This will be staple in Overload shamans, still, I don't really see Overload as a really good keyword.
1 mana discover something you might need is incredibly versatile.
Really synergistic with the Questline too.
With all the discount that priest can have, this will be a solid "Let's have 1 more shadow spell to play."
Everybody said it's an arena card. So I'm gonna say it in spanish instead.
Esta carta en arena va a ser buena, no es la gran cosa, mas para mi que nunca entro a jugar en arena, asi que... carta de relleno total.
Arena card, and even there... it's pack filler.
Not really digging the Divine shield Paladin archetype. In duels this is really good, not broken, but really good.
Pain Warlock intensifies.
I think this one is the most useful of the SI:7 cards.
I mean 1 more damage than backstab. 1 more mana than a 0 cost card is a lot tho.
Ok-ish card. Nothing really fancy, much like almost every other SI:7 card.
This with Secure the Deck can make for a fun little OTK. Gonna try to see if it can be done.
All the set if full of flavor.
But in terms of card, this one is a bit lacking.
It's not a bad card at all. If you already have a divine shield minion on board, you most likely can guarantee +10/+10 in stats.
Mmmmmm... By turn 4-5 you can really have a full hand.
Let's wait and see. Right now, it's just another big guy for Even Lock.
Actually, if you always try to go face... This is insane. The amount of damage in the last part, 8 burst damage and 8 armor on top, meaning you always gain some survivability is amazing.
7 mana 7/7 Crowley.
"Tutor" card... Yeah, no.
Work Work... What? What is it? Yes M'Lord.
And I always thought the last line he said was "Go f*ck yourself."...
They should make all DH cards like this for the next expansion too... so there are only 9 classes again I mean.
Even tho it's not supported by anything, it's a cool effect, if the opponent has a full board of tokens, this + Thalnos is +14 HP.
It is really good for Token Druid, but could be a little too much draw sometimes. Yeah... right.
This will be staple in Overload shamans, still, I don't really see Overload as a really good keyword.
1 mana discover something you might need is incredibly versatile.
Really synergistic with the Questline too.
With all the discount that priest can have, this will be a solid "Let's have 1 more shadow spell to play."
Everybody said it's an arena card. So I'm gonna say it in spanish instead.
Esta carta en arena va a ser buena, no es la gran cosa, mas para mi que nunca entro a jugar en arena, asi que... carta de relleno total.
Arena card, and even there... it's pack filler.
Not really digging the Divine shield Paladin archetype. In duels this is really good, not broken, but really good.
Pain Warlock intensifies.
I think this one is the most useful of the SI:7 cards.
I mean 1 more damage than backstab. 1 more mana than a 0 cost card is a lot tho.
Ok-ish card. Nothing really fancy, much like almost every other SI:7 card.
This with Secure the Deck can make for a fun little OTK. Gonna try to see if it can be done.
All the set if full of flavor.
But in terms of card, this one is a bit lacking.
It's not a bad card at all. If you already have a divine shield minion on board, you most likely can guarantee +10/+10 in stats.
Mmmmmm... By turn 4-5 you can really have a full hand.
Let's wait and see. Right now, it's just another big guy for Even Lock.
Actually, if you always try to go face... This is insane. The amount of damage in the last part, 8 burst damage and 8 armor on top, meaning you always gain some survivability is amazing.
7 mana 7/7 Crowley.
"Tutor" card... Yeah, no.
Work Work... What? What is it? Yes M'Lord.
And I always thought the last line he said was "Go f*ck yourself."...
They should make all DH cards like this for the next expansion too... so there are only 9 classes again I mean.
Even tho it's not supported by anything, it's a cool effect, if the opponent has a full board of tokens, this + Thalnos is +14 HP.
It is really good for Token Druid, but could be a little too much draw sometimes. Yeah... right.