Surely not for Big Priest as people have already stated, but it does create some annoyingly sticky minions. Will be frustrating to play against, I'd imagine.
Thanks for your kind comment, always nice to hear that people like these.
There's an easy way to find all previous posts too: click on the tags at the end of the post. For example clicking "Wild" tag should lead you here: That should have all our Wild spotlights to date.
The three regions (APAC, Europe and Americas) are not playing in continuous succession, there's some downtime between them. EU games should begin in about 45 minutes and the stream should be back up by then.
I'll try to win with all four classes and then just continue completing quests there but other than that I'm not pushing for reveals. If Blizz had some sort of indicator on where we're at currently, it might encourage me to play more.
^This indeed. Blizzard's blog told us that next week we'll basically have the same brawl but with Rafaam instead of the other four League of E.V.I.L. members.
I'm willing to open all packs one by one just for that extra enthusiasm that hits when you finally see that orange glow. Wouldn't hate auto-opener as an option but also wouldn't use it.
I'd imagine part of the reason being the simple fact that they aren't distributing card reveals too much/at all in advance to prevent any leaks and stuff. If they start scheduling multi-timezone reveals only after the announcement it's no wonder that it takes time. Naturally, it's not too fun for us who are eagerly awaiting the new cards.
The card dump is just plain stupid, that I do not understand. Even if they are mere pack fillers, they could easily reveal those in bigger chunks with some story-building blogs or similar. Of course the idea in not doing so is to prevent the hype from dying if the pack-filler cards are meh at best.
I haven't got that many predictions to share yet but here's one: Mage quest reward Hero Power will be either "add a random spell to your hand" or "cast a random spell".
The official site has the empty slots waiting for the community reveal timetable but it's still empty. About two weeks until community reveals should be a solid guess. Blizzard has previously given us some cards via blog posts even before the community reveals start so make sure to check our front page every now and then for latest reveals (usually blogs happen at 10:00 PDT/13:00 EDT/19:00 CEST).
I agree with the Sael'orn assessment and took the liberty to edit the list accordingly. Should anyone meet her outside Violet Hold, please let us know.
He can, but only in Citadel (I've met him there, I believe). I think any level 6-7 boss (that is not exclusive to a certain chapter) can be the 8th boss of Citadel, so I'm not sure how to list that better than now.
Try to save Seances for copying Chef Nomi after you played him (once your deck is empty) unless you can pressure for early lethal with another cheap Grave Horror.
Flux confirmed from Blizz that it's going to be four full reveals.
Surely not for Big Priest as people have already stated, but it does create some annoyingly sticky minions. Will be frustrating to play against, I'd imagine.
Thanks for your kind comment, always nice to hear that people like these.
There's an easy way to find all previous posts too: click on the tags at the end of the post. For example clicking "Wild" tag should lead you here: That should have all our Wild spotlights to date.
With the exception of different watermark, no card text and no rarity gem.
Yes they are.
Not exactly what I expected. But at least we know now the progress with Tavern Brawl.
3 out of 4 classes done, only Warrior remains.
I got one too, first time getting these random drops.
The three regions (APAC, Europe and Americas) are not playing in continuous succession, there's some downtime between them. EU games should begin in about 45 minutes and the stream should be back up by then.
I'll try to win with all four classes and then just continue completing quests there but other than that I'm not pushing for reveals. If Blizz had some sort of indicator on where we're at currently, it might encourage me to play more.
^This indeed. Blizzard's blog told us that next week we'll basically have the same brawl but with Rafaam instead of the other four League of E.V.I.L. members.
I'm willing to open all packs one by one just for that extra enthusiasm that hits when you finally see that orange glow. Wouldn't hate auto-opener as an option but also wouldn't use it.
I'd imagine part of the reason being the simple fact that they aren't distributing card reveals too much/at all in advance to prevent any leaks and stuff. If they start scheduling multi-timezone reveals only after the announcement it's no wonder that it takes time. Naturally, it's not too fun for us who are eagerly awaiting the new cards.
The card dump is just plain stupid, that I do not understand. Even if they are mere pack fillers, they could easily reveal those in bigger chunks with some story-building blogs or similar. Of course the idea in not doing so is to prevent the hype from dying if the pack-filler cards are meh at best.
That won't be the case since it's not a passive hero power.
I haven't got that many predictions to share yet but here's one: Mage quest reward Hero Power will be either "add a random spell to your hand" or "cast a random spell".
The official site has the empty slots waiting for the community reveal timetable but it's still empty. About two weeks until community reveals should be a solid guess. Blizzard has previously given us some cards via blog posts even before the community reveals start so make sure to check our front page every now and then for latest reveals (usually blogs happen at 10:00 PDT/13:00 EDT/19:00 CEST).
I agree with the Sael'orn assessment and took the liberty to edit the list accordingly. Should anyone meet her outside Violet Hold, please let us know.
He can, but only in Citadel (I've met him there, I believe). I think any level 6-7 boss (that is not exclusive to a certain chapter) can be the 8th boss of Citadel, so I'm not sure how to list that better than now.
If only I could play it well, I would. I understand this is one of the hardest decks to play optimally at the moment.
How I expect it to be played (DISCLAIMER: have never tried, I'd likely suck with the deck)
I made the mistake of going to Wing 4 (the attack/health swap) with that deck. From that moment on I did not like Lightspawn.