Rattling Machine Hunter

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
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I don't usually make guides, or even post my decks, but I got bored so I decided to do this thing.

Every expansion I mess around with what I call Machine Gun Hunter. It's never something ranked viable, but I think it's a really fun archetype... just blasting opponents with dozens of arrows.

This time around, however, things got pretty... consistent. I made three decks out of this idea, but they're almost the same. I created the deck's "package", and you can build it around anything else, really. I don't usually make use of a deck tracker, but if you can believe my word, I'm sitting on a 37/35 winrate in each of the three decks, so basically 50%. That is counting experimentation, so pretty nice for a meme, albeit I know it's a fairly small sample. The road was pretty bumpy at first, but I guess it's one of those things you get better at the more you do it.

Also, the deck's best against control, and I didn't encounter much aggro decks, so that helped. No, really, this can kill Highlander Priest and Armor Warrior, if you plan ahead and play it right.

So, without further ado...


The main deck is just Vereesa Windrunner, Arcane Shot, Rapid Fire, Kill Command, and Tracking. Theoretically you can build any deck and put those as a finisher. Btw, some people do'nt like Tracking very much, but for a combo deck, it's completely busted. Just always keep Vereesa... I won a few matches just from pressure, and all the burst spells, but... it's a funnier win with her :)

Then, to make it more consistent, we got Sphere of Sapience and Lorekeeper Polkelt. Sphere is SO good guys, I guess any scry effects in a game like Hearthstone is really busted. Try to not use polkeit if you have Vereesa in hand, because all you burst are small spells. He's mostly used to find Vereesa IF you have plenty of damage on hand.

Also, for all variations I found Marked Shot is a really nice card. It provides removal, and I'd say a pretty good chance you'll find either burst, or a tracking.

It really helps if you can throw in as much draw as you can, because well, combo deck and all. So two Loot Hoarders are a nice inclusion.

This one is pretty much the best version of the decks. It doesn't have the amazing acid breath because no dragons, but Kill Command is stronger with all the beasts.


For this specific variation, I focused on deathrattles, and plenty card draw.

Carrion Studies - Good deathrattle value. They now cost 1 less. That's it. Focus on draw minions if possible. Soft spot.

Scavenger's Ingenuity - It helps that we have deathrattles as beasts. Good card draw, can make your rushing beasts (basically, your removal) stronger. Variation staple.

[Hearthstone Card (Bloathed Python) Not Found] - Drops a 4/4, better than eggs because it can attack, AND it's a beast. It can really pressure boards against warriors, and classes that have board clear but no silence effect. Variation staple.

Diving Gryphon- Card draw, and removal. Don't be afraid to rush it into a 1 attack minion, it's not made to survive. Droping it without an enemy minion on board is not the best, but maybe you want the draw and that's okay. The more you draw, the faster you combo. Variation staple.

Nine Lives- Deathrattle activator, can draw, can make a 4/4 minion, and puts a minion in hand. Very good, not needed. Soft spot.

Mok'Nathal Lion - Good, rushing minion. Tutored by Gryphons and Ingenuity. Don't be afraid to drop it without a deathrattle in play, IF you kill a troublesome minion. Variation staple.

Kobold Sandtrooper - Small minion for early on, 3 damage burst is 3 damage less you gotta do. It's good, not needed. Soft spot.

Vectus - It's actually really good, although no one seems to be playing it. It provides a 6/6 body across 3 minions, and 2 deathrattles you managed to get killed. Remember if only one of your deathrattles died, only one whelp gets its effect. Kinda soft spot, but really good.


You want Sphere, and your small minions in hand, and tracking. You have to strategize your turns in advance, so keeping burst could be a viable option as well. Do not keep Vereesa, this deck draws really fast.

When you Track, you gotta pick the best option for the match. Dumping a Vectus for a Rapid Fire is almost always your best course of action. Remember those things do 6 damage for 2 mana when you get Thori'dal.


There are plenty of soft spots in the deck, and you can do whatever you want with then. Maybe throw in a Bonechewer Brawler or two to get better against aggro. But it's a combo deck in it's essence, it should be losing to aggro.

It's more of a fun deck than a constructed one, so I do not advise crafting anything if you lack the dust.

...Well that's it I guess, I could edit the guide later if needed. Please post your ideas in the comments if you have any. Remember to have fun!!!


The other decks are https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/19284-feral-machine-hunter and https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/19282-scaly-machine-hunter

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