Grimbroom Warrior

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
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Could this be a return of Patron Warrior? Honestly, yes. But truthfully, still not in the style of Patron Warrior of old. Unfortunately.

The idea here is still as PW has been built for years: play to the outs of a midrange deck. Patron still is a pretty explosive threat, and enabler, though it's an effect very susceptible to board clears. Therefore, the first Patron turn should typically be treated as a setup turn, not putting too many resources into it, just enough that you'd have more resources once you pass the turn than you did before you develop some Dwarves.

The big introduction card is the Broom. This allows the deck to do what it kind of struggled to do for a very long time: ensure that your biggest, most stable threats survive consistently. The broom actually does a lot. Though I'm so far not convinced it's more than a two of (though Kargath Bladefist can absolutely be cut for another), having this new tool means you can trade your 3/1's and 3/2's into opponents' threats that survive your damage-all effects, so your 3/3 Patrons and your Frothing Berserkers can survive.

There's also a ton of sweet new synergy for Warrior. Risky Skipper is a fantastic card, especially in Patron, and Ancharrr is a ludicrous tool to fish them out. Corsair Cache is also a ludicrous tool to fish out Ancharrr, but in this case, Ancharrr doesn't have an incredible amount of value (namely because there aren't really any other Pirates you'd want), and thus it's not enough to justify Cache alone. Luckily, Patron cares about some weapons. Namely, Death's Bite and Blood Razor. Razor could absolutely be the pick in this deck, as the whirl going in can be as effective as the whirl going out. However, Bite is more consistent in removing early Hench-Clan Thugs, Glaivebound Adept, Ship's Cannon, Southsea Captain, Raza the Chained, Azure Drake, Big Ol' Whelp, Stargazer Luna, Brann Bronzebeard, Loatheb, Spawn of Shadows, Flamewaker, and a whole host more of threatening Wild minions. And make no mistake, this isn't a combo deck that can try playing solitaire, it needs to make tempo plays, and Bite can more consistently make big impacts on your tempo than Razor. This is, of course, not to say Razor isn't an option, and it might end up being that the deck can play more aggressively. But this is just my opinion going into the current meta, as it is now.

A current big flex spot is in the 8-drop slot. And I'm fairly confident you always want one of a few 8-drops here. Grommash Hellscream is a classic wave-maker of Patron Warrior, but... times have changed. He's still got fantastic potential. He's an absolute beast, a unit, a madman–but he may not cut it in some metas. Enter candidate two: Rotface. Now, Mr. Face hasn't proven himself to the standards of Grom, but there hasn't really been an opportunity. But, with the Broom in the mix, he does get slightly better. Rushing in with a 6/8 that spawns a free Legendary in doing so, before or after beating him up a little and getting a few more Legendaries out of him, is pretty good tempo, and a reasonable finisher, one with some higher variance, for sure, but certainly more stats-on-the-board impact than Grom can typically provide.

One last thing. Eggs. Egg Warrior in Standard played some crossover cards with this deck, and it's absolutely possible this deck can take a little more influence from it. Specifically, Teron Gorefiend, who could honestly revolutionize this deck one step further. Often times, he would do an absolute ton for this deck. Eating 1/1 Acolytes or 4/2 Berserkers or 3/1 Patrons, and spitting them out with +1/+1 each, is genuinely very generous. Eating a bunch of 1/1 Boombots, triggering their Deathrattles, and then spitting out 2/2 copies, potentially with a 3/4 Bomb Wrangler to boot, is kinda ludicrous. However, he's extremely susceptible to a few things, though generally speaking, to not dying. He's gotta die to be good. And there's a number of answers in Wild to dealing with a Minion beyond killing it. That said, there's not a lot of them, not all of them are good, and even less are actually being played currently. So there is a chance, and you can absolutely kill him off immediately just for some guaranteed value. But, it could require a teeny bit of a rework in the deck, one that I'm not afraid to try, and I absolutely will be trying him. Truthfully, I can see a world where Teron replaces even Grom/Rotface. A variant of the deck with these card choices in mind can be found here.

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