Freezing Potion costs 0. Hero Powers are supposed to be equivalent to somewhat-lacking 0-cost spells. It's on the stronger side, but it's still within the margin.
In one of my last games we both played Alexstraza. My opponent (went first) got Emeriss doubling everythingsvattack/defense in his hand and the 4/8 (8/16 after Emeriss) taunt discover a dragon druid dragon. I got two 3/4 Amalgams. So I just conceded.
I have played this once. I have had it played against me 7 times. All 8 times it targeted the minion on one end (left or right) and went into the next minion adjacent. Not once has it looked random and gone to the open end of the board.
Anyone see it go the "wrong" way?
If you target a minion on one end, it can jump only to the only one next minion, then next etc.etc. It does not jump randomly.
Players who join Brawlidays will receive a copy of Rhys the Redeemed after earning their first win in the event, and Rhys will also be craftable using Wildcards for players looking to complete a playset for Historic play.
I apologize since I can't figure this out on my own.
Do I have to enter the event and get 1 win (in order to receive one copy of Rhys) in order to create a playset? Or can I just find him the usual way, with all of the other Historic cards, and craft four of him from there?
Thanks in advance for an info.
You can craft them without paying 15 USD or 10000 gold using wildcard
My girlfriend related to the Tyrande-issue with a story from school: there was a pupil who was allowed to leave early once a week (don't know why). Another pupil went forth and asked the prinicipal to be allowed to leave early as well - that's just fine, everybody can plead for equal rights. But when the second pupil was rejected (probably because nr. 1 had reasons nr. 2 couldn't provide), nr. 2 then asked to strip nr. 1 from their privilege to reinstate equality. And this is not okay. As long as nr. 2 isn't directly or indirectly harmed by nr. 1s privilege, nr. 2 may try to get it for his/herself, but should refrain from trying to pull down nr. 1.
A cop stops two cars for speeding. He greets the one and lets him ho. Then he gives you a fine.
From your point of view it is absolutely OK, because you should not take into consideration someones privilege.
Do you see the error in your view?
There’s no error here. It’s not your business whether someone else did or didn’t get punished for something they did. Did you do something wrong that gives someone the right to punish you? If you did, you have absolutely nothing to claim if they do.
You can protest the other person being released on grounds that they may threaten society (and you) if they keep driving unchecked, but that is specific to this example and has nothing to do with the example @anchorm4n brought. Student nr. 1 being allowed to leave early doesn’t impact student nr. 2 in any way, so it’s not his business.
You need to be a buddhist-monk level of conscience, if you can ignore injustice. If everyone would be like ignoring derogiation happening to other then themselves you society would fall apart.
My girlfriend related to the Tyrande-issue with a story from school: there was a pupil who was allowed to leave early once a week (don't know why). Another pupil went forth and asked the prinicipal to be allowed to leave early as well - that's just fine, everybody can plead for equal rights. But when the second pupil was rejected (probably because nr. 1 had reasons nr. 2 couldn't provide), nr. 2 then asked to strip nr. 1 from their privilege to reinstate equality. And this is not okay. As long as nr. 2 isn't directly or indirectly harmed by nr. 1s privilege, nr. 2 may try to get it for his/herself, but should refrain from trying to pull down nr. 1.
A cop stops two cars for speeding. He greets the one and lets him ho. Then he gives you a fine.
From your point of view it is absolutely OK, because you should not take into consideration someones privilege.
Logical assumption
Freezing potion costs zero AND A CARD
No, most likely there will be 4 hero cards for non-Galakrond classe
She still can generate dragons that can discover her (like the druid 4/8 taunt or hunter 2/3 poison or the paladin 2/3 lifesteal)
This is great!! We will have 4 non-Galakrond hero cards!!
This is fiňe. Battlecries will not work, though
In one of my last games we both played Alexstraza. My opponent (went first) got Emeriss doubling everythingsvattack/defense in his hand and the 4/8 (8/16 after Emeriss) taunt discover a dragon druid dragon.
I got two 3/4 Amalgams. So I just conceded.
Sir, you just made some cards really OP.
8 mana board clear 8/8 body that will clear the board again as a deathrattle? Super OP.
Ragnaros with Divine Shield? Why? He is Ok as he is, he is 8 mana 8/8 that heals at least once for 8.
5 mana 6/5 heal for 20 that can be 2 times in your deck? 3 mana infinite 2/2 weapon? 4 mana 3/2 draw 4 one mana cards in Rogue???
Your updated cards would be completely disgusting, most of them.
The main problem is, that milling decks are uninteractive and unfun to play against. So no, do not ruin the game for many to satisfy a few.
BTW, without Vanish the Mill Rougue would be screwed, so it would not work in Standard anymore.
With 4 mana available he gives the mass silence from priest class
Actually it is: "Zed's dead".
Try this one
Waxadred Rogue deck code: AAECAYO6AgaaAu0F4PoCoIADoaEDwK4DDLQBmwXdCN76AvWAA4+XA4CmA7uuA72uA76uA7+uA+ewAwA=
Basically what you are saying that Blizzard is rigging random players to have the best matchup available against you.
If you target a minion on one end, it can jump only to the only one next minion, then next etc.etc. It does not jump randomly.
You can craft them without paying 15 USD or 10000 gold using wildcard
Oooooukej, they are adding game modes which cost roughly 15 dollars to play per month...
Spider Tank is a mech.
You need to be a buddhist-monk level of conscience, if you can ignore injustice. If everyone would be like ignoring derogiation happening to other then themselves you society would fall apart.
A cop stops two cars for speeding. He greets the one and lets him ho. Then he gives you a fine.
From your point of view it is absolutely OK, because you should not take into consideration someones privilege.
Do you see the error in your view?
Except... Hearthstone is a collectable card game. It is design to itch the brain of user of (as pokemon says) "Collect them all"
And then they give something rare to everyone for free....
This is just against the human nature of collectors. You cannot blame them for not being happy.