I like that this card costs 9 so it can't just be thrown into every single highlander deck without thought.. it costs a lot to actually run a 9 drop it means you have to play only it and the generated dragons in the turn (and maybe a spell if you happen to get a Kalecgos) which is a high risk actually because you are not guaranteed to have a good answer for the board state.
if you run highlander AND dragons this is probably an auto include though just holding a dragon has it's merits..
OP one, but same as Rafaam - you replace some of your cards with a random legendaries, that may or may not work good together, and hope that you can finish your opponent soon.
So how is it OP if it's not good?
You compare it to rafaam and rafaam is not that great (sadly, I crafted him first day cause I thought there's no way he isn't good..).
A card you put in your deck>> a random legendary except bomb/corrupted blood but those are not that popular anymore.
This card is a meme, evidently rafaam isn't broken and actually the lowest win rate card in the deck in decks he has been played in so even the reasoning "your deck is low curve and then you replace it with legendaries late game"
Is not that great
1/5 card don't get baited by the bling of the orange gem there are a lot of bad legendaries and it normally ruins your game plan.. Lowroll from faceless lackey
Seems great, card draw in hunter is kind of premium and this doesn't lose you tempo while you do it, synergy with the side quest, master's call, spring paw zilliax, itself.. This card is awesome.
If drawn with galakrond it's a 3 mana 3 7/6 s dragons with rush, which you might want to use dragon breeder on one of these for more removal of such effect...
It all comes together.. Just need actual galakrond invokes in warrior.
Zola for just dragons, a lot of dragons got battlecries and you might want more copies cause the 2/1 copy in your deck is just not enough, the 3rd or 4rh twighlight Drake in hand lock is probably better in some maychups or maybe you want more aoe
those are all the known dragons in standard as of today (26.11) there are a total of 25 dragons
what is a random dragon?
you are probably looking at a a big minion but I wouldn't run a card that generates just one for 7+ mana since it can generate a 3/2 or a 2/2 or a 2/3..
It always was the only reason it was ever played was cause prep made it a 4 cost card and now that prep is a 2 mana discount the card will never be played ever again cause blizzard doesn't "buff" basic cards ever.. or actually go and fix rogue spells that got their cost so high cause of prep..
Now this card seems good actually since warlock got a nice little lifesteal/removal card for 2 mana you can play this and that card (while obviously drawing a dragon in the proccess) and remove something..
You know what does that reminds me of? Ultimate Infestation (-1 on everything though) that's how good this card is.. (4 damage, 4 "heal",4 damage,4/4 minion)
Now you don't have to play Nether Breath but you can do that so you are not in a state that you play this card in a turn and have no way to deal with the board or nothing to do drawing 4 cards is very good the secondary effect is also really powerful as well specially in warlock specially if you are running dragons as well so you can hold them for longer.
Seems really really good to me warlock is the class with the easiest time having a large hand and the taunt is really relevant you get mountain giant + sunfury protector in ONE card..
as a handlock/evenlock player I am quite excited..
That's true, but assassinate is never played. There aren't too many high value single targets in the current meta. Maybe that will change, but I don't think so.
Vile spine slayer was a 2 of in every rogue deck until it rotated +1 attack +1 mana - combo requirement
It doesn't even need to be a big minion meta this is a tempo play, assassinate is not a tempo play.
No, with many low mana cost dragons being added this expansion the card would have too much variance, there is one such effect this expansion with ysera but it has a high number of summons (7) so at least one of them should feel good on average.
This card's worded very badly what does the card mean.. for a turn? a turn is when you press "end turn button" so the condition is weird since you don't take face damage in your turn most of the time, I assume it also includes your minions though.. so then you play it on turn 2 and get a 3/6? that doesn't make sense either since it's too strong..
the probable option is that this card needs to be on the board for a full turn so you need to survive the opponent's turn without taking damage (Again.. only face damage, or ANY damage?)
and then does it then counts your own turn? then it's easy to complete
Well this kind of makes up for the tempo loss of playing invoke cards but I would prefer the invoke effects to be stronger rather than 2 super charged legendaries. Specially since this is auto include in any galakrond deck(note:both warrior and warrior galakrond dig for this minion when played).
Seems like a meme to me, we had a stealth mech for 4 mana, I can't see this card being any better, giving other cards stealth for more than 1 mana is just not worth it..
Aoe hunter's mark, very aggressively priced for the card to be good vanilla 6 cost card with very strong effect, Hunter is the best class for dealing exactly 1 damage after mage.
This is a good comparison to Darkbomb. Without a dragon in hand it is weaker, but when you have one in hand, then it is more powerful. Definitely a strong card. Just depends on how much dragon warlock is a thing. But I guess it will be, because atm we have 4 dragons for warlock:
- the new AoE dragon.
- Twilight Drake
- maybe Amalgam
and you have a solid Midrange deck.
You could also use any other dragon from classic.. You are not restricted to dragons that are traditionally good in warlock..
You also can afford to run less than 6 dragons (the number of dragons in msg priest and wotog warrior) cause you are warlock and have easy access to card draw.
Also decks running this card or the other don't need to even be a dedicated dragon deck but be a "dragon package" that's how most successful deck operate they have core cards and then add packages.
Drain Soul that deals +2 damage if you're holding a Dragon. Somehow feels weaker compared to the other classes' Dragon Spells, but that might be the powercreep talking. Card is fine and will most likely see play if Dragon Warlock is to become a thing (which I doubt tbh).
Can also target heroes, with the 2 cards shown so far today for warlock a dragon warlock deck has 14 face damage in their deck, you can burst an opponent from 11 with the dragon and 2 of this from hand.
With the added cards a warlock deck (using viable cards) has 26 face damage from hand represented in the deck) (2 of each dragon card of today's reveal, 2 hellfire 2 life drinkers)
Legendary weapon huh? Now there's no way there won't be at least 3 warrior pirates and probably 2 neutral ones to support it.
I like that this card costs 9 so it can't just be thrown into every single highlander deck without thought.. it costs a lot to actually run a 9 drop it means you have to play only it and the generated dragons in the turn (and maybe a spell if you happen to get a Kalecgos) which is a high risk actually because you are not guaranteed to have a good answer for the board state.
if you run highlander AND dragons this is probably an auto include though just holding a dragon has it's merits..
So how is it OP if it's not good?
You compare it to rafaam and rafaam is not that great (sadly, I crafted him first day cause I thought there's no way he isn't good..).
A card you put in your deck>> a random legendary except bomb/corrupted blood but those are not that popular anymore.
This card is a meme, evidently rafaam isn't broken and actually the lowest win rate card in the deck in decks he has been played in so even the reasoning "your deck is low curve and then you replace it with legendaries late game"
Is not that great
1/5 card don't get baited by the bling of the orange gem there are a lot of bad legendaries and it normally ruins your game plan.. Lowroll from faceless lackey
Seems great, card draw in hunter is kind of premium and this doesn't lose you tempo while you do it, synergy with the side quest, master's call, spring paw zilliax, itself.. This card is awesome.
If drawn with galakrond it's a 3 mana 3 7/6 s dragons with rush, which you might want to use dragon breeder on one of these for more removal of such effect...
It all comes together.. Just need actual galakrond invokes in warrior.
Zola for just dragons, a lot of dragons got battlecries and you might want more copies cause the 2/1 copy in your deck is just not enough, the 3rd or 4rh twighlight Drake in hand lock is probably better in some maychups or maybe you want more aoe
alright, I have applied all the filters needed and this is the list:
those are all the known dragons in standard as of today (26.11) there are a total of 25 dragons
what is a random dragon?
you are probably looking at a a big minion but I wouldn't run a card that generates just one for 7+ mana since it can generate a 3/2 or a 2/2 or a 2/3..
It always was the only reason it was ever played was cause prep made it a 4 cost card and now that prep is a 2 mana discount the card will never be played ever again cause blizzard doesn't "buff" basic cards ever.. or actually go and fix rogue spells that got their cost so high cause of prep..
Now this card seems good actually since warlock got a nice little lifesteal/removal card for 2 mana you can play this and that card (while obviously drawing a dragon in the proccess) and remove something..
You know what does that reminds me of? Ultimate Infestation (-1 on everything though) that's how good this card is.. (4 damage, 4 "heal",4 damage,4/4 minion)
Now you don't have to play Nether Breath but you can do that so you are not in a state that you play this card in a turn and have no way to deal with the board or nothing to do drawing 4 cards is very good the secondary effect is also really powerful as well specially in warlock specially if you are running dragons as well so you can hold them for longer.
There should also be a dragon legendary for the class as well as far as I have seen every class gets one "normal" legendary and one "dragon" legendary
+ 5 classes get galakrond who might as well be neutral by how he works.
Seems really really good to me warlock is the class with the easiest time having a large hand and the taunt is really relevant you get mountain giant + sunfury protector in ONE card..
as a handlock/evenlock player I am quite excited..
Vile spine slayer was a 2 of in every rogue deck until it rotated +1 attack +1 mana - combo requirement
It doesn't even need to be a big minion meta this is a tempo play, assassinate is not a tempo play.
No, with many low mana cost dragons being added this expansion the card would have too much variance, there is one such effect this expansion with ysera but it has a high number of summons (7) so at least one of them should feel good on average.
Why not? A 6 mana 4/4 + assassinate seems good to me, vile spine slayer has combo requirement, this does not.
It's effect is sometimes a double edged sword though. And sometimes a big positive.
This card's worded very badly what does the card mean.. for a turn? a turn is when you press "end turn button" so the condition is weird since you don't take face damage in your turn most of the time, I assume it also includes your minions though.. so then you play it on turn 2 and get a 3/6? that doesn't make sense either since it's too strong..
the probable option is that this card needs to be on the board for a full turn so you need to survive the opponent's turn without taking damage (Again.. only face damage, or ANY damage?)
and then does it then counts your own turn? then it's easy to complete
power level ?/5
wording of the card -10000/5
Well this kind of makes up for the tempo loss of playing invoke cards but I would prefer the invoke effects to be stronger rather than 2 super charged legendaries. Specially since this is auto include in any galakrond deck(note:both warrior and warrior galakrond dig for this minion when played).
I can see this card seeing play 1/3 for 1 are almost always played somewhere.
This has potential to grow, it's a good base body for a mech to magnetize stuff on..
Dunno if it will see play now but it has potential.
Seems like a meme to me, we had a stealth mech for 4 mana, I can't see this card being any better, giving other cards stealth for more than 1 mana is just not worth it..
Aoe hunter's mark, very aggressively priced for the card to be good vanilla 6 cost card with very strong effect, Hunter is the best class for dealing exactly 1 damage after mage.
You could also use any other dragon from classic.. You are not restricted to dragons that are traditionally good in warlock..
You also can afford to run less than 6 dragons (the number of dragons in msg priest and wotog warrior) cause you are warlock and have easy access to card draw.
Also decks running this card or the other don't need to even be a dedicated dragon deck but be a "dragon package" that's how most successful deck operate they have core cards and then add packages.
Can also target heroes, with the 2 cards shown so far today for warlock a dragon warlock deck has 14 face damage in their deck, you can burst an opponent from 11 with the dragon and 2 of this from hand.
With the added cards a warlock deck (using viable cards) has 26 face damage from hand represented in the deck) (2 of each dragon card of today's reveal, 2 hellfire 2 life drinkers)