Primordial Soup

Last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
  • Achievement

The purpose of this deck is to quickly complete the Primordial Soup achievement introduced in the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion. The total amount of summoning 40 minions by transforming Baroness Vashj is easily reachable by playing 10 games (at most).

The idea is to play Baroness Vashj and spam her with transform spells to progress this achievement rapidly. In Wild, there are now a ton of very cheap transform spells, most of them costing 1 mana or less. The smallest of Naga packages is included to improve finding Baroness Vashj if she was not in our starting hand. The upside of playing multiple transform spells on her is that you will get a very decent and beefy board which has to be dealt with. This means that even though winning is less important whilst achievement hunting, this deck often times does scam it's way to winning quite a few games.

Card choices
  1. Find Baroness Vashj (if not already in hand), ALWAYS full mulligan to find her.
  2. Gather some transform spells.
  3. Refrain from using your hero power because those useless totems just take up board space.
  4. Plan out combo turn when having enough mana (usually turn 4 or 5) depending if you have The Coin and/or Lightning Blooms in hand. I would suggest to use at least 3 transform abilities.
  5. [optional] Play Muck Pools (if in hand).
  6. [optional] Play Spirit of the Frog before combo turn (if in hand).
  7. Pop off combo:
    1. Play Baroness Vashj.
    2. Refresh your mana crystals and/or play the The Coin.
    3. Play as much single transform spells on Baroness Vashj.
    4. Play mass transform spells as last to get the most advantage out of your board.
  8. Enjoy your (almost) full board of minions to (hopefully) also win the game.

Good luck and have fun!!

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