Silverware Golem

Silverware Golem Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

If you discard this minion, summon it.

Flavor Text

From the secret research labs of the Swiss Army.

How to Unlock Silverware Golem

Unlocked in the Parlor, in One Night in Karazhan.

How to Unlock Golden Silverware Golem

Crafting unlocked in the Parlor, in One Night in Karazhan.

Silverware Golem Sounds

Play VO_KAR_205_Male_SilverwareGolem_Play_01

Attack VO_KAR_205_Male_SilverwareGolem_Attack_01

Attack SilverwareGolem_Underlay_Attack

Death VO_SilverwareGolem_Male_SilverwareGolem_SilverwareDeath_03

Death SilverwareGolem_Underlay_Death

Game Accessories

Discard Discard

Card Balance and Changes

Patch Change
Battlegrounds Season 5

Health increased to 4 (from 3).


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