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Joined 03/19/2019 Achieve Points 2245 Posts 2630

Demonxz95's Comments

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    My first wave of feedback.

    I like both versions of the card. I think the first version is fine in terms of design, but I've made that exact same card at 2 mana and honestly I think you can do the same thing. The second version is pretty cool, though a part of me is tempted to say that it can be 2 mana.


    I do prefer Tumbling Snowball myself, though I think the tokens should be Elementals.

    Also, I'm not sure who R is supposed to be when you say "R's feedback for my opinion on Deep Burn". R hasn't given me any feedback at all.

    I do like Cauterize the best. Icy Hell is perfectly fine (though it doesn't feel like a Classic card), and I think Blazing Speed is just too weird and unwieldy.

    Awesome flavor. I'm slightly worried about how strong this would be in Spell Druid decks since it's arguably even stronger than Fungal Fortunes in many ways.

    I will also agree in that it should drop the Cost reduction, mainly because the card feels too bloated with effects when it does have it. I realize that this is also just a problem with dual-class cards in general, but I do also think it leans quite heavily into the Warrior side both mechanically and flavorfully to the point where it'd probably make more sense for it to just be a Warrior card. If you want to keep it as a dual-class card, then I'd suggest to try changing the flavor of it a bit.


    Tea Time is flavorful I suppose, but it doesn't feel like either a Warrior card or a Fire spell, and I think you should change the artwork. I love Uncle Iroh as much as the next person, but he doesn't belong on a Hearthstone card unless you're trying to make some sort of Hearthstone/ATLA crossover set (which come to think about it, actually sounds like it could work). It also feels really weird as a Common, as the "end your turn" effect in and of itself feels like an Epic on the cusp of being a Legendary.

    Overheat I think is better in terms of Fire spell flavor and simplicity for the rarity, but it screams OTK potential. Two of these in turn can quadruple a character's damage for 4 mana. It also doesn't feel like a VttSC card either.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
    Quote From BasilAnguis

    Not sure if Buried in Ice is allowed. It does freeze, but i'm certain it's not the kind of freezing the rules forbid.

    Unfortunately neither of these cards are allowed. Heartpiercer is a Fire spell that destroys a minion (which is not allowed), and your other 2 cards are Mage cards (which is also not allowed).

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Heh, my recent expansion comes perfectly here. There are quite a few Fire spells for other classes, and ones that don't deal damage or destroy minions.

    I've always wanted there to be extra Fire support for Warlock. Deep Burn is a dual-class card in the set with Mage, but I can make it a Warlock-only card for the competition. I just didn't feel like making a new card right away since I didn't think it was needed (work smarter, not harder).

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    We're sorry for the delay, but the finalist voting is now up and running!

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Pretty significant update here.

    Before, all the cards were hosted on HearthCards using permanent links, which would sometimes cause a lot of cards to not load properly. Now I have all the cards hosted on Imgur instead, so it should always load a lot better now. (and yes, this meant that I had to go and replace every card with an Imgured card)

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    The new Lightning Bloom is honestly just what it should've been from the very start.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    In regards to your statement about hypothetical archetypes, that does definitely apply to me. I had thought about Taunt synergy for Demon Hunter just randomly somewhere, and in my set, The Secrets of Volcania, I decided to just go do it.

    It's not immediately obvious, but I think the idea of Taunt synergy for Demon Hunter fits perfectly fine as they actually have quite a lot of Taunt cards. Despite the fact that Demon Hunter has been around for 2 years now (yes, it really has been that long, I know it sounds crazy), I don't think their class identity is completely defined yet and there's still a lot of places it can go. Deathrattles in DH were thought of as weird at first, but now they're just a perfectly normal part of the class identity. Taunt synergy could go the same way. If it encourages Demon Hunter to play in a different way that isn't just gaining Attack and hitting the face, then that sounds like a job well done to me.

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    Incidentally, dual-class Quests were also one of the biggest things of the new set and it happens to fit perfectly in theme with this week's CDC.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Wow, this does not have the participation I thought it would have. This isn't even a particularly complicated theme, so I'm not sure why.

    In the case of Faceless Envoy, "[name of minion]" represents dynamic text that changes on the card itself as the game goes on, kinda like how Pathmaker works.


    I do quite enjoy the concept. I would probably prefer it if it changed with each draw as opposed to just each turn, but this is perfectly fine.


    Oh hey, I remember this. Unfortunately I'm not so sure that this counts, but if it does, then it'd be kinda cool.

    I do want to point out a text inconsistency here though. Balgruf says "reunite with her" whereas Yara just says "reunite". It'd look better if you choose one of these two wording conventions and used it on both cards.


    For the sake of safety, I think maybe raising the Cost to 7 is a good idea. The Hero Power also seems quite underpowered to me.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the Frog token watermark honestly since basically everyone recognizes what it is.

    This card is really funny in terms of its art and effect and how it all connects together. I like it. I'm not sure about balance, but I quite enjoy the general direction it's going.

    Both are good cards, but I think Witty Witchdoctor is my favorite of the two because of how many different ways you can use it and I think it plays into the mechanics of the competition in a pretty nifty way.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Little update to the DH/Warrior Quest. I ended up noticing a pretty significant problem with the old design: Bulwark of Azzinoth (and thank you to BasilAnguis for first pointing this out). So the weapon has been changed to have 5 Durability, and returns to your hand upon death keeping the "indestructible" nature of the effect.

    This is still quite strong with Bulwark, but it's no longer unbeatable. It can also now be soft-countered with weapon removal, but it won't get rid of the weapon permanently. One interesting interaction with this new version is that it now allows you to use Deathrattle effects from your other weapons too, which you couldn't use with the first version.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
    Quote From BasilAnguis
    • Demonxz95 - It's strange seeing Darius on a hunter card lol. Volcanic Forging seems a bit op as it's Mind Blast each turn at worst, and even more toxic immovable object at best (Bulwark of Azzinoth!!!). Legion Expedition seems ok balance wise but i'd suggest different art. The crystal alcoves i like cause it reminds me of Dragon Soul. This at least seems to be playable. One day my precious....

    Well shit. I really should've thought of that, but I didn't. I'm absolutely going to need to think of some change to that.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I just posted my expansion (which you should totally check out by the way). I'm just going to say fuck it and throw three more of my Quests into the fray of this competition.

    Feedback for CursedParrot
    If you put bold coding in the middle of the word, it should get rid of the bolding, so for example, if you write "Corr[b][/b]upter" instead of "Corrupter" into the textbox, then it'll display "Corrupter" on the text of the card without bolding "Corrupt".

    I do feel like this new Quest is probably better designed, but I don't really see a practical reason to run the Quest and go through the objective over just running one of those Old Gods in your deck instead. I suppose for the time it's in Standard, it would give you a way to play them again.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Welcome everybody to my latest solo project, my new custom Hearthstone expansion, The Secrets of Volcania. This is a 135-card expansion that takes place on the islands of the Volcania. Volcania is a mysterious volcanic island filled with very unique wildlife, ancient crypts, and a lot of forgotten secrets to uncover. You partake on a journey to Volcania to discover exactly what lies on this volcanic island.

    Along the way, you'll come across some things on the island that you won't be quite sure what they are. You're going to have to inspect a little bit further. Inspect is the new mechanic in the set, in which cards with Inspect can be dragged from your hand to your deck to put it on top of your deck and give it an upgrade. Think of it like a cross between Tradeable and Corrupt, though Inspecting doesn't cost any mana.

    Let's look at Felspiked Tracker for example.

    Felspiked Tracker can be played as simply a 3 mana 3/4 Demon with Taunt, but in its base form, you can also drag it from your hand to the top of your deck to give it the Inspect upgrade. When a card is Inspected, it cannot be Inspected again (with one exception), and its card text will change to say "Inspected" on it. Inspect upgrades are treated as part of the card and not an enchantment, meaning that extra stats will not be lost when Silenced, and the effect will not reset if the card is returned to your hand. Inspect cards have a red eye banner under the mana cost symbol which goes away when the card is Inspected.

    Felspiked Tracker is also an example of where Elusive is now keyworded. Elusive is the effect found on cards like Faerie Dragon, now keyworded and all cards that use the effect will be retroactively changed to use Elusive.

    Dual-class cards also make a return. There are 10 all-new pairings in the set, which each get a Legendary Quest. You have two different paths to take for each Quest, so the one you choose it up to you.

    Demon Hunter

    Archetypes: Taunt, Handbuff, Hero Attack.

    Show Spoiler


    Demon Hunter/Warrior

    Archetype: Taunt, Weapons.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Rush, Taunt, Weapons.

    Show Spoiler


    Archetypes: Rush.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Rush, Secrets.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Secrets.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Secrets, Cards that didn't start in your deck.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Cards that didn't start in your deck.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Cards that didn't start in your deck, Casting multiple spells in a turn.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Casting multiple spells in a turn.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Casting multiple spells in a turn, Fire spells.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Fire spells.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Fire spells, Murlocs.

    Show Spoiler


    • "Destroy your opponent's board" isn't merely just destroying all their minions, but it destroys their entire side of the board as a gameplay mechanic. While your opponent's board is destroyed, their maximum board size effectively becomes 0 for the rest of the game. They cannot play minions from their hand, and effects that summon minions will fizzle and have no effect.


    Archetypes: Murlocs.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Murlocs/Minion summoning.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Minion summoning.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Minion summoning, Minion enchanting.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Minion enchanting.

    Show Spoiler



    Archetypes: Minion enchanting, Taunt, Hero Attack.

    Show Spoiler


    Druid/Demon Hunter

    Archetypes: Taunt, Hero Attack.

    Show Spoiler


    Neutral Commons

    Show Spoiler


    • For the sake of Flame Invocator's effect, your "last spell's damage" is not the same thing as the total of amount of damage it dealt, but rather what it's damage value is. For example, the damage value of Arcane Shot and Consecration are both 2. Assuming no Spell Damage is used, both of these spells will result in the Invoked Drake being a 2/2 regardless of how much total damage either of the spells dealt.

    Other Neutrals

    Show Spoiler


    This is my first fully completed solo project in a really long time, and it was certainly fun making it and triumphant to finish it.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    It tries to restore 5 Health to a character, but if it notices that it can't restore all 5 Health, then any excess becomes damage instead.

    For example, suppose there's a Scrapyard Colossus on the board damaged at 2 Health. If you cast Shadowy Healing on, it'll restore 5 Health to it as normal.

    If it's damaged at 5 Health instead though, it'll try to restore 5 Health to it but because it's only damaged by 2 Health, it'll only restore 2 Health and the remaining 3 Health becomes damage instead meaning that it'll restore 2 Health to and it and then deal 3 damage to it, leaving it at 4 Health. If the character in question is at full Health, it essentially becomes a flat deal 5 damage.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I've been very busy on my set, and it's actually just about done. I'm almost ready to post it. My Quest is actually part of my set, so less than stellar feedback is not exactly a good sign, but I will manage with it.


    I will admit that it is slightly awkward for both of our Paladin/Quests to have such similar themes, but I do quite like the flavor and mechanics of Looking For Group. I will however echo that Teamfight Tactics can definitely snowball quite heavily.

    Control the Skies is a cool Quest. My main critiques of it though are that it doesn't seem to have much Druid flavor, and the effect is probably not that useful for Warrior since they already have tons of removal. Druid however would definitely appreciate it and I could see them trying to use it. At the end of the day, it's going to be basically impossible to make a Quest that doesn't skew at least slightly towards one Quest, so I can't really fault you for that.


    Feed the Void has awesome flavor, but an aspect of it that I don't really like is how easy it is to complete it with very few cards. Not for balance reasons, but more so from a gameplay perspective. Quests are supposed to requirement some sort of commitment and I feel like this one doesn't really have that.

    Scoundrel's Craftiness is okay. While I do like the Rogue/Hunter pairing with Secrets, it's definitely too obvious for the competition. One card submitted already uses this combination and also uses Secrets, and I can also guarantee that it won't be the last one either.

    Free Me I unfortunately can't say that I like. It's unintentionally easy to circumvent. Just because you can't play weapons doesn't mean that you can't equip them with a card like Blingtron. The weapon actually doesn't even have to be part of the Quest. The Quest objective can just be Xal'atath's text. Finally the reward is also not that impressive. It's basically just a cheaper Alexstrasza without flexibility.


    I prefer Miracle of Shadows personally. I quite like the card. My only little gripe is that the objective feels more like a Sidequest than a fully-fledged Quest, but I think the balance is on point. Priest/Rogue is also one of my favorite pairings to use, so you get points for me there.

    Keep the Balance is by no means bad, and I quite like the flavor. It's just simply a matter of preference here.

    I do agree with changing the balance, but unfortunately, you've created a new problem. With the second version of the reward, your minions won't be able to attack your opponent at all for the rest of the game (assuming they don't have Charge) because they die at the start of your turn and don't gain Charge, thus they would die before they get their first opportunity to attack the enemy hero.

    I unfortunately don't really like this too much, mostly because I don't really think the reward is that interesting. Not necessarily unbalanced, but it doesn't feel creative enough to me.

    Wailor (again)

    I for one love the Paladin/Shaman Hero Power dynamic. Unfortunately, I don't really like basing the Quest around it just wants you to press it repeatedly which doesn't feel like something Quests want you to do. In my mind, Quests are something that wants you to use certain cards to accomplish.

    Even if it is theoretically possible to complete Activate the Obelisk, Lost in the Park, Supreme Archaeology, or The Demon Seed using only your Hero Power, it still encourages you to use cards to complete it faster as relying solely on your Hero Power would be too slow and unreliable (and the less I speak about Untapped Potential, the better). I don't really feel that with this Quest. The balance of The Lich King himself feels okay (I don't know about perfect, but it's okay), although it is a little bit awkward given that The Lich King is already a thing in the game.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    According to TheFriendlyEnemy, it does indeed make your hero Jaina with her Hero Power, and it does also change your class the way Maestra does.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Hehe, I'm making a custom set where dual-class Quests are a pretty huge draw of the whole deal. I have 10 of them to work with (although I wouldn't be able to get away with all of them without set context). :)

    EDIT: For clarification, minions that are buffed in the hand or deck would only count towards Quest progression once they're actually put onto the board. At least, that's the way I envision it.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    When you play it, it will try to summon 20 Silver Hand Recruits. However, since you don't have that many board spaces, it will only summon up to as many empty board spaces you have. It will then remember how many Silver Hand Recruits it didn't summon, and whenever board space becomes available, it will summon them until you fill board again (or until it has summoned 20 total). Once it summons 20, the effect stops.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    Huh. I thought for sure that I linked the banners to the right pages, but apparently I didn't.

    Fixed. *thumbs up*

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    I can't exactly say I'm excited about submitting the original Superflow unchanged after the original wave of feedback I got, but the fact of the matter is that I absolutely couldn't get anything else that I thought was OK (other than that Paladin Secret), and I was also so incredibly occupied with my new custom set that it never even crossed my mind.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2630 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    In the Yu-Gi-Oh video games, it doesn't need to survive, which is great because the card is already terrible.

    If it did need to survive, that'd make its already impractically slow effect even worse since it would need to attack into something and then somehow not kill itself in the process, and then you'd have to go out of your way to protect a monster with 250 ATK for 5 turns straight.

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