Midrange: Pogo Rogue

Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
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Check out my profile where I'll try to list some of the best wild decks for each archetype. I always appreciate suggestions to improve my decks.

Pogo rogue: Continuously play pogo hoppers to gain more and more value until you win.

V.S. aggro: -1 Sahket Sapper, +1 Zilliax (thanks to anchorm4n for the suggestion)

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  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks to you for sharing the list! What made me suggest Zilliax is that you don't run any survival tools. No AOE, no heal. Zilliax stalls versus aggro, can take out a Ship's Cannon versus Pirate Warrior and, most important of all, if you stick him on a big Pogo Hopper, he can become a pseudo-Reno.

    I've played a lot of Pogo Rogue in standard after its nerf to 1 Mana. In my experience, game winning combos usually were Pogo + Magic Carpet and pogo + Zilliax, once they were big enough. Of course Wild is a different place, but I'd recommend you to give Zilliax a chance. It should improve your chances against Pirate Warrior and Odd Demon Hunter. 

    • SirHerpDerp's Avatar
      180 31 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      I played some games with him thrown in and it's definitely a nice addition. As you said he is great for healing and also makes as a great board clear with divine shield. I updated my guide for the deck and added Zilliax as a tech card against a aggro heavy meta. Against a slower meta i don't think the healing will be needed if you are able to keep up board control and tempo, which you will need against the incredibly strong control decks in wild. Thanks for the comment!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Why no Zilliax?

    • SirHerpDerp's Avatar
      180 31 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      Hello and thanks for checking out the deck! I tried to make a midrange pogo deck with a lot of card draw so that you can consistently get large pogos out on the field in a reasonable amount of time. Control pogo decks are a bit funky and essentially just a worse version of jade decks IMO. Since i went with a midrange build there is no reason to incude Zilliax since he doesn't have any synergy with the deck with the exception of being a mech, which i don't need, since i'll have an abundance of pogos.


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