I don't really see it shine in wild, but maybe in a Totem Overload deck with a lot of board presence. Being able to double Bloodlust seems really really op.
Really nice fuel for Raza priest... This set bring more consistency to an already annoying archetype... why the fuck I'm a wild player... oh right... memes.
The name makes the card.
It's the meme dream for some wild OTK.
If it gets silenced... No no... definitely no.
It's going to be a good card.
I don't really see it shine in wild, but maybe in a Totem Overload deck with a lot of board presence. Being able to double Bloodlust seems really really op.
Shudderwok called. He says Jepetto and him want to meet Bolner and be BFFS.
Not a bad card. Powerful with rhino.
If I get it, gonna love memeing with a jade druid and see the outcome. I would toss the coin and if I fatigue, then so be it!
This card is not great... Maybe for a big spell mage... but honestly, it's not my cup of tea.
In wild this would not see play... unless in some weird archetype that would rise for the memes.
Edwin Van7.
Only worse.
Excellent tool to all quests. Especially Hunter, Mage and Priest IMO.
In wild is even better. Yay!
It tutors... Wow... It tutors a normally overpriced card... Still, good for tutoring Perpetual Flame.
Gonk... Gonk... Gonk... GONK!
I hate aggro. And this is a really good aggro card... I should hate it...
But the artwork...
Actually this is an amazing tool for druid.
Really surprised this isn't in hunter. I mean 4/2...
6 mana... I mean, yeah sure... but no.
Fire Elemental OTK Mage.
I love saying it.
This set brings everything needed for it to succed.
There are better cards.
But it's full of flavor.
Ashy flavor.
So, it could cost 3-1 relatively easily and it destroys a minion.
Vilespine... go cry in a corner.
Even if it weren't tradeable, which it is, this is a much needed control tool in mage.
F*ck aggro.
Really nice fuel for Raza priest... This set bring more consistency to an already annoying archetype... why the fuck I'm a wild player... oh right... memes.