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Joined 05/30/2019 Achieve Points 695 Posts 281

Crusader2010's Comments

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    OP, you'll be back after the next set of changes or expansion because it'll seem that the meta will be different. And you need to see for yourself if anything changed.

    So stop kidding yourself - you won't quit HS forever. The game has been like you describe it since they introduced the idea of "standard" (with a few changes here and there when control decks were successful).

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago


    Is it possible to pin the thread containing all the revealed cards (so far) into the card discussion forum and on the first page?

    Right now I cannot find it and it's really annoying to have to navigate through all the pages to see the reveals.

    Please put it somewhere visible and pin it :)


  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    The Gwent arenas are awesome. You guys should try them. You usually get enough rewards to keep playing them, especially when you happen to complete some achievements.

    In reply to Gwent
  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I'm sorry, but this reaks of marketing and propaganda to attract more revenue through some players.

    You can't possibly think that a fantasy universe equates to the real world in any way. It's just silly and childish.

    Also, look at that Imprison card. Did they ban it because it depicts a humanoid with a metal mask on its face? Then why don't people just ban most horror movies, Frankenstein, 50 shades of gray, and so on?

    Once again this is stupidity (i.e. more $$$!) at its best and some people are falling for it.

    Do you want to support the cause and end racism? Go do something then! Playing/creating/developing a video game that has or doesn't have certain cards it's going to do anything.

    Also, good luck. The idea of slavery and such has been around for several millenia and that was "normal" until the 20th century. Changing mentalities for good will probably take at least that long.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    @meisterz39 (because i can't put spoiler tags around a big quote, on mobile):

    Everyone has a different opinion on HS balance. I've played it from beta up until a few years ago. Why stop? Because the more cards were added, the worse the balance got, the randomness increased, the stupidity of some games became greater etc. Basically it was less and less fun for me, and still is.


    Coming back, i do agree with your point about LoR. It seems they simply want to shake the meta more often and give a fake impression of balance because of it.


    If they wanted to test stuff, why not make a PTR and invite a limited number of players under NDAs?! You can't say they don't have the money to support that. I'm not sure if HS does it (doesn't really seem so).


    Like everyone else, I have a dream about what balance means for a card game. Right now, the closest to that for me is Gwent.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    It seems to me that runeterra is going the hearthstone route, bit by bit. It's like they can't come up with something balanced and always need to push certain OP things.

    I'm glad i didn't play much because i'd probably get mad for the wasted time. I'm also sad that no one is able to come up with some truly balanced game and realize that you can't ever please everyone. 

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    First thing, in my opinion, look up every WoW expansion and read an overview of if. Classic is the base version of the game (called 'vanilla') updated to the pre-TBC expansion patch 1.13.X and probably with some extra updates now too.


    You'll find lots of opinions on Vanilla. Yes, questing was a bitch. Patch 1.13 simplified it a bit (since it was pre-expansion). In other words, classic is not vanilla, and don't get fooled by that.


    In my opinion TBC was the best expansion they ever did, WOTLK was good too, and Cataclysm (before the dungeon nerfs). Never played afterwards since it seemed the game went into a downward spiral of silliness and stupidity and dumbing down everything way too much.


    Unfortunately, your options are a bit limited - you can either play "classic" (pre-TBC) or retail (which i don't even know how it's called now).


    But if you want the TRUE vanilla experience (with most of its bugs and stupidity) I can provide a free option for you, if you contact me by PM.


    Research at least these things, watch videos etc, and make an opinion for yourself before committing.

    In reply to WoW noob needs help
  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Invalid Deck IDBecause they can. Will blizzard take action? No. What's left for you to do? Stop playing casual or stop playing HS.

    Easy enough.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago


    I'm thinking about an easy(ish) way to tidy up  because right now it has over 90% of the threads from card discussions,making everything else harder to read.

    In short, put all (recent?) threads from a specific forum under something similar to the spoiler tag (like a dropdown with a short arrow on the right; clicking on said arrow expands the recent threads from the specific category/forum).

    This way we can choose what recent threads to look at. Of course, this can be expanded to show at most X number of recent threads from each forum (when the dropdowm is expanded), to maybe include inner paging (or simply keep it like right now and, when clicking on page 2 simply allow the users to see the next X threads from each forum).

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    The Eddie Murphy of card games.

    In reply to Jae Medarda
  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I just love it when Blizzard fanboys get triggered by the truth :) 

    The reason I am here is not HS but other card games. And since the most recent threads show up on the first page, why not read them?! 

    This was an opinion thread, and that's what i did - wrote my personal opinion. It's nice to see this game having so many immature brats that can't take a different opinion to theirs. You'd make great dictators! :)

    Have fun!

    Proof: look at the previous post, whose idea some people share: some of you guys know that the changes won't live up to your expectations (they haven't for the past 5+ years), yet you still choose to be hyped and give them your money. "Modern" mentality at its best.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I'm most excited for another "year" when I won't be playing this game nor give blizzard my hard earned money for something that is not enjoyable nor worth my free time.


  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Yea, like the person above said, don't give into the hype.

    I'm not saying that Frodan is acting like that because he gets paid to do it, but what seems exciting to him (fueling his belief that the changes will cement HS for the next years) might not hold up at all (making it nothing more than his personal opinion).

    Consider that HS doesn't have some real competition at the moment, so the devs aren't really incentivised to bring new features into the game. They will probably take some ideas from legends of runeterra and/or change the laddering system a bit. I don't expect anything more.

    HS will never have cool features that should've been in the game for years unless their market share is dropping a lot, or another games brings some new ideas to the table that Blizzard can adapt and monetize.

    Long gone are the days when they created stuff simply to add quality to a product. The past 5 or so years are the proof.

    Lastly, do realize that if the amount of money they get from the "new" features is not enough, they will simply abandon working on them or remove them altogether. I'd rather play indie games than give money to Activision in its current state.

    PS: i'm having a lot of fun with Gwent arenas at the moment. The reward system is nice enough that I don't feel compelled to spend hours of grinding in order to have fun in the game. My time is very precious and I don't want to spend it on Activision's crap design choices.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    Mathematically the total vanilla stats could be written as 2n+1+(1/n!), rounded down.


    Could you elaborate about your formula?

    0 drops would be 0/0 + 1 + (1/0 this is an infinite). 

    and 5 drops would be 5/5 + 1 (1/5 rounded down is 0) = 5/5 + 1 random stats?

    That's a factorial, which is never zero. 0! = 1 by convention. Not sure how correct the formula is since this game is anything but consistent (and they always push some power creep to force certain decks because that's how they designed it in the first place), but it might be close enough.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Hydralisk
    Quote From Crusader2010

    So why should we care that you are an alcoholic? It's your life. Waste it however you see fit.

    Lets say OP is an alcoholic for the sake of your statement. Do you really think your comment is constructive? Do you think it is a positive comment that would help someone who is struggling with an addiction? I am gunna go with no.

    Just because they played a game drunk does not mean they are an alcoholic. But if they are, I wouldn't jump to insulting them.

    Maybe that's the point. To make him feel bad and stop doing it. It's clearly not the first time he's done it, so this is already a (bad) habit. Reasoning with him has a low chance of success because of this (probably those who actually care about his health already told him to stop getting drunk, even if he's not an alcoholic, since that's how you become one in time).


    But now you made me write this, so he's not gonna refrain from drinking anymore, probably. Good way to ruin some reverse psychology. GG.


    @OP: i do hope you stop getting drunk overall, no matter what reasons you have of doing it in the first place.


    In reply to Drunk Arena
  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    So why should we care that you are an alcoholic? It's your life. Waste it however you see fit.

    In reply to Drunk Arena
  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Can't wait for the game to come to Android. I hate their decision of going first with iOs :(


    From what i've read it is the most rng-friendly card game out there, and that's what i'm looking for. No one plays perfectly so the rng argument is void. How would you feel to be beaten by a bad player because of rng? Definitely worse than if he played much better.


    So yea, that's what i want - a game where skill actually matters most instead of the stupid luck (like in HS).


    Bring Android faster! Open beta, something, anything! :D


    In reply to Gwent
  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Hi. Pretty easy to explain this one: signatures that are over 3 lines long can't be scrolled on mobile (to view the whole text).

    I suggest that either you restrict signatures to a certain font and size (while still allowing other customizations) and make sure the number of characters doesn't go over 3 lines, or that a scrollbar is added (as non-intrusive as possible).


    In reply to Long signatures
  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I don't understand why you folks keep playing this game. Most of the posts here seem to be from disappointed people that keep on doing it because of unpractical reasons (big collection, dailies, to enjoy some stupidity etc).

    Why waste your time? Isn't a game supposed to be fulfilling? When are you gonna cut your losses? Isn't your time worth more?

    You might say you don't have something to play while you poop. But why do you need to play anything then? Focusing on what you are doing is beneficial for your body. Not focusing is detrimental. 

    Moreover, you spend 15 minutes on the toilet when you could've been done in 5. Why waste 10 minutes with something completely useless (since you are clearly not enjoying the game)?

    Cut your losses and be happy with something new.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 281 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    It's not clear from the text: do you need to be overloaded for at least 5 mana the moment you play the card, or do you need to have been overloaded for 5 mana over the course of the game? If the latter, then it seems like a strong card. If not, then it's useless.

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