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Joined 03/24/2019 Achieve Points 950 Posts 61

11times67's Comments

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    34,150 here.


  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Patch also bugged out the existing rewards track, any % Exp bonuses you had earned on the track are gone now.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    A positive "bug", getting Brann's third equipment by defeating Heroic Kresh instantly levels the equipment from one to four. A nice coin save, get it before it's hotfixed.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I'm most excited about the Duels impact-the Shadowcloth Needle cost reduction gives Elise another 1-mana weapon to blow up Twig of the World Tree. Combining that with the cost reductions to Blackwater Behemoth and Whirlpool means that quest Elise will get even better in Duels.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Casual Duels is the place to go for both of those achievements. Snowball Fight becomes much easier when you'll regularly face Paladin/Drek'Thar/Vanndar decks that flood the board with large, often divine shield minions. Just play a freeze Shaman build, you'll get there eventually.

    YoggChamp is definitely more of a crapshoot, try to put your opponent to near lethal but don't kill him. Hope for the best from there. It can be done, it just takes a while. I just always autoinclude Oh My Yogg in every Paladin Duels deck I play.

    For me the roughest achievement has been the Party Up! one, but I'll keep trying to get that four-of-a-kind...

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Punished for completing my daily tasks early today...

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I used this deck in Casual Duels to get the Snowball Fight achievement. Note, this deck is specifically for use with Drek'Thar as your hero, choosing War Commands as your Hero Power and Elemental Chaos as your Treasure. It gave lots of good chances to use Snowball Fight to attempt the achievement, I got it on my fifth try.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    The new patch also changed the Tavern Brawl this week from "Blood Magic" to "Party Portals!".

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Fun as always! One request, can the word list be put behind a spoiler tag? I like to try to find the words based off the puzzle theme without looking at the list. I find it too quick to solve otherwise.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago


    In reply to Extra Dust?!?
  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Just logged into HS and got a pop-up saying I received 8800 dust. Anyone know why?

    In reply to Extra Dust?!?
  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Can confirm, the combo Warlock deck is stupid good. Currently 12-0 with it, beating control and aggro both. Saw the mirror three times, it's just a race combined with a little hand size management.


  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I knew that because Flesh Giant would be my ten drop, I would be looking to pick up some cards from the "Pain" buckets to reduce the cost more quickly. So I chose Joras Thuldoom with the thought that he would give me the potential to easily rebuild a board when needed. In reality, he was a complete dud, I literally never played him the entire run.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    12-2 in Casual Duels with Soul Warlock. Images show starting deck, deck contents immediately before final game, and the death of my final boss, since casual won't let you review your deck after the run is over.

    Show Spoiler

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    One of my favorite things to remind people of when there are complaints about Tavern Brawls is this quote from the original announcement (emphasis mine):

    "Tavern Brawls will have free admission when the new mode becomes available. As part of the launch celebration, you'll earn a free card pack when you win your first game of the week in the first several brawls!"

    And here we are, 324 Tavern Brawls later, still earning a free pack (almost) every week. Until Classic packs stopped being a thing, I never needed to buy one due to the free pack I got every week. When I opened the last card I needed from Classic (golden Captain Greenskin), I was ecstatic. Plenty of people who haven't been playing as long don't realize that originally we were expecting 4-5 free packs, not the 300+ per player they've made available. Of course, I'd love to see more variations on Tavern Brawls, but I appreciate all the work the content team does, especially with Duels.



  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    Went 12-1 with this deck, similar to the Rogue deck above. Roguish Maneuvers and Ace in the Hole were my starting choices, the deck really took off once I picked Fireshaper and Oops! All Spells. Easiest 12 wins I've ever had, games averaged 3-4 minutes. No game after the third went more than 5 turns.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    Also took Goodboy's list above to 12 wins today. Voidtouched Attendant is insanely good, especially with Fireshaper. One game against an all spells DH I took him from 37 to zero using just two Bag of Coins and two Silences. I'd almost cut all other creatures and add Insight to maximize my chances of drawing her.

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    Yes. Survival Training with Slate's Syringe.


  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I used this deck to get to 11 wins in Heroic Duels. Passives were Mysterious Tome and Oops! All Spells. Games were over incredibly fast, my 8, 9, 10, and 11th wins were all over by turn 5 or 6. Hero power was Survival Training and starting treasure was Slate's Syringe. Also, as a PSA, be aware that if a Priest with Mind Tether steals/copies your Aimed Shot their hero power keeps the +2 bonus permanently. 

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Own 100% of Year of the Phoenix cards already and I'm only missing three cards from Barrens (2 Legendaries, 1 Epic). So of course I get offered 2 Barrens Legendaries and 35 packs for $30 or two Phoenix Legendaries (guaranteed to be duplicates) and 20 packs for $20. Meanwhile my incomplete Wild collection gets no love at all. 

    Nice "custom logic" Blizzard.