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Joined 06/24/2019 Achieve Points 530 Posts 165

ArchSpike's Comments

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Ah yes, Demon Hunter, Jack of all Trades, master of all of them.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    All of these are weaknesses that DH can easilly circumvent, tho.

    Healing is only needed if you are o nthe receiving end and DH has just enough tools to stay agressive and not care about their health.
    Big minions can be chopped down or ignored with the help of attack buffs and Kayn and silences
    Who needs card generation of you can reliably draw your entire deck throughout the game?

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I... really don't like this being a thing. There was no reason for more silence. Maybe if you made it (1) cheaper and removed the rush, it would be fine but as it is... no. Just no.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    One giant issue with DH is simply its class identity: Agressive facetanking, card draw

    Warlock also has card draw out the butt but in exchange all of warlock's class cards are weaker than other classes' counterparts. Demon Hunter cards on the other hand are stronger than other class cards. Good cards with an easy way to get them is simply bad design.

    Look at priest, a class that has strong (but situational) answers to everything but is completly bereft of any meaningful carddraw, leaving a lot up to random generation.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    It... honestly just felt like the worst single player adventure so far.

    1) Randomness
    Most of the time the bosses have really high variance of randomness, either in their cards (like Bane of Doom) or Hero powers (liek the one that just plays a random outlands card every turn). One "fun" encounter was against one boss casting Eye of the Storm randomly on turn 4, summoning 3 5/6 taunts that were impossible to clear. Another time I beat a boss because they just didn't play a card for 3 turns in a row. Either way, it was very unsatisfying. I had several moments where I thought I was supposed to loose a fight only to realise I had to slog through.

    2) Blandness
    The deck you are forced to play changes extremly slowly. Most of the time you got either a hunter/rogue deck or a demon hunter deck but mostly it feels the same. There isn't anything cool you get to do, your hero powers are either basically a better Tracking or the basic demon hunter HP that sometimes gives +2 attack instead. Your Outcast friends are probably the only interesting cards to play but they are situational and after the 10th time you kind of get over it. After completing the thing, I am unlikely to ever return to these games - unlike Galakrond's Awakening which made sure that every single encounter is unique in a way.

    3) Ignoring its own design
    That's mostly an issue with the Juraxxus encounter towards the end but with the dependancy on random chance it may as well be present in other encounters. Juraxxus has a deck filled with Prime Legendaries and two reactors that make his summons and spells better. Facing a prime deck, you'd assume that the design intended for the battle to ramp up once the prime versions are drawn and bigger threads hit the board. Not so. The moment you even crape the lategame, you are dead. The deck provided to you is aggressive and snowbally in nature and if you let Juraxxus get to the primes, there is no way to outplay him. Your best way to beat him is to restart until you have a hand that can snowball and hope he gets a bad draw. Otherwise he summons Scrapyard Colossus on turn 5 or similar BS.

    4) Story just kind of f***s off
    The plot surrounding Aranna starts of interesting albeit slow, having her meat the outcasts, training as demon hunters and then having to fight former friend and the big bad. However, the fight against illidan comes out of left field and ends in a similar manner. He just kind of apologises for being a bad boy and gives up after you deal 40 damage to him (or sth like that) and it just doesn't feel... good? Meanwhile Galakrond's Awakening had a 3 expansion plotline set up, made sure to give every encounter character and nuance and put some effort into the final encounters.

    Overall the entire Adventure felt bland and uninspired almost as if these were scrapped boss designs from another adventure, tossed together and tied into a plot that was written over night. It stands in direct comparison to the prior adventure which actually got some replayablity! Sadly, Trial by Felfire just makes me feel like, since it was free, not a lot of work went into it :(

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Those only work as immediate response without offering counter pressure. No, I am talking about your resident Golakka Crawler and Hungry Crab. Ones that are not necessarily limited to classes. They have done it before with printing E.M.P. Operative in the mech set (although that one failed because it was less about stats but about mech effects that were an issue and the card itself was much too bad in itself but the sentiment wasn't wrong)

    Again, not that hard. But do feel free to list more 1mana anti-aggro class cards because appearantly having a single one is enough to stop aggro DH in its tracks.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I literally said that: Introduce counters to what they release. Everybody can predict that a 1 mana 2/2 with upside in an agressive class is going to be nuts so introduce counters to a 1 mana 2/2 on turn 1 in the same expansion.

    It's really not that complicated.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I honestly wish that the team would improve their design philosophy rather than designing a class like Demon Hunter so crucially over the top that they have to nerf half of it to put it into line. Don't get me wrong, I despise DH in its current itteration and I am happy that borken cards like Battlefiend and Altruis the Outcast get nerfed but this wouldn't be necessary with a little more foresight.

    You can print strong early aggro tools like Battlefiend but then you should also release early counters to those exact cards. You can design snowball cards as long as you also release cards that punish that playstyle. Something like Dragonmaw Poacher is a good example of this. Doing this future proofs the meta to be able to balance itself. If murloc decks start running rampant, people start running a Hungry Crab. I am confused about why in a set that introduces an insane amount of powerful demons no anti-demon tech was thought of.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I mean, if they just increase the cost of Sac Pac, that would be fine, too. I'd just like there always to ba a counter to any good strategy you can utilise while building a deck. Nobody wants Hungry Crab to only target friendly murlocs.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Do kill the Lord Jaraxxus interaction with Sacrificial Pact but other than that I'd want it to stay as is. The only reason it is so important in the meta is because of Demon Hunter's dominance. If that falls off, so will Sac Pac. It's a tech card after all.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    For some reason I cannot see any of the cards. Even went to inspect the page and cannot find any image files other than the images for lich king and shiv. Don't know if anyone else has that issue...

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    The nerfs are not nearly enough. Skull is still "Draw 3, gain 3 mana", Antean is still broken, even if it comes out a turn later. Mistress and Battlefiend weren't even touched. THey'll need to do more about this going forward.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Paquitopaq

    In my case It happened when my connection is not that good and someone is using an app like netflix etc. And I can imagine now with the actual confinement it will be worst

    What do you mean by "with the actual confinement"?

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Nope, on PC! Im not even trying to play against people, just singleplayer content. It gets so bad that it has disconnected me 5 times trying to end the same turn.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I get disconnected every few seconds, making the game virtually unplayable. Does anybody else in the EU have issues with that? Battlenet doesn't even disconnect itself and my internet doesn't seem to be the problem.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I really like this set! I do have some questions, tho:

    If you split Syndicate Council, wouldn't the choice that readds "itself" only give you the choice again and not the original card? If so, what usage does this card have outside of Untapped Potential  decks?

    What exactly does Trail of Evidence do? The text is not clear to me.

    Does Possibility Unbound add the mage spells to either player's hand immediately when a space is freed up? if so, wouldn't that basically invalidate both players' decks since every card would be burned?

    I've read the interview about the flavour of Neve but how is his powerevel as a herocard justified? A 2-mana hero that deals two damage and gives you a cheap access to a value-based hero-power seems nuts to me but maybe I just lov control-rogue as an archetype too much...


    Other than that, I really dig the whole focus on discover and deck manipulation, latter being something I feel like Hearthstone desperately needs....

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From AbusingKel

    I have played this once. I have had it played against me 7 times. All 8 times it targeted the minion on one end (left or right) and went into the next minion adjacent. Not once has it looked random and gone to the open end of the board.

    Anyone see it go the "wrong" way?


    I'm pretty sure as long as you target a minion o nthe far left or right, there is no randomness involved. That only comes into play if you target a minion that is between two others

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Would Raza the Chained make any sense in this deck or is the payout just too small? I've always considered Raza to be too weak to make a deck around since the nerf but it has somewhat fallen into the "might-as-well" category.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I don't understand why they don't just rework the mechanic so that minions retain the mana cost they were summoned with. That would have solved the Conjurer's-Issue and would work out this one as well. Summon a 3/4 rush for 0 mana? Well, it's gonna evolve into a 1-cost. That seems like the fairest approach.

  • ArchSpike's Avatar
    530 165 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Distemper

    Not only that but after the issues came up there are some hilarious bugs going on. Like this one


    oh that is actually extremly funny.... how do you even cause such a bug