One Night in Karazhan
One Night in Karazhan is a Hearthstone patch released on Aug. 9, 2016. It was versioned 6.0.0 with the build number 13921. It was released during the expansion One Night in Karazhan
New Collectible Cards
New cards have been added to the game.
New Druid Cards
- Moonglade Portal - Ain't no party like a Moonglade party ‘cause a Moonglade party got bears.
- Menagerie Warden - Please? Can I keep him? I promise to clean his cage <i>every day</i>.
- Enchanted Raven - Once upon a midnight restive, Medivh pondered, feeling festive!
New Hunter Cards
- Cat Trick - "I know some new tricks, a lot of good tricks. I will show them to you. Medivh will not mind at all if I do."
- Cloaked Huntress - She's practically GIVING your secrets away!
- Kindly Grandmother - "Goodness! What… abundant drool you have."
New Mage Cards
- Babbling Book - His idol is the Green Hills of Stranglethorn, and he won't shut up about it.
- Firelands Portal - Come to beautiful Firelands! Where it's <i>"Way nicer than the Abyssal Maw!"</i>
- Medivh's Valet - "Magus Medivh sir, I've brought the flaming balloons, as you requested."
New Paladin Cards
- Ivory Knight - Do <i>NOT</i> call it a "horse".
- Silvermoon Portal - What's Millhouse Manastorm doing in Silvermoon?
- Nightbane Templar - Originally joined to be Arcanagos’ Templar, but has to admit that ordering pizza has become waaaay easier.
New Priest Cards
- Onyx Bishop - B4 is a nice place to visit, but he wouldn't want to live there.
- Priest of the Feast - Now that's a world champion cheesecake!
- Purify - Even better than a hot shower with vigorous scrubbing!
New Rogue Cards
- Ethereal Peddler - Yeah, sure. That Ragnaros "fell off the back of a truck".
- Deadly Fork - For a proper setting, place the deadly fork <i>after</i> the salad fork, but <i>before</i> the dinner fork.
- Swashburglar - Was almost named "Swashb-AAAARRHHH-gler"
New Shaman Cards
- Maelstrom Portal - They bill this as a popular resort attraction, but they try and get your money up front.
- Wicked Witchdoctor - You can easily defeat her by either dealing 4 damage, or dropping a house on her.
- Spirit Claws - They'll be MUCH easier to use once they add the spirit<i>thumb</i>.
New Warlock Cards
- Silverware Golem - From the secret research labs of the Swiss Army.
- Kara Kazham! - This is what happens when you tell Khadgar to set the table.
- Malchezaar's Imp - Malchezaar used to have an imp named Dobby working for him, but there was a tragic accident.
New Warrior Cards
- Protect the King! - Form ranks! Everyone into the King's Tuskarr Defense!
- Fool's Bane - A fool and his bane are soon parted.
- Ironforge Portal - Come to beautiful Ironforge! Where irons are forged and the forges are iron!
New Neutral Cards
- Medivh, the Guardian - If you think the party's great now, just wait 'til he invites the orcs over!
- The Curator - The Curator guards Azeroth’s deadliest creatures, but it’s secretly terrified of squirrels.
- Barnes - He used to play every part, until Moroes confiscated his Orb of Deception.
- Prince Malchezaar - He was super excited to acquire Gorehowl at a garage sale! Then super disappointed to find out it was a foam reproduction.
- Moroes - Moroes runs an army of stewards, but still ends up inflating the balloons himself.
- Arcane Giant - Claims to be drawn to Karazhan because of the ley lines. Actually, just loves Moroes’ cooking.
- Moat Lurker - He really enjoys lurking and gets a lot of job satisfaction out of it.
- Book Wyrm - His favorites are classic tragedies like "The Hobbit" and "Grendel".
- Avian Watcher - He mostly watches light romantic comedies.
- Menagerie Magician - Just between us, if things get tight the Menagerie Magician position will probably be the first to go.
- Arcanosmith - He’s really just a Blacksmith, but he thought the fancy title would bring in more business.
- Violet Illusionist - She’s much more cheerful after losing the ‘n’ in her name.
- Zoobot - The Murloc is taking the picture.
- Pantry Spider - You have to admit, they make a cute couple.
- Pompous Thespian - Alas poor Annoy-o-Tron! A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy!
- Netherspite Historian - She can tell you all about the history of people not STANDING IN THE GREEN BEAM!
- Runic Egg - Oh man! Runic omelettes are the best!
- Arcane Anomaly - He used to get work as a Spatial Anomaly, but he got tired of having his polarity reversed.
Official Patch Notes
Quote From Blizzard In this Hearthstone update we’re rolling out the red carpet for the arrival of Hearthstone’s newest adventure: One Night in Karazhan later this week! Prepare yourself to play the free Prologue mission, then party your way through Medivh’s magnificent tower to earn a total of 45 groovy new Hearthstone cards! This update also adds a luxurious new Karazhan game board, several new card backs and Tavern Brawls, and fixes some bugs.
Read on for details!
One Night in Karazhan: A Hearthstone Adventure
- Let’s celebrate! Grab a drink, get your boogie on, and get ready for One Night in Karazhan! This all-new adventure will be available on August 11 and includes:
- A free Prologue mission for you to explore which unlocks two brand new cards.
- Journey up four unforgettable wings of the Karazhan tower fighting twelve funky bosses and completing nine new class challenges.
- Completing One Night in Karazhan will unlock 45 all-new Hearthstone cards for your collection.
- The grooviest new game board you’ve seen arrives to let you strut your card-playing stuff.
- Will you survive the challenging Heroic mode for each wing?
- The following card backs have been added:
Medivh's Invitation
Karazhan Nights
The Blue Portal
- [Hearthstone Card (Faceless Manipulato) Not Found]r now properly transforms into a golden copy of a golden minion.
- Fjola Lightbane no longer leaves a Divine Shield behind when transformed.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when you drew and played a minion very quickly at the start of your turn.
- [Phone] Your gold amount now properly shows when you access the Shop from the Open Packs screen.
- Your opponent's mulligan is now only revealed after you've confirmed your selection.
- A “Restart” option has been added to make new attempts on Adventure missions more convenient.
- Certain token minions that are summoned by playing a minion or spell card have had their base mana costs increased.
- Fixed various audio, graphical, gameplay, AI and UI issues.
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