I am quite sure this buffs treants that already are on board so it's much better as it seems Ancient of War is an obvious comparison about stats/cost ancient of war is almost NEVER uprooted so the card is practically the same as stand alone.
the current competitive version of token druid (which fell off of flavor atm) actually is treant heavy so the deck exists it's just overshadowed by quest druid but with new cards (we still didn't see all the druid and neutral cards) token druid could prevail.
About shudderwock infinite if it allows it in standard it's a once per turn shudderwock and not 9 times so it's much more sane, also has a chance to mess up every turn.
Also, fuck the wording. This doesn't state whether the target is random or not.
Probably gonna see this in every midrange deck (and some Aggro) from now on.
Also completely busted in Arena.
Gonna keep my extra copies, this one's gonna get nerfed.
They need to fire whomever is in charge of wording in this expansion'cards a lot of effects are worded very poorly and in an ambiguous way, with some pointless words or unclear effect, like the paladin side quest is VERY unclear in it' s wording.. Nozdurmu as well..
Very poor job for the card wording and probably also balancing a lot of cards in this expansion are a serious power creep rather than new strategies..
Seems MEH you can't base your strategy around what your opponent is doing and you are getting random results, no battlecries and at 8 mana you are not reacting to your opponent's play.
Nice, as if we need another Defile to destroy everything in early game. Sucks in late game though.
Except both of them being cheap symmetrical board clears how is this comparable?
Playing around this is to have total hp in your board is equal to up to +2 cards in your opponent's hand ( warlock's hero power draws more cards).. Playing around defile is to avoid recursive amounts of hp on both sides of the board...
I think this card is very good, at full hand it's a Reno the relicologist effect as a control deck.. Handlock seems to be back!!
Well unless your opponent is rush warrior they will eventually hero power, the opportunity cost of this card is not too high, so it would probably ruin their curve.. The other exception is quest druid..
Has enough synergies that I am sure some deck will play it, the power level is actually there, 1 mana 2/2 is actually perfectly fine.. it will trade up most of the time.
the second part is much weaker but there are cards that care about it being a choose one card.
the 1 more mana per minions is quite a steep price..
also you pay the price of a card in your hand doing nothing immediately..
The card has anti-synergy with itself: you are playing one card which has no board impact AT ALL (Prince Keleseth is a 2/2)-> for it to have impact you need card draw-> card draw costs mana-> the cards you draw with it cost MORE mana than they would otherwise, which means you can play less of them.
It's hard to say how good/bad this card will be, but I think this is no Prince Keleseth mostly cause of the card cost with not board impact.
If it works on bombs/hakar's blood I can see it being useful, if not it's just not worth it.. all classes got plain terrible cards that they didn't include in their deck FOR A REASON..
While this is a very nice card that gains you armor, a lackey and an ok body all for 3 mana, it has some competition for that important 3 mana slot in most Warrior decks.
So again, it's a nice card, but Warrior has a lot of strong 3 mana minions that can fit in lots of different decks. Also Warrior doesn't seem to use lackeys all that much unlike Rogue and Warlock. I'm not saying that it won't be able to find a deck, it's just gonna be a little harder than just auto including this in any Warrior deck you make.
Cause you can run a maximum of 4 3 drops in a deck
Yeah I guess at first that was the direction that my comment was going for. What I was trying to say was that this card doesn't seem to be good enough to compete against the other warrior packages.
This minion gives you armor which is good for control and a lackey which is better for getting tempo/value, so I see it being used in a control deck.
So you are going for a control Warrior? In standard, you'll usually want to pair it up with something else like a mech, bomb, taunt, dragon or a rush package. Also you'll want some draw so might as well get an Acolyte of Pain and/or Shield Block. After considering those things, I don't think you'll be looking for another 3 drop.
I wasn't trying to say that you can only run four 3 drops, but that this card just doesn't really answer any major needs for those decks. Also Warrior doesn't have any Lackey synergy cards for a lackey package (for now that is) so its just going to be more complicated to find a good reason to include this card in your control Warrior deck.
just so you know, 3 cost cards are the best cards to have the most of in a deck cause you can play up to 3 of them late and they are good early so a deck with a good curve can have up to 8 3 drops and be fine...
Yes I get what you are saying it gives armor and generates a lackey.. armor is mostly a control thing, generating a lackey is aggro/tempo
I played Livewire Lance in rush/enrage(RIP enrage keyword) warrior pre TOT event and it was good actually lackeys are good in tempo warrior decks for obvious reasons but tempo warrior got no use for the armor as much as control warrior does.
So I agree about this card just having better cards that do what it tries to do better and they are more specialized.
Maybe there will be a warrior card that cares about lackeys or tempo cards that care about armor, there are 5 unknown warrior 2 are for sure invoke gaalakrond cards, 1 or 2 are pirates and then 1 or 2 care about armor or lackeys maybe.. or maybe I am wrong and it's 3 pirates..
This is probably the last chance for cards to generate/care about lackeys.. team 5 said it's a year long mechanic.
Real issue with this card is: are you really going to tech up for it?
Atm no Armor class looks particularly broken.
Brought up this issue as well, the answer is probably rogue if it gets destroyed by warrior too much and combo decks that have limited damage output and want to have a way to guarantee they can kill any opponent from 30 rather than 50..
besides I think people would run this before boom got nerfed.. but it's not OMG broken as some comments here claim you really want to tech it when warrior is a hard counter to you.. cause armor also get countered by doing damage.
It's a tech card, it's good this card exists to keep warrior down if it's too good.
but it's not gonna be insane since running this card has a cost..
you have 30 slots in your deck after all..
BUT combo decks who have at most 30 ish damage and were countered by armor (like OG freeze mage) would run this card, now with Alexstrasza and this you can be sure to reduce your opponent's hp to 15...
card exists-> class not viable.. people sometimes..
you need to be facing mostly druids(in wild, in standard druids don't have that much armor..) and warriors to want to run this card..
running a card has a cost it's a slot in your deck, this card has no keyword, no tribe.. so it can't be discovered with most cards you HAVE to run it in your deck.. so if you are not facing warrior this card is not that great, vs druid it's fine but only counters one card they currently run, and kun is leaving to wild when this expansion comes out.
So if you decide to run this guy you have a 5 mana 5/5 vanilla vs most classes...
good tech card though finally there's a way to punish armor stacking sadly this card as most tech cards come waaaay waaay too late and it should be in KAC where druid had like 100 armor per game..
I don't think that High Priest Thekal is "ruined" I mean if that thekal deck is popular alongside warrior then it can be easily countered but that deck is just too fair anyway..
While this is a very nice card that gains you armor, a lackey and an ok body all for 3 mana, it has some competition for that important 3 mana slot in most Warrior decks.
So again, it's a nice card, but Warrior has a lot of strong 3 mana minions that can fit in lots of different decks. Also Warrior doesn't seem to use lackeys all that much unlike Rogue and Warlock. I'm not saying that it won't be able to find a deck, it's just gonna be a little harder than just auto including this in any Warrior deck you make.
Cause you can run a maximum of 4 3 drops in a deck
2/3 + discover for 3 is already good enough for the card to be good.
Life steal is a bonus also dragon synergy, would say it's broken if they didn't disable the discover class bonus, which I think was a mistake.. I mean 400% bonus-> 0% bonus
It's much better than it seems, would you play a 3/3 deathrattle: summon a 3/3? that's the worst case, I don't think any deck got less than a 3/3 to play early, even a 1/3 is ok to copy as a combo priest or some mech to magnetize zilliax to it latter this card can be good against everything, but OG freeze mage which didn't ever play any relevant minion.
Actually is OK against aggro, a lot of aggro minions are 3/3s which are good enough to copy you are getting 6/6 of stats fro 3 mana that's quite good actually and it trades 2 for 1 vs aggro minions this card is really good in combo priest cause it wants minions that are sticky so this looks like ti got no home at surface, but actually there's already a deck for it.
This card is really good, you get a 3/3 for 3 (which is a 2 mana effect in constructed) and more stats so as long as your opponent is midrange or aggro you are expected to get at least a good value for the mana cost and priest got good tempo on removal with SW:pain/death
it's actually quite good on a combo priest mirror for example.. the average case is very good for this card you don't have to even get a 8/8 getting a 3/3 is already a lot of tempo.
If the meta is tempo driven (as almost always) and if most match ups are not control/combo (and even then you can find some cards to copy) this card would be a great inclusion! definitely would be too good if you could run 2 of these in a deck.
This card is really good, you get a 3/3 for 3 (which is a 2 mana effect in constructed) and more stats so as long as your opponent is midrange or aggro you are expected to get at least a good value for the mana cost and priest got good tempo on removal with SW:pain/death
it's actually quite good on a combo priest mirror for example.. the average case is very good for this card you don't have to even get a 8/8 getting a 3/3 is already a lot of tempo.
If the meta is tempo driven (as almost always) and if most match ups are not control/combo (and even then you can find some cards to copy) this card would be a great inclusion! definetly would be too good if you could run 2 of these in a deck.
I am quite sure this buffs treants that already are on board so it's much better as it seems Ancient of War is an obvious comparison about stats/cost ancient of war is almost NEVER uprooted so the card is practically the same as stand alone.
the current competitive version of token druid (which fell off of flavor atm) actually is treant heavy so the deck exists it's just overshadowed by quest druid but with new cards (we still didn't see all the druid and neutral cards) token druid could prevail.
About shudderwock infinite if it allows it in standard it's a once per turn shudderwock and not 9 times so it's much more sane, also has a chance to mess up every turn.
They need to fire whomever is in charge of wording in this expansion'cards a lot of effects are worded very poorly and in an ambiguous way, with some pointless words or unclear effect, like the paladin side quest is VERY unclear in it' s wording.. Nozdurmu as well..
Very poor job for the card wording and probably also balancing a lot of cards in this expansion are a serious power creep rather than new strategies..
Seems MEH you can't base your strategy around what your opponent is doing and you are getting random results, no battlecries and at 8 mana you are not reacting to your opponent's play.
Except both of them being cheap symmetrical board clears how is this comparable?
Playing around this is to have total hp in your board is equal to up to +2 cards in your opponent's hand ( warlock's hero power draws more cards).. Playing around defile is to avoid recursive amounts of hp on both sides of the board...
I think this card is very good, at full hand it's a Reno the relicologist effect as a control deck.. Handlock seems to be back!!
Well unless your opponent is rush warrior they will eventually hero power, the opportunity cost of this card is not too high, so it would probably ruin their curve.. The other exception is quest druid..
Also great vs quest shaman.
Has enough synergies that I am sure some deck will play it, the power level is actually there, 1 mana 2/2 is actually perfectly fine.. it will trade up most of the time.
the second part is much weaker but there are cards that care about it being a choose one card.
the 1 more mana per minions is quite a steep price..
also you pay the price of a card in your hand doing nothing immediately..
The card has anti-synergy with itself: you are playing one card which has no board impact AT ALL (Prince Keleseth is a 2/2)-> for it to have impact you need card draw-> card draw costs mana-> the cards you draw with it cost MORE mana than they would otherwise, which means you can play less of them.
It's hard to say how good/bad this card will be, but I think this is no Prince Keleseth mostly cause of the card cost with not board impact.
If it works on bombs/hakar's blood I can see it being useful, if not it's just not worth it.. all classes got plain terrible cards that they didn't include in their deck FOR A REASON..
this is a gamble in arena though..
just so you know, 3 cost cards are the best cards to have the most of in a deck cause you can play up to 3 of them late and they are good early so a deck with a good curve can have up to 8 3 drops and be fine...
Yes I get what you are saying it gives armor and generates a lackey.. armor is mostly a control thing, generating a lackey is aggro/tempo
I played Livewire Lance in rush/enrage(RIP enrage keyword) warrior pre TOT event and it was good actually lackeys are good in tempo warrior decks for obvious reasons but tempo warrior got no use for the armor as much as control warrior does.
So I agree about this card just having better cards that do what it tries to do better and they are more specialized.
Maybe there will be a warrior card that cares about lackeys or tempo cards that care about armor, there are 5 unknown warrior 2 are for sure invoke gaalakrond cards, 1 or 2 are pirates and then 1 or 2 care about armor or lackeys maybe.. or maybe I am wrong and it's 3 pirates..
This is probably the last chance for cards to generate/care about lackeys.. team 5 said it's a year long mechanic.
Brought up this issue as well, the answer is probably rogue if it gets destroyed by warrior too much and combo decks that have limited damage output and want to have a way to guarantee they can kill any opponent from 30 rather than 50..
besides I think people would run this before boom got nerfed.. but it's not OMG broken as some comments here claim you really want to tech it when warrior is a hard counter to you.. cause armor also get countered by doing damage.
It's a tech card, it's good this card exists to keep warrior down if it's too good.
but it's not gonna be insane since running this card has a cost..
you have 30 slots in your deck after all..
BUT combo decks who have at most 30 ish damage and were countered by armor (like OG freeze mage) would run this card, now with Alexstrasza and this you can be sure to reduce your opponent's hp to 15...
card exists-> class not viable.. people sometimes..
you need to be facing mostly druids(in wild, in standard druids don't have that much armor..) and warriors to want to run this card..
running a card has a cost it's a slot in your deck, this card has no keyword, no tribe.. so it can't be discovered with most cards you HAVE to run it in your deck.. so if you are not facing warrior this card is not that great, vs druid it's fine but only counters one card they currently run, and kun is leaving to wild when this expansion comes out.
So if you decide to run this guy you have a 5 mana 5/5 vanilla vs most classes...
good tech card though finally there's a way to punish armor stacking sadly this card as most tech cards come waaaay waaay too late and it should be in KAC where druid had like 100 armor per game..
I don't think that High Priest Thekal is "ruined" I mean if that thekal deck is popular alongside warrior then it can be easily countered but that deck is just too fair anyway..
Cause you can run a maximum of 4 3 drops in a deck
2/3 + discover for 3 is already good enough for the card to be good.
Life steal is a bonus also dragon synergy, would say it's broken if they didn't disable the discover class bonus, which I think was a mistake.. I mean 400% bonus-> 0% bonus
They didn't even comment on that..
Missing the blue border is definetly good in mage, need to check which class has a limited pool though, having more shield slams is relevant.
Also if someone thought about using the druid claw side quest for some cheap spells to cycle, this is just better.
It's much better than it seems, would you play a 3/3 deathrattle: summon a 3/3? that's the worst case, I don't think any deck got less than a 3/3 to play early, even a 1/3 is ok to copy as a combo priest or some mech to magnetize zilliax to it latter this card can be good against everything, but OG freeze mage which didn't ever play any relevant minion.
Actually is OK against aggro, a lot of aggro minions are 3/3s which are good enough to copy you are getting 6/6 of stats fro 3 mana that's quite good actually and it trades 2 for 1 vs aggro minions this card is really good in combo priest cause it wants minions that are sticky so this looks like ti got no home at surface, but actually there's already a deck for it.
This card is really good, you get a 3/3 for 3 (which is a 2 mana effect in constructed) and more stats so as long as your opponent is midrange or aggro you are expected to get at least a good value for the mana cost and priest got good tempo on removal with SW:pain/death
it's actually quite good on a combo priest mirror for example.. the average case is very good for this card you don't have to even get a 8/8 getting a 3/3 is already a lot of tempo.
If the meta is tempo driven (as almost always) and if most match ups are not control/combo (and even then you can find some cards to copy) this card would be a great inclusion! definitely would be too good if you could run 2 of these in a deck.
The only similarity is that both cards have deathrattle, that's where the similarities end. enjoy your contest entry.
This card is really good, you get a 3/3 for 3 (which is a 2 mana effect in constructed) and more stats so as long as your opponent is midrange or aggro you are expected to get at least a good value for the mana cost and priest got good tempo on removal with SW:pain/death
it's actually quite good on a combo priest mirror for example.. the average case is very good for this card you don't have to even get a 8/8 getting a 3/3 is already a lot of tempo.
If the meta is tempo driven (as almost always) and if most match ups are not control/combo (and even then you can find some cards to copy) this card would be a great inclusion! definetly would be too good if you could run 2 of these in a deck.