1. Subjective. OP wants to show his veterancy, Blizzard provided it. OP is still complaining.
2. #1
3. And not everyone wants to abuse a flawed system or were even aware of that flaw. This time everyone can obtain it legitimately but of course there's a bunch of entitled people who need to feel superior to others with a bloody cosmetic.
Btw, Blizzard can do small change by switching (mirroring) Tyrande. Old account will have blue one and all accounts will have green one. Everyone is happy.
3. And not everyone wants to abuse a flawed system or were even aware of that flaw. This time everyone can obtain it legitimately but of course there's a bunch of entitled people who need to feel superior to others with a bloody cosmetic.
By "entitled people" you mean those, who want limited time cosmetics from the past just because they are entitled to have them, right?
On the other hand (just so you get the situation I'll use the example you wrote in your comment), Lazul was a skin tied with an 80 $ bundle which was limited in time, so giving her away for free would be unfair; but I wouldn't see anything wrong if they just put her in the new store for the usual price, maybe after a few expansions though
If they would start offering skins which are in preorder bundles people would not be enticed to preorder those bundles, because they would not miss out the skin.
You literally just got 1000 win portraits to show your veterancy and you're whining because people can obtain a skin, which many could not before, again?
1, these 1000 win portraits looks really bad
2, you need to play ranked a lot to obtain them (for example I prefer funny decks in casual)
3, everyone who really wanted could obtain the skin (giving US address to Twitch prime service like I did)
Tyrande was first only available to people in United States, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Austria through a Twitch Prime membership. Then she was obtainable for those in the SEA region. Anyone else could not legitimately obtain her.
I got her and I do not live in any of those cuntries.
Warrior Galakrond is in matching frame - Red Galakrond in red frame. Shaman too (blue Galakrond in blue frame).
So why is priest Galakrond purple (the color of warlock frame), Rogue whiteish (the color of Priest frame) and warlock Dark greyish (rogue frame color)?
They should switch the images to match frame as they match in Warrior and Shaman.
0 cost cards are always hard to evaluate as pointed out by many players. Unique effect, but I don't see it being close to Prince 2. Prince 2 was powerful when it was played early and gave you the highest boost in win rate than any other cards when in your opening hand. However, when Prince 2 was played late in the game, the boost was significantly reduced. This is not surprising at all, as Prince 2's effect can be seen as "cost reduction", such as allowing you to play a 4/3 minion with only 2 mana. However, then the cost of cards are increased, the status gain cancels out the boost effect. So overall, the benefit you gain is very minor with this new card.
By the way, the +1/+1 effect does not apply to tokens as many people have pointed out!
You know, the +2/+2 in stats is basically 2 mana in cost, so increasing the cost by 1 mana is exactly the Keleseth Effect. While keleseth made you 2 mana 3/2 into 2 mana 4/3, this will make it into 3 mana 5/4 which is great value
Btw, Blizzard can do small change by switching (mirroring) Tyrande. Old account will have blue one and all accounts will have green one. Everyone is happy.
By "entitled people" you mean those, who want limited time cosmetics from the past just because they are entitled to have them, right?
If they would start offering skins which are in preorder bundles people would not be enticed to preorder those bundles, because they would not miss out the skin.
1, these 1000 win portraits looks really bad
2, you need to play ranked a lot to obtain them (for example I prefer funny decks in casual)
3, everyone who really wanted could obtain the skin (giving US address to Twitch prime service like I did)
I got her and I do not live in any of those cuntries.
166 packs
9 legendaries (Goru the Mightree, Ysera, Unleashed, Dragonbane, Chenvaala, Malygos, Aspect of Magic, Nozdormu the Timeless, Waxadred, Bandersmosh, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza)
38 epics (3x3 copies, 1x4 copies), 2 golden
16 golden rares (2x3 copies of same golden rare)
12 golden commons
~80 packs to get for gold
You cannot open Galakrond
Look at Galakrond cards.
Warrior Galakrond is in matching frame - Red Galakrond in red frame. Shaman too (blue Galakrond in blue frame).
So why is priest Galakrond purple (the color of warlock frame), Rogue whiteish (the color of Priest frame) and warlock Dark greyish (rogue frame color)?
They should switch the images to match frame as they match in Warrior and Shaman.
Should a banshee queen be rather paladin
You know, the +2/+2 in stats is basically 2 mana in cost, so increasing the cost by 1 mana is exactly the Keleseth Effect. While keleseth made you 2 mana 3/2 into 2 mana 4/3, this will make it into 3 mana 5/4 which is great value
Sir, you are very new to this game.
Paladin/Shaman: 7 mana 2x5/4 Rush minion.
Others: turn a 1/1 into 5/4 rush. Semi heal a minion.
This is very good.
Really bad card compared to other Warlock AOEs like Defile or Hellfire.
This will not work for token decks, tokens will not get a bonus, only real minions from cards.
It would be EXTREMELY bad card if it would summon it for your opponent
Aggro will not play big minions
Regarding testing - Blizzard discovered SN1P-SN4P - Reckless Experimenter combo only after pointed out by players.
Mana cost changes are worse than inner fire on all cards.
Also, Lady is 6 mana 5/5, this is 4 mana 5/4.
You can have only good dragons in your deck, while there are not that lot of good Lady worth white creatures
4 mana 5/4 is not a dead card, its a good vanilla minion.
No it will not be nerfed