Ball of Spiders

Ball of Spiders Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Summon three 1/1 Webspinners with "Deathrattle: Get a random Beast."

Flavor Text



Deathrattle - Does something when it dies.

Game Accessories

Divide and Conquer Overwhelm Summoner Swarming Beasts

Card Balance and Changes

Patch Change
Battlegrounds Season 5

Cost decreased to 3 (from 6).


  • boinkydoinky's Avatar
    180 25 Posts Joined 03/20/2020
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Oh my lord. I don't know why there aren't any comments here about this card, but somebody needs to say it. To this day I will refuse to understand how this card saw print in its current state given how morally abhorrent and fundamentally terrible the concept behind this card is. This card blows chunks, guys, and it needs to be mentioned. 

    The question we must ask ourselves is where does this card fit? That's an important thing to consider when designing a card, what kind of existing strategy will this card fit into, or what kind of new strategy might be birthed from this card? The original Webspinner saw play in midrange/aggro Hunters, so maybe that was the idea. But 6 mana for 3/3 in stats would never see play in an aggro deck + random beasts are kind of worthless. Does this see play in a control deck? But 6 mana for 3/3 in stats would never see play in a control deck + random beasts are worthless. Does this see play in a combo deck? But 6 mana for 3/3 in stats would never see play in a combo deck + random beasts are worthless.

    This card is the pits. What a waste of digital cardboard.


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