Talk about an oversight. That's been resolved, thanks.
Also, it may seem clear, but it is better on 1 to 10 questions let users know which is best and which is worst option, as respondents from different cultures may have different views on that (for example in Central Europe best result in school test is 1 worst is 5, except for Hungary where best result is 5 and worst 1)
I wonder if there is a Reason they put alt Skins (Lunara, Medivh and Morgl) in this Picture. Maybe they wanna put them into the Shop after the Announcement?
... Or maybe they thouhgt „Lol, let's just take some Randos and make them team up!"
Edit: Am I seeing this wrong? Have they really turned into Stone?
They will most likely not, for example you can get Morgl even today for fre
This should give the mana in all cases. The Manasaber says “whenever it attacks” and it attacks otherwise the trap would not sprung, it is not like the trap activated before Manasabers attack. Report a bug.
By the way, we have ~98 class legendaries in the standard, excluding Rogue ones (2 legendaries in 8 classes in 6 expansions + 2 legendaries in Galakronds Awakening). So getting the Tekahn have 3/98 = 3% chance.
It is a very bold move to put your hopes in an occurence which happens once in 33 games.
I'm most excited for another "year" when I won't be playing this game nor give blizzard my hard earned money for something that is not enjoyable nor worth my free time.
Why are you on the game forum them? Tell us how much you don't care??
You're right about Alex into Alex creating a surprise huge board. That is a different thing.
But Pogos and Tess? You can make a lot of them with the right set up, but not infinite, and you have to draw them. Once you've become Galakrond, your hero power gives you lackeys, plus you can keep invoking to get more. That's a lot of 4/4s. I mean, how many times did they nerf The Caverns Below?
In this case you defnitely cannot get infinite lackeys, just like you cannot get infinite pogos/Tess from Toggwaggle's Scheme. You have one lackey per turn + few lackeys from invoking (4-6 max)
Getting the Tekahn is really highroll but quite rare one so it is good to have in the game for creating funny stories.
Yay! I can pass more time until the new year announcement by playing BG's again! Here's for hoping demons get put in their place.
Also, can't wait to try Reno! That hero power could be extremely useful! Even if it costs 4 gold!
Edit: This reaction was before (Once per game) was added to the article. That's A LOT less insane now. But still very useful for those times you just can't get the triple you're looking for.
For example Triple Bran is often game winning. Or trippling the deathrattles.
There are little to no decks for the old adventures on here (which makes sense, this site didn't exist when Nax came out!) So sadly, my searches for help on some of the heroic bosses, has taken me back to that "other" site. A comprehensive guide of each adventure with a couple of suggested decks for each boss would really set this site apart from the others.
I would love to write these guides, but I don't know how quickly I could get them made.
Most adventures can be beat by Mechathun Warlock or Knife Jugler priest OTK deck
Another ideah for you: Poeple post a card and others describe it but funny way
Also, it may seem clear, but it is better on 1 to 10 questions let users know which is best and which is worst option, as respondents from different cultures may have different views on that (for example in Central Europe best result in school test is 1 worst is 5, except for Hungary where best result is 5 and worst 1)
They will most likely not, for example you can get Morgl even today for fre
No, Bizzard said even 9 classes are a bit too muc
Or both on March 17t
This should give the mana in all cases. The Manasaber says “whenever it attacks” and it attacks otherwise the trap would not sprung, it is not like the trap activated before Manasabers attack. Report a bug.
No 4th quest today ☹️
Well, the article says "They will only be available for Gems"
By the way, we have ~98 class legendaries in the standard, excluding Rogue ones (2 legendaries in 8 classes in 6 expansions + 2 legendaries in Galakronds Awakening). So getting the Tekahn have 3/98 = 3% chance.
It is a very bold move to put your hopes in an occurence which happens once in 33 games.
So we did not got anything last week. But today at 19:00 CEST (adjust it to your time zone) we should get a cardback and sixpack of cards.
Will there be an announcement? What do you think?
If they want to release the first expansion as usual, there should be! Clock is ticking!
In this meaning every set is part of the wild
6x epic, 3x golden rare, no legendaries.
I'm surprised Wild only packs contains classic packs. Maybe this is a hint of changing the classic set?
A card disruptor, which can go infinite until one players stops to cast it.
Why are you on the game forum them? Tell us how much you don't care??
In this case you defnitely cannot get infinite lackeys, just like you cannot get infinite pogos/Tess from Toggwaggle's Scheme. You have one lackey per turn + few lackeys from invoking (4-6 max)
Getting the Tekahn is really highroll but quite rare one so it is good to have in the game for creating funny stories.
For example Triple Bran is often game winning. Or trippling the deathrattles.
Yes. Yes, it is.
Raven motiff is on Medivh cardback
Are these daily MTG sale posts really needed? Information value is zero (you can see all deals in MTGA) they just fill the screen.
Most adventures can be beat by Mechathun Warlock or Knife Jugler priest OTK deck