Demonic Obsession Transparency Report

Below you can find the generated report from this competition. Please note the number in brackets beside an entrant's name is their submission id. The lowest number is the first submission created in this competition.

We will not disclose the individual voters of each card and their scores to prevent potential harassment.

Entrant Views Entry Votes Finalist Votes
1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc
linkblade91 (294) 73 3 11 16 25 15 70 3.54286 3 2 12 10 9 36 3.55556
Inconspicuosaurus (323) 46 1 4 14 21 5 45 3.55556 1 6 11 7 10 35 3.54286
Xarkkal (311) 48 2 3 16 17 8 46 3.56522 3 4 8 13 8 36 3.52778
thepowrofcheese (312) 48 2 4 9 23 8 46 3.67391 5 5 6 11 10 37 3.43243
grumpymonk (318) 47 2 10 11 11 11 45 3.42222 4 6 10 8 7 35 3.22857
Pokeniner (290) 77 8 9 16 25 14 72 3.38889 10 5 7 9 5 36 2.83333
Hordaki (291) 77 3 12 24 23 10 72 3.34722 7 8 10 7 4 36 2.80556
michaelis65 (325) 47 1 11 15 9 8 44 3.27273 7 10 10 5 4 36 2.69444
FearGralex (314) 47 5 4 18 13 6 46 3.23913
meisterz39 (301) 62 4 14 14 18 9 59 3.23729
Wailor (307) 58 7 6 17 17 8 55 3.23636
Orinoco (288) 76 8 9 24 20 11 72 3.23611
CovenantKevlar (310) 53 5 9 11 21 4 50 3.20000
Conduit (289) 76 6 12 24 21 8 71 3.18310
GoliathTheDwarf (296) 74 7 7 32 15 8 69 3.14493
MathU (286) 79 5 8 38 16 6 73 3.13699
Demonxz95 (292) 74 11 11 18 18 12 70 3.12857
Pharune (303) 61 6 10 20 15 6 57 3.08772
DottyIs0p (298) 66 5 12 23 14 6 60 3.06667
Cheese (322) 46 8 7 13 10 8 46 3.06522
RazorOfArtorias (302) 60 4 12 22 18 2 58 3.03448
Orrien (319) 47 6 10 10 15 2 43 2.93023
Shivershine (305) 60 10 10 17 15 5 57 2.91228
CaptainDG (299) 63 9 14 15 11 8 57 2.91228
Dermostatic (316) 47 8 9 11 15 2 45 2.86667
xOwleyex (297) 73 14 12 16 15 8 65 2.86154
RenoLord (327) 46 6 14 9 8 6 43 2.86047
anchorm4n (309) 54 7 11 19 12 2 51 2.82353
JFK (324) 46 10 9 11 10 5 45 2.80000
ZardozSpeakz (300) 62 9 10 25 12 2 58 2.79310
MrRhapsody (321) 47 10 10 13 6 6 45 2.73333
ChocolateChipCooke (317) 48 6 13 13 7 3 42 2.71429
TheHoax91 (308) 57 11 11 19 8 4 53 2.67925
Phoenix (306) 60 11 18 14 8 6 57 2.64912
forgloryus (293) 74 17 18 13 15 6 69 2.63768
Jhamel (328) 46 7 14 15 7 2 45 2.62222
Sol (304) 61 11 19 16 5 4 55 2.49091
ShadowsOfSense (315) 47 8 15 16 4 2 45 2.48889
Nirast (326) 46 13 12 13 6 2 46 2.39130
griffior (287) 77 34 12 13 7 7 73 2.19178
DQ Reason for griffior:

Entries needed to be a class card.

Jimmothy (320) 47 21 14 5 3 2 45 1.91111
Horus (295) 72 41 13 6 4 5 69 1.82609
hereharehere (313) 48 25 14 6 1 0 46 1.63043
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