free to replace this.

Tirion Fordring: is a strong card that can fit in this deck. I personally didn't put it in, because i get it often in control vs control matchups by our friend Zephrys the Great. (Tirion truly is the perfect card.)

Oh yeah mulligan. Uhm it depends on what your plan is honestly. If your against a priest, which is a popular class right now. mulligan for draw and Aldor Attendant. Against (secret) mages: Don't be afraid to Counterspell your Libram of Wisdom on purpose, in order to heal with something like Libram of Hope. Just run them out of resources nd it's a free win. 

I Wish you good luck with learning this deck!, it will be tough at the start but if you manage to master the deck, then you will win a lot! Good luck!


5/27/2020 UPDATE

+1 Murgur Murgurgle -1 Shotbot

+ Updated the "Replacements" section. (and fixed a lot of grammar mistakes)




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  • Riffraff's Avatar
    755 370 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Your great guide (thanks!) may have just convinced me to craft a single Replicat-o-tron. I am always looking out for viable/fun paladin decks, so thanks again.


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