Violet Illusionist

Violet Illusionist Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

During your turn, your hero is Immune.

Flavor Text

She’s much more cheerful after losing the ‘n’ in her name.


Immune - Immune characters can't be damaged.

How to Unlock Violet Illusionist

Unlocked in the Spire, in One Night in Karazhan.

How to Unlock Golden Violet Illusionist

Crafting unlocked in the Spire, in One Night in Karazhan.

Violet Illusionist Sounds

Play VO_KAR_712_Female_Human_Play_01

Play ArcaneMagic_Play_Underlay

Attack VO_KAR_712_Female_Human_Attack_01

Attack ArcaneMagic_Attack_Underlay

Death VO_KAR_712_Female_Human_Death_01

Death ArcaneMagic_Death_Underlay

Violet Illusionist Guides

Game Accessories

Exhaustion Keep Swingin' Violet Immunity


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