2 mana 1/3 in a normally aggro decks... Mmmm no.
Murloc shaman needs more fast paced minions, I don't think this cuts it.
Not really good, but it's support for the Dudadin in standard.
I guess shaman and warlock got the worse Caravans.
If it survives...
Wolpertinger just turns into a 1 mana 4/4... My god...
We can say that it fulfills the role of thinning your deck. But nothing else, too slow for aggro/token Warlock and not a thing in wild.
I hope I'm wrong but... filler?
Mad Summoner.
10 mana combo, gain 26 armor if everything goes according to the plan.
Wow... just wow.
They seem to want to include all the DR package in this expansion to give DR DH support.
Not a bad card, but still, 3 mana and basically having taunt with an effect like this it's not really worth it.
All the caravan cards seem really slow to me.
This one and Prospector's Caravan are the only ones when they survive give you awesome value and punish the opponent harder than the others.
Anti token/aggro card with subpar stats.
Still, better IMO than Sandstorm Elemental, the taunt sells it.
So, technically could be 0 mana, but I wonder if it is worth it.
I mean, priest has already big minions, so to me it's like a win more card.
A really bizarre card, 100% flavorfull and will get a hell of a combo OTK potential.
I support it.
With Whirlkick Master together could do a heck of a hand refill with just one [Hearthstone Card (Want Thief) Not Found].
A wee bit slow tho.
Good with cheap frost spells, but filling the board with tokens isn't really mage's thing.
2 mana, cast 3 secrets from your deck and clear a couple of tokens.
For just 2 mana seems really fair, fringing with op, but not really.
Nice card for the new secret package.
Gnomeregan Infantry?
Really strong in a world where soul fragments are a thing, just negating 1 is good, negating 2-3 is incredible and always is a welcome addition to disrupt your opponent deck.
Rank 1 is good, rank 2 ir really good, rank 3 is insanely good.
Given warrior can go control easily this will rank nice and steady through the game and end up being a +3/+3 most of the time.
Poison support, guess they decided 2 Nitroboost Poisons per deck weren't enough...
Really weird tool for a control priest archetype, nonetheless it feels... right?
It's a step in the right direction (any direction is appreciated instead of ress priest.)
Aggro? Control? Weird...
Discolock was an aggro oriented deck.
This sounds like a control tool but... wrong? Not sold at all right now.
Really cool design.
Not really a good wording tho, but well, guess poisons are now a keyword?
2 mana 1/3 in a normally aggro decks... Mmmm no.
Murloc shaman needs more fast paced minions, I don't think this cuts it.
Not really good, but it's support for the Dudadin in standard.
I guess shaman and warlock got the worse Caravans.
If it survives...
Wolpertinger just turns into a 1 mana 4/4... My god...
We can say that it fulfills the role of thinning your deck. But nothing else, too slow for aggro/token Warlock and not a thing in wild.
I hope I'm wrong but... filler?
Mad Summoner.
10 mana combo, gain 26 armor if everything goes according to the plan.
Wow... just wow.
They seem to want to include all the DR package in this expansion to give DR DH support.
Not a bad card, but still, 3 mana and basically having taunt with an effect like this it's not really worth it.
All the caravan cards seem really slow to me.
This one and Prospector's Caravan are the only ones when they survive give you awesome value and punish the opponent harder than the others.
Anti token/aggro card with subpar stats.
Still, better IMO than Sandstorm Elemental, the taunt sells it.
So, technically could be 0 mana, but I wonder if it is worth it.
I mean, priest has already big minions, so to me it's like a win more card.
A really bizarre card, 100% flavorfull and will get a hell of a combo OTK potential.
I support it.
With Whirlkick Master together could do a heck of a hand refill with just one [Hearthstone Card (Want Thief) Not Found].
A wee bit slow tho.
Good with cheap frost spells, but filling the board with tokens isn't really mage's thing.
2 mana, cast 3 secrets from your deck and clear a couple of tokens.
For just 2 mana seems really fair, fringing with op, but not really.
Nice card for the new secret package.
Gnomeregan Infantry?
Really strong in a world where soul fragments are a thing, just negating 1 is good, negating 2-3 is incredible and always is a welcome addition to disrupt your opponent deck.
Rank 1 is good, rank 2 ir really good, rank 3 is insanely good.
Given warrior can go control easily this will rank nice and steady through the game and end up being a +3/+3 most of the time.
Poison support, guess they decided 2 Nitroboost Poisons per deck weren't enough...
Really weird tool for a control priest archetype, nonetheless it feels... right?
It's a step in the right direction (any direction is appreciated instead of ress priest.)
Aggro? Control? Weird...
Discolock was an aggro oriented deck.
This sounds like a control tool but... wrong? Not sold at all right now.
Really cool design.
Not really a good wording tho, but well, guess poisons are now a keyword?