This card seems insane! the only possible downside is that you could draw Bombs if Bomb Warrior becomes a thing again, or those 1/1s from the new Albatross card
Drawing the 1/1 albatrosses will let you draw good cards for normal draw so still a good bargai
I think you're criminally underrating this. On average you will consistently get a playable result within 2-3 turns (by playable I mean a card that has above average value for its mana cost). However there are a number of results that will give you an insane tempo or value boost and can downright win you the game on teh spot, depending on the situation (I checked)
If Mogu Fleshshaper gets nerfed (by god I hope it will) and the Mutate package falls out of favour, this might just be played for the same reason: when it works out, it just takes the game on the spot.
You heard it here first: you're gonna hate to face this one eventually.
Shifter Zerus saw no play. Chameleos saw zero play. This is basically them. Why would you play a card that may got decent in future for a turn when you can play a card that is decent all the time?
Vanilla stats with great effect. Worth with even one-two dragons discounted.
5 mana 4/4 draw two SPECIFIC cards? What stats would you want?
Drawing the 1/1 albatrosses will let you draw good cards for normal draw so still a good bargai
Shifter Zerus saw no play. Chameleos saw zero play. This is basically them. Why would you play a card that may got decent in future for a turn when you can play a card that is decent all the time?
Why there is no dragon-themed cardback for December?? A missed opportunity
The Rush dragons cannot go face the turn they are summoned, so... eh.
Well, the condition is easier to fullflill than Inkmaster Solias
Must have in Dragon decks. If the mage will have any.
Excellent Reno hoser! Good stats for vanilla minion.
Meme Muckmorpher!! I love how it resembles the original.
Meme Muckmorpher!! I love how it resembles the original.
Nice, love the name
Prime target for removal
Comboes well with Glinda Crowskin
Excellent weapon for pirate warrior
And Dragon priest is back
Interesting yet too incosistent
3 mana deal 4 damage cantrip. Nice!
Not sure if fits in reno decks