I think people over exaggerate their reactions about netdecking.. people who net deck card by card and just always play the top deck no matter what aren't gonna win as much as someone who takes a shell and then adapt it to their playstyle/local meta/global meta, they are gonna win about the same as the win rate suggests or less specially if they don't understand how the deck works..
I am not against net decking but I feel annoyed by people purpously making bad decks that people already tried and play those cause they are not meta decks.. same for people complaining about aggro while playing galakround priest or some other deck that is not meta just for the sake of being a "none netdecker elitist"
I always make my own decks at the start of the expansion it's fun and all but when it comes to crafting something I HAVE TO look at the data so I don't craft something I will regret, also if the deck I am playing is not working there's nothing bad about getting a better shell and work from there..
let's take for example dragon embiggen druid.. the deck is very good but at it's first iterations which I played as well the deck was very slow and didn't use a lot of rush minions.. now the deck is getting refined by many if you play a deck and try to refine it yourself it will take you a lot of games around 20 to get what really works or not but you can look at the data and get better feel for what is good and what isn't..
Galakrond decks might be nerfed to unplayability.. So maybe he is not such a safe craft anymore...
Maybe only a notch. I remain optimistic about Galakrond decks in the next rotation after all bullshit like Shudderwock rotate out, because some cards from Year of the Raven swing the balance of Galakronds. Especially having faith in Galakrond Priest, as they will probably want him for some mass removal before new AoE like Plague of Death come out.
Let's not forget about a potential Hall of Fame rotation.
Still, waiting a week is not such a big deal, wait to see what they are nerfing (and buffing.. Maybe..).
This brawl has some strategy.. The amount of randomness if ahead try to not play many minions, while behind play as many as you can until you Pyroblast the enemy 3 times in the face.
Hope for invoke changes.. Warrior 2 attack from 3, priest(buff) change hero power to reduce the cost of the minion by or give a priest spell and reduce by 1 or to discover a minion (with neutrals).
Galakroud rogue is fine I think..
The will probably change the neutrals or the 5/2 weapon to a 4/2.
If you leveled up sir finley to the max, bait out weapon destruction (theres a max of 2 I think but I kinda remember him only oozing once) then equip the lance with the bubble blower hero power. That will be more than enough to get you to the final phase where you will only die out of fatigue.
If I'm not mistaken around phase 2-3 theres a massive cthun that you need to use the scales of justice to transform so he can't be shuffled back into the deck. Once that is dealt with, you pretty much win the game. AI will drop cthun whenever he can, so theres no shenanigans of him holding for a one shot. Always remember to transform cthun, never kill it.
Did it with only fully maxed Finley both on normal and heroic, because why would anyone grind this mode with all the other explorers.
Yeah why would ANYONE sane grind this mode..(I did it lol)
I realized something lately.. you know it doesn't matter which style of deck you play.. you play to win.. if a mechanic is "unfair" your deck should be as much unfair as theirs you are doing other kind of unfair things.. let's take freeze mage vs aggro for example..
freeze mage constantly freezes the board and have a burst OTK but aggro is also unfair cause they spam mana efficient minions which give you tonnes of tempo, which is also unfair.. when you play a specific playstyle you feel like some other playstyles are wrong.. and it's just not the right way to think about it..
The question is how polarized are the matchups that's really the annoying part.. and how hopeless it feels sometimes but in general being able to actually play a game which also feels when you play a tier 3 deck vs the meta decks.. but well that's how card game work.. if your deck doesn't do something unfair what are you even doing.
@aliradicali you mean [Hearthstone Card (coldlinght oracle) Not Found] not seer.
You do NOT attack them, they got 2 karthut defenders, a zilliax, 2 water bearers, and hero power they heal face really quickly and even from low hp they suddenly burst heal..
so you should build a board and fight for it, don't overextend save value as much as possible they will eventually start playing stuff kill everything you see with the minions on board.
control normally wins against quest priest since it got limited value as long as you don't hit them in the face.
I always lost when I hit them in the face for low amounts of damage, you only hit them when they already completed the quest, or when you have 2 turn or same turn lethal.
it's a slow game vs any deck.
oh and if you are face hunter.. well good luck 20% chance to win.. play normally and hope they don't draw their healing cards.
I agree with most of the other commenters that it shouldn't be in standard. I hate milling like I hate OTK decks. They're not fun to play against and Blizzard shouldnt promote them. (They also need to stop making resurrect cards for priest but that's another topic) Usually once I realize someone is just milling or setting up for some sort of combo I just quit. Sure they get the win but I value my time more and I'm not going to waste it on some BS like Mill or combo/otk.
So you play exclusively control fatigue decks with no win condition? Cause otherwise there's no reason to quit a game like that, any combo deck might be stuck with combo cards in their hand so you can punish them by playing aggresivly
She who wanders(AKA she who wins)- got a HUGE nerf I actually didn't realize they took off regenerate as well.. the deck is fine it's a control deck.. let it be... if you are doing nothing the whole game, and overextending and not dealing damage.. you should lose..
Deny- such effect is good to have in the game I think it's not broken by any means and I think we should've more of those effects you can play around it with baiting it or you can
I didn't see the Fiora deck as being oppressive while I played.. I never lost to it.. just have hard removal of some sort and you will be ok.. or play big enough followers for them to not be able to beat with Fiora.
Anivia- dunno.. never lost to her, probably got lucky? dunno again I used to play fast deck vlad + braum, draven + jinx, elise + kalista decks.. so ye.. didn't face her.
shark chariot- need to be nerfed I think it costs too little or it needs to be limited to one return..
Teemo- teemo is fine.. again.. run removal or be fast enough to beat them.
I forgot, I followed a lot of news articles on the game I really can't point at the source for that statement, they did said January though, I didn't find it in the article you linked..
Tbh since they set the release date to late 2020.. Maybe it's for the best the beta releases as late as possible to have more "fresh" time without an expansion.
IIRC They said it would be January and it would be an open beta without a downtime...
Of course they wouldn't want to really compromise on a date so they don't need to apologize if it doesn't release on time..
we will probably get news about it next week.. Riot are very talkative and I am certain you are not the only one that want it released.. (I feel the same.. really miss that game..)
I don't think it's even up for debate, bad cards/failed archtypes rarely get any attention/buffs I doubt they will buff it, so far buffs have been really rare.. we might get an invoke card in the adventure or even another double invoke abuser, but I think the invoke effect is so underwhelming and sometimes even a liability. So I think nothing can save the priest galakround.. and it's doomed to fail.. unless you get such a HUGE tempo swing from another abuser like Fate Weaver with a lot more impact than any other double invoke card, not neccessarly a tempo impact can be a a big value one!
In short the only hope for this archtype is the 35 card mini expansion and the impact need to be a specific support but with a HUGE impact.. and I hope not.. cause we have shaman,warrior,rogue and warlock who do really well with galakround.
I just found out yesterday that you can't generate galakround invokers by any means..which is great since I don't really want to play around a 3rd or 4th dragon's pack or scion of ruin but in the priest case it makes the hero power just pure garbage.
Well there is a mini expansion next month (35 new card) maybe there will be another talanji like card that can make use oof random priest cards.. Or maybe just a win condition..
Blizzard won't change it for sure but I can think about many solutios: change it to "add a random dragon to your hand" that way you can easily use dragon synergies and get better cards.. You lose tempo anyway so the payoff better be.. Better.
Discover a minion wouldn't be too broken I think.. It's currently beyond terrible so..
Another option would be a card from opponen't deck at least it would be a good card..
I think people over exaggerate their reactions about netdecking.. people who net deck card by card and just always play the top deck no matter what aren't gonna win as much as someone who takes a shell and then adapt it to their playstyle/local meta/global meta, they are gonna win about the same as the win rate suggests or less specially if they don't understand how the deck works..
I am not against net decking but I feel annoyed by people purpously making bad decks that people already tried and play those cause they are not meta decks.. same for people complaining about aggro while playing galakround priest or some other deck that is not meta just for the sake of being a "none netdecker elitist"
I always make my own decks at the start of the expansion it's fun and all but when it comes to crafting something I HAVE TO look at the data so I don't craft something I will regret, also if the deck I am playing is not working there's nothing bad about getting a better shell and work from there..
let's take for example dragon embiggen druid.. the deck is very good but at it's first iterations which I played as well the deck was very slow and didn't use a lot of rush minions.. now the deck is getting refined by many if you play a deck and try to refine it yourself it will take you a lot of games around 20 to get what really works or not but you can look at the data and get better feel for what is good and what isn't..
When will the competitions will start? Any updates on that?
Still, waiting a week is not such a big deal, wait to see what they are nerfing (and buffing.. Maybe..).
This brawl has some strategy.. The amount of randomness if ahead try to not play many minions, while behind play as many as you can until you Pyroblast the enemy 3 times in the face.
Galakroud decks might be nerfed to unplayability.. So maybe he is not such a safe craft anymore..
I don't think face hunter is a problem you need to either race them, or to have healing.. It's good there's a greed check in the game.
Hope for invoke changes.. Warrior 2 attack from 3, priest(buff) change hero power to reduce the cost of the minion by or give a priest spell and reduce by 1 or to discover a minion (with neutrals).
Galakroud rogue is fine I think..
The will probably change the neutrals or the 5/2 weapon to a 4/2.
It's already dead, the design of the invoke effect is just too weak.
Yeah why would ANYONE sane grind this mode..(I did it lol)
I realized something lately.. you know it doesn't matter which style of deck you play.. you play to win.. if a mechanic is "unfair" your deck should be as much unfair as theirs you are doing other kind of unfair things.. let's take freeze mage vs aggro for example..
freeze mage constantly freezes the board and have a burst OTK but aggro is also unfair cause they spam mana efficient minions which give you tonnes of tempo, which is also unfair.. when you play a specific playstyle you feel like some other playstyles are wrong.. and it's just not the right way to think about it..
The question is how polarized are the matchups that's really the annoying part.. and how hopeless it feels sometimes but in general being able to actually play a game which also feels when you play a tier 3 deck vs the meta decks.. but well that's how card game work.. if your deck doesn't do something unfair what are you even doing.
@aliradicali you mean [Hearthstone Card (coldlinght oracle) Not Found] not seer.
You do NOT attack them, they got 2 karthut defenders, a zilliax, 2 water bearers, and hero power they heal face really quickly and even from low hp they suddenly burst heal..
so you should build a board and fight for it, don't overextend save value as much as possible they will eventually start playing stuff kill everything you see with the minions on board.
control normally wins against quest priest since it got limited value as long as you don't hit them in the face.
I always lost when I hit them in the face for low amounts of damage, you only hit them when they already completed the quest, or when you have 2 turn or same turn lethal.
it's a slow game vs any deck.
oh and if you are face hunter.. well good luck 20% chance to win.. play normally and hope they don't draw their healing cards.
So you play exclusively control fatigue decks with no win condition? Cause otherwise there's no reason to quit a game like that, any combo deck might be stuck with combo cards in their hand so you can punish them by playing aggresivly
She who wanders(AKA she who wins)- got a HUGE nerf I actually didn't realize they took off regenerate as well.. the deck is fine it's a control deck.. let it be... if you are doing nothing the whole game, and overextending and not dealing damage.. you should lose..
Deny- such effect is good to have in the game I think it's not broken by any means and I think we should've more of those effects you can play around it with baiting it or you can
I didn't see the Fiora deck as being oppressive while I played.. I never lost to it.. just have hard removal of some sort and you will be ok.. or play big enough followers for them to not be able to beat with Fiora.
Anivia- dunno.. never lost to her, probably got lucky? dunno again I used to play fast deck vlad + braum, draven + jinx, elise + kalista decks.. so ye.. didn't face her.
shark chariot- need to be nerfed I think it costs too little or it needs to be limited to one return..
Teemo- teemo is fine.. again.. run removal or be fast enough to beat them.
I forgot, I followed a lot of news articles on the game I really can't point at the source for that statement, they did said January though, I didn't find it in the article you linked..
Tbh since they set the release date to late 2020.. Maybe it's for the best the beta releases as late as possible to have more "fresh" time without an expansion.
IIRC They said it would be January and it would be an open beta without a downtime...
Of course they wouldn't want to really compromise on a date so they don't need to apologize if it doesn't release on time..
we will probably get news about it next week.. Riot are very talkative and I am certain you are not the only one that want it released.. (I feel the same.. really miss that game..)
I don't think it's even up for debate, bad cards/failed archtypes rarely get any attention/buffs I doubt they will buff it, so far buffs have been really rare.. we might get an invoke card in the adventure or even another double invoke abuser, but I think the invoke effect is so underwhelming and sometimes even a liability. So I think nothing can save the priest galakround.. and it's doomed to fail.. unless you get such a HUGE tempo swing from another abuser like Fate Weaver with a lot more impact than any other double invoke card, not neccessarly a tempo impact can be a a big value one!
In short the only hope for this archtype is the 35 card mini expansion and the impact need to be a specific support but with a HUGE impact.. and I hope not.. cause we have shaman,warrior,rogue and warlock who do really well with galakround.
I just found out yesterday that you can't generate galakround invokers by any means..which is great since I don't really want to play around a 3rd or 4th dragon's pack or scion of ruin but in the priest case it makes the hero power just pure garbage.
You can add another restriction to the deck- singleton add Reno, kazakus and Zephyr that way had positive results of such deck actually.
Well there is a mini expansion next month (35 new card) maybe there will be another talanji like card that can make use oof random priest cards.. Or maybe just a win condition..
Blizzard won't change it for sure but I can think about many solutios: change it to "add a random dragon to your hand" that way you can easily use dragon synergies and get better cards.. You lose tempo anyway so the payoff better be.. Better.
Discover a minion wouldn't be too broken I think.. It's currently beyond terrible so..
Another option would be a card from opponen't deck at least it would be a good card..