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Joined 03/14/2019 Achieve Points 170 Posts 59

Boozor's Comments

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks everyone - EU came out already and I got 8th so I top 10'd all 3 regions :)

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    This is my theory as well. Usually Averages from lowest to highest - Asia , NA, EU 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
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    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
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    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
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    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
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    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
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    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all,  

    Check out my Arena stream on for #1 tier Arena game play as well as my YouTube channel for full runs, tips, and highlights. 

    Thanks all, 


  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    They have mixed rarity, but the appearance rate of the rarities are different (commons > rare < epic) 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Disappointing that Blizzard was not able to keep up with their promises of consistent rotations and leaderboard blogs. Hopefully there will be some other Arena news soon.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Just got the best Arena rewards i've ever had. Thought i'd share. GL HF :)  

    In reply to GG Arena Rewards
  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Boompistol Bully (4) - Fine card, not as good as Loatheb, but still playable.  

    Shadow Sculptor (2) - Inefficient card draw in Arena. Miracle plays with Coin or other small token cards is the dream, otherwise you're probably drawing 1 card which makes this horrible.  

    Bomb Wrangler (2) - Better then a Harvest Golem. The Kaboom bot is stronger then a 2/1 and can create issues. Not sure if this is better then a generic 3 mana 3/4 but it's in that range.  

    Chopshop Copter (3) - Not many mechs in the pool right now which brings this card down a bit.  

    Cleric of Scales (3) - Worse Netherspite Historian and Shadow Visions ? Somewhere around there.  

    Frenzied Felwing (4) - Getting this card down early makes your first couple turns really strong. Easy trigger for a discount, often free.  

    Licensed Adventurer (3) - Generic 2 drop with some upside potentially. 

    Risky Skipper (3) - Better/worse then Wild Pyromancer, will depend on the situation.  

    Rotnest Drake (5) - Card is insane, slightly worse then Crazed Netherwing.  

    Scalelord (4) - It's a Dragon Pit Fighter, rarely better.  

    Steel Beetle (3) - Worse then Plated Beetle. Still a 2 drop beast, so it still holds value for Druids and Hunters.  

    Animated Avalanche (3) - Not much Elemental support right now in the pool, but this card is comparable to Blazecaller in terms of value.  

    Boom Squad (4) - Good flexible card for Warrior, maybe a bit too many options so the range of quality can be high. Dragons and Lackeys will produce good results most likely, while the mechs can be weak.  

    Explosive Evolution (3) - On average looking at +2/+2 unless you are healing a minion. Average outcome card with the chance to high roll.  

    Fiendish Servant (3) - Fine 1 drop Demon for Zoolock builds. Worse then Young Priestess.  

    Fresh Scent (3) - Weak beast pool, but Hunter is the right class for this card. Dire Frenzy never excited anyone, this is slightly better, but not going to light the world on fire.

    Hailbringer (5) - Easily one of the best 5 drops in the game. The stats are great, and the shards ability can win games.  

    Skydiving Instructor (2) - Worse then Razorfen Hunter most likely. Thins your deck, but still pretty bad.  

    Skyvateer (4) - Good minion with the poison activators. Stealth can work with Cold Blood. Similar to Loot Hoarder. Cycles are always good for Rogue.  

    Twisted Knowledge (5) - One of the most efficient card generators ever. Being in Warlock keeps this cards power level in check.  

    Waxmancy (3) - Blazing invocation never performed well in Shaman, and I don't expect this to either. The Battlecry pool is too large to be consistent. 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Grand Lackey Erkh (1) - Current lackey pool is weak. This card just doesn't have enough support.  

    Air Raid (3) - Fine card that offers some flexibility and late game double taunts can create some game winning situations.   

    Winged Guardian (5) - Unbelievable card. Druid gets another powerhouse. On par or better then Wrapped Golem.   

    Aeon Reaver (5) - Single target Light Bomb with a 4/4. Seems insane to me.  

    Sky Gen'ral Kragg (1) - Generally terrible, however can find some value in drafts with Sanctuary or cards that can generate random Quests.   

    Arcane Amplifier (5) - Really strong card that demands an answer. 5 HP on turn 3 is hard to deal with. This thing will probably be a nightmare to deal with.  

    Eye of the Storm (5) - Seems good enough. I'm wary of high cost cards in Shaman and this overload your next turn down to 7 mana makes it hard to drop consecutive bombs. However, 3x 6 HP taunts is hard to deal with, and impending 15 face damage surely can't be ignored. In another class this might be better, but in Shaman i'm unsure.  

    Rising Winds (4) - Solid card, but is it a premium ? I don't think so. It has flexibility but it's impact is small. 

    The Fist of Ra-den (2) - Most shaman spells are small + overload, not many are high costed to maximize value from this weapon. It's slow and hard to combo together with a spell right away.  

    Escaped Manasaber (4) - Fine stats and drop. Mana ramp is a nice touch, but not often will you be able to benefit full from it. Late game 3/5 stealth no text.  


  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    • Chaos Gazer (4) - Fine 3 drop, and the ability is actually really good. Can disrupt future plays or remove a high value/cost card.  
    • Dark Prophecy (4) - Likely to get at least an average statted 3 drop. Added flexibility of choosing which stats are best for the situation. Can have moderate high roll potential for 2/6, 3/5 or better.  
    • Shotbot (5) - Shielded Minibot returns.  
  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Blowtorch Saboteur (4) - Strong vanilla stats and relevant ability especially early game.  

    Dragonmaw Poacher (5) - Must draft for this rotation. Will heavily punish any early game Dragon non-sense.  

    Dark Skies (1) - Worse then Spreading Madness which is already really bad.  

    Faceless Corruptor (5) - A true meta defining card. Similar power levels as Bonemare for 5 mana. This card should not exist.  

    Murozond the Infinite (5) - Apparently battlecry minions do not trigger from the ability. It's still potentially a 18+ mana value card with no conditions, and playable 8/8 for 8 makes this card a slam dunk.  

    Evasive Feywing (4) - Great 4-drop. I'd value this higher then Yeti right now.  

    [Hearthstone Card (Urgarde Grapplesniper) Not Found] (2) - Chances are it's a 6 mana 5/5 draw a card which is already average, but with a mirrored draw, and potential to lose on the spot (win on the spot too), it's a weakish card.  

    Big Ol' Whelp (5) - Great card, similar to Azure Drake power levels except a 5/5 gives up less stats on curve.  

    Scalerider (4) - Mostly vanilla 3/3, but a discounted Fireplume Phoenix can be powerful.   

    Evasive Wyrm (5) - Another premium neutral minion. Better then Argent Commander and [Hearthstone Card (Warbear) Not Found]  

    Strength in Numbers (2) - Slow but easy condition with some upside.    

    Wing Commander (3) - Should be consistent enough to pull off 1 Dragon in hand for Yeti stats. Otherwise a 2/5 is pretty weak.  

    Bloodsail Flybooter (4) - Good 1 drop for Rogue. Pirate and combo synergies.  

    Surging Tempest (4) - Good 1 drop for Shaman similar to the old Tunnel Trogg. Elemental tribe is nice icing.  

    Storm's Wrath (3) - A bit weak compared to Mark of the Lotus, but still playable in a class with a token generator hero power.  

    Righteous Cause (2) - Weak quest, but easy to obtain and summon condition is easy with hero power.  

    Sky Claw (4) - Seems like a standard split 3 drop that potentially buffs the limited mech pool. Not bad in pally. 

    Lightforged Crusader (3) - War golem  

    Lightforged Zealot (2) - 4 mana 4/2 yikes.  

    Troll Batrider (5) - More cost efficient Bomb Lobber which is already a great card. 

    Rolling Fireball (5) - Premium removal. Doubles as AOE on small boards. The excess damage is confirmed to keep "rolling"  beyond 1 minion. 

    Grave Rune (3) - Higher value but slower Ancestral Spirit. Meh.  

    Mana Giant (4) - Playable as is, but has potential to be reduced with the way Mages are generally built. Also tons of discover and other random generating cards in pool.  

    Elemental Allies (1) - Conditional + need pre planning / draw rng. Also draw is conditional to 3 spells remaining too.  

    Whispers of EVIL (3) - Still maintains the tempo advantage of having lackeys, but randomness hurts consistency.  

    Skybarge (3) - Fair stats, with some upside. Pirate pool has increased this set to help consistency.  

    Parachute Brigand (3) - Still inconsistent and should be a 2/2 most of the time. Tempo advantage is weak as well even if cheated out.  

    Hoard Pillager (3) - Best in classes with weapons especially Rogue (guarenteed) and Warrior (plenty + powerful), otherwise it's poor. 

    Aeroponics (3) - Inconsistent. Will be an occasional Arcane Intellect.  

    Shrubadier (4) - Strong 2 drop, but not overpowered. Slightly better then Bilefin Tidehunter.  

    Sky Raider (5) - Not as strong as Pharaoh Cat or Babbling Book but still a great value generator.  

    Blazing Battlemage (4) - Better in aggressive drafts, but one of the best unconditional stats for a 1 drop.  

    Living Dragonbreath (4) - Nice stats and pretty flavorful ability although hardly will matter.  

    Goboglide Tech (3) - Some upside but limited Mech pool right now makes this inconsistent.  

    Fire Hawk (4) - Not uncommon to have larger hand sizes, and played on turn is likely to be 4/3 or better.  

    Gyrocopter (4) - 6 mana to remove 2 mid ranged minions seems pretty solid. Also a mech.  

    Tasty Flyfish (3) - Some upside, but inconsistent 2/2.  

    Skyfin (3) - Good upside on this with the Dragon condition. Without the condition it's not playable as a 5 mana 3/3 so the consistency will hurt a bit with this card.  

    Hippogryph (4) - Solid card. Power creep on Stegodon.  

    Evasive Chimaera (4) - Almost guarantees a minion trade often enough. 

    Squallhunter (5) - Weaker then the original 4 mana 7/7 and probably weaker then Fireguard Destoryer unless you really capitalize on the spell damage. 

    Rain of Fire (3) -  1 damage Whirlwind seems good. Also self damaging synergy and bit of reach.  

    Ramming Speed (2) - A better Betrayal for a class that needs the aoe removal.  

    Grizzled Wizard (2) - Vanilla 3/2 with solid upside for the late game. 


    Expansion almost here folks - should be fun ! 






  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Bronze Explorer (5) - Another solid Explorer card. Slightly under statted but high value discover + useful effect in lifesteal.  

    Cobalt Spellkin (3) - The draw 2 is deceiving. The pool of 1 cost spells is generally weak right now. Likely won't make up the weak body.  

    EVIL Quartermaster (5) - Mostly a good card. The Lackey pool dilution makes this a bit less consistent, but generally you'll get something pretty good and some healing.  

    Platebreaker (3) - Fair stats, card to counter standard.  

    Wyrmrest Purifier (3) - SOME upside for this card, not always, but some. It'll depend how bad your draft is. This potentially can ruin your perfectly constructed deck.  

    Embiggen (2) - Seems pretty bad. Spend a card and hope to draw into your minions to reap the rewards. Hasn't worked well for other classes that had this type of effect, doubt it will here unless you UI into cards.  

    Goru the Mightree (5) - Plain Ancient of War with some synergies albeit a bit fringe. Still a great Arena card.  

    Treenforcements (5) - Usually a 1 mana 2/2, it can be used to trade up or keep yourself alive in the late game. Great card.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    At Kel, Na I read it right. The card should be good.  

    It's at worse a Shield Maiden (5/5 + 6 armor or heal for 6+), at best a 5/5 + 4/4 + 4/4 . Think of it as 6 mana for a 5/5 + 2x Toothy Chests.  

    Some cases you can buff or taunt the 0/3s to get more out of them when the 5/5 first gets played. (ex. Argus, Mulka's Champion, etc)  


  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Depth Charge (1) - Not an Arena card. Might be useful if you get this in your opener going 2nd to hold off early aggression, but the uses for this card is so limited.  

    Tentacled Menace (4) - You draw first and can react first making it a net positive for you on average even if effect is mirrored. The stats are fine for a 5 drop as well.  

    Stormhammer (4) - Fiery War Axe is great in a class that doesn't have as many weapons as Warrior. The upside shouldn't be very consistent, but a 3/2 weapon is fine.  

    Mindflayer Kaahrj (4) - Bigger the threat, bigger the value from this card. It's best used in combination with a removal card or a card that can synergize with the deathrattle. Even if played on curve it should be reasonably strong.  

    Chronobreaker (3) - Probably a worse Duskbreaker. The Deathrattle effect is worth much less then the battlecry even if the upside is better.  


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