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Kovachut's Comments

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From kaladin
     My suggestion would be to put such a link under the "Decks" drop down menu.  

    I'd rather the admins put it under our profile name drop down menu, so that things could be visually better and well-structured.

    Btw I don't know how much effort you put in finding your decks - if you just click on your user name, you will access your profile page, where you would see a link to your decks.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Get rekt, Big Priest:


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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago



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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    @ Fluxflashor

    Are the titles going to be based on hearthstone cards again (just like most of them are in hearthpwn)? If so, may we have titles of some cards before they underwent a name change? I had Mistress of Pain back in the days and I would like to use it again.


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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    A reprint of Devolve?

    I know the spell won't always work this way (you could potentially upgrade the opponent's board, if you face other aggro decks), but this will certainly be included in control shaman and in some token decks against other control opponents or against some buff decks. Also, yeah, f*ck Big Priests in wild.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago



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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From TartaMagica

    Seems like 1hp Paladin could be a new flavour...

    It would be interesting to see whether Sir Finley or the paladin legendary quest would synergise with 1-health minions.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Maurice

    A 1 HP minion with no battlecry, deathrattle or tribe seems not worthy to play for me.

    In theory it is easy a 4/1 (or more) in Odd-Pala in Wild. But is a (nearly) Magma Rager for 1 Mana allready worth? I am not sure...

    Well, the Zealot has some notable synergies with Steward of Darkshire. I personally think this would replace some 1-drops in that list (except Fire Fly ofc).

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    I hope, that this post doesn't come too late. I was in Barcelona the last couple of days and I didn't have any internet connection, so I couldn't reply to your post on time. Sorry about that. I will try to answer all of your questions precisely.

    Let's begin with the ginormous cost of this deck. Yes, I am aware that the proposed deck-list is super expensive, but you don't have to craft all of the needed legendaries you see above. In order for me to help you the best way possible, I would kindly ask you to share your collection with me - epics and legendaries - so that we can both come up with a cheaper and a competitive version, capable of reaching high ranks.

    Speaking of which, yes, the deck can reach "rank 5 on a regular basis". If you go to this hearthpwn link (my former account), you can see my top two rated decks - both of those represent the Steal Priest archtype and I managed to reach rank Legend with them in wild. If you care more about success than having fun, then I recommend tweaking the above shown deck accordingly to the wild meta.

    Since I was in Barcelona for 6 days, I lost track of the wild environment. I remember that Miracle Quest Mage was gaining a lot of popularity and I managed to win against that archtype by mulliganing for minions (Convincing Infiltrators), in order to counter the Flamewakers and Arcane Giants better. Even Shaman is also a somewhat favourable MU - I just look for my AoEs in the mulligan stage and try to survive until the late game. Big Priest is a very easy MU (except the Prophet Velen version), because priest's arsenal of defensive tools is amazing; Mass Hysteria and Lightbomb can clear the opponent's threats with ease and we can even generate more copies of those by using Shadow Visions. You just have to know which minions you have to prioritize when casting Entomb. I have written a detailed guide on the different MUs, so you can get an idea of what you should do, in order to play optimally. If you have more specific questions regarding the specific MUs, don't hesitate to ask.

    Could you please use your fortune telling abilities to predict if there are major changes coming to the deck? I don’t want to invest so heavily just to have 4 new legendaries added to the deck with the new expansion.

    Well... I see your concerns. But allow me to say, that no deck stays unchanged throughout the expansions. In certain metas you have to expect some changes, in order for this deck to stand better chances against its competition. Regarding new cards from the upcoming expansion - I suggest you wait, until we see what the devs are going to give to priest.

    Why no Chameleos

    I used to run him in my previous deck, but with Madame Lazul's reveal I wanted to run something more consistant. But most importantly, I'm trying to find the golden mean when creating a half-serious deck-list. I have said many times before, that a person can easily build a try-hard deck by simply adding only the good and reliable cards in it; the opposite applies, when you want to build a full-blown meme one. Creating a hybrid deck combining those two aspects is a very hard thing to do, because you have to decide how fun you want to make it w/o hurting its competitiveness too much. And I would gladly use Chameleos and other thieving cards such as Mind Control, but they are a bit risky right now.

    Thanks for your support. Btw since you "can't get this deck out of your head", I would like to share a youtube channel with you - Le Dawg's channel. All of my Thief Priest decks were inspired by him, so if you need some fun games to watch, I strongly recommend going to his page. Sadly, he isn't active anymore.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Am I the only one, who thinks the title of this card is rather confusing? Like, I know that Reno Jackson loves gathering various treasures for his personal collection, but isn't raiding a sacred temple a contradiction to his role as a Saviour of Uldum? I thought he was suppose to save that place, not be one of those robbing it.

    [edit] As for the usage of the card itself - well, it's not exciting in its current state, but imho mage would get a lot more support for its casino archtype, which would create a powerful package just like rogue's thieving one in RoS. Adding a spell to your hand (even if it's a random one) is admittedly way better than a mere ping effect. I am aware, that mage can't create a viable win-condition from this new HP, but like I said before, after looking at the powerful rogue cards from RoS I am more than confident, that mage is going to receive some powerful tools, which would synergise with random spells or cards, that don't start in your starting deck.

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Home sweet home. Just returned from my trip in Barcelona; glad to be back in my country again.

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From NightCrawler

    Before I continue, I would like apologize, if you don't find my arguments convincing or well-structured in this post or I miss some of your points. I don't have much time atm, because in one hour my mother and I would travel to Barcelona for one week and I won't be able to continue our little discussion. Don't be rush replying to me, you have plenty of time. :D

     "If the power level isn't too terrible (Leeroy, Edwin, unleash the hounds), you could still enjoy the card in standard.  Cards like Warsong Commander and Starving Buzzard are worse than river crocolisk and chillwind yeti.  These are cards that aren't playable in wild OR standard and there's a whole load of other basic cards you'd put in a 30 card deck over these. "

    I can't argue with that. And don't get me wrong, I always welcome card improvements such as direct buffs or redesigns, which would make underwhelming cards like WC to become playable again. But my issue is, that charge is a very sensitive topic in hearthstone. When I was a new player, I would have never imagined, that Stonetusk Boar would become a frustrating card. But in Un'goro and in K&C it was a core piece in Quest Rogue, in Boomsday it took part of a famous TopsyTurvy Priest deck (it was weak, but pro players would achieve some victories with it). It also enhanced Deathstalker Rexxar by giving the zombeasts charge. So it's not hard to imagine how an unnerfed WC would cause problems in wild.

    "Unnerfed warsong, charge and other nerfed cards would not cause problems in the current card pool, so why not let us have our fun while nothing is conflicting? In addition, there a lot of nerfed cards that were nerfed simply because of power level, not design space issues."

    I am not a warrior expert and I don't typically build combo decks, but imho just because we can't see the problematic deck right now, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't exist. I've linked all of the 3- or less Attack minions in my first post on this thread, so if someone has the mood to come up with a warrior combo deck, they are welcome to share their theorycraft. In this line of thoughts, I would like to give an example of one deck, that came out of the blue - Star Aligner Druid. When I saw that epic's reveal for the first time, I was very curious to see how people would play it. But I would have never imagined, that people would use it in a competitive deck, yet alone in wild. One very clever person saw the connections and they built it. You know the deck and how dominant it was in wild, so I won't talk about it any longer - imho the charge mechanic is more obvious to abuse.

    " You can rat, hecklebot or deathlord out their commander (or berserker, or worgen), especially if it's in a more combo oriented list. You can unseen saboteur their charge. Warlocks can play their gnome or demonic project. Mages are running ice block and paladins could theoretically run time out."

    I've expected you would say that. And I can't deny that hand/deck-disruption cards exist in wild, but I would like to state, that those aren't always reliable. If we see some lists, that run very few minions (most pre-standard Mecha'thun decks and AK75), you would easily pull a combo piece. But in the case with Mecha'thun warlock, where people ran many minions and can hold onto them, in order to minimize the chances of losing something important, the rat can whiff. Regarding Big Priest and other taunt decks - there is always a Brawl for those moments. I would play them right before I decide to go for the kill, but I agree with you, that Priest has way too many resurrect spells and the OTK warrior won't be able to deal with them at one point.

    "How broken is this combo even? You compare it with hunter's rhino combo but that combo is completely fair. It's comprised fully of classic/basic cards but has seen little play until recently, making the class 4th or 5th best in the standard meta. Making a charging 15+ attack minion with warrior is possible, but requires a lot (relative to wild) of mana and combo pieces"

    I didn't want to say, that this combo is broken. I wanted to say, that it would become popular the same way hunters use Tundra Rhino and Hyenas frequently. Also, I would like to disgree with you, that only now this combo is seeing a good amount of play. The truth is, almost everytime when (beast) mid-range hunter is popular, this 3-card combo is being run.

    " As for standard midrange mech/bomb warrior, they only exist in standard. Their board fighting abilities isn't good enough to keep up with the wild midrange or faster decks. "

    Why not? I have seen wild lists utilizing Coldlight Oracle to either make the opponent mill crucial cards or to draw bombs faster.

    Regarding the rest of your post - I agree with it more or less.

    [Note] - In my last post I forgot to say, that designing 100+ new cards, if the devs were to HoF the two sets, would be very hard to do. They have to spend a lot of time designing cards, that fit their philosophy regarding the 9 classes, their strenghts and weaknesses.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From NightCrawler

    I'm not sure what you mean regarding new players with little dust.  Blizzard always prints new classic cards to replace anything they HoF and if anything, warsong commander being replaced by a halfway playable card would make warrior's basic set a lot less abysmal for f2p players

    As for limiting design space, I say look towards Big Priest again.  It's an amalgamation of cards that, in a balanced meta, should have limited design space all by themselves.  Yet last expansion we still got Vargoth and Katerina, which pushed its power level to new heights.  It would seem that they do not care about the power level of things in wild nor let wild cards that limit design space get in the way of making new cards

    It's not just Big Priest either.  There's mech decks making infinitly large things with with sn1p-sn4p, turn 4 voidlords, quest mages that can finish their quest as early as turn 4 and refill their hand in the same turn, standard-like rogues with patches and shark+fungalmancer.  Everyone is already doing insane stuff.  So what if you die on turn 7 or 8 to some kind of warsong combo?  This is exactly the kind of thing that happens in wild.  Mech hunters would call this lethal slow

    1) Yes, that's true. However we can't predict what kind of cards the devs would implement, if they were to HOF the aforementioned sets. If those happen to be on the same power-level as the recently released ones, new or budget players would have a hard time dealing with an opponent, whose deck is tuned by the more powerful standard sets. You can disregard this counter-argument if you want, since this is just a speculation, but I doubt that the replacements would be as good as the pre-nerfed Basic and Classic sets. Also, the following is just my personal opinion, but I think it would be kinda selfish to let only wild players enjoy playing with iconic class spells or characters (especially if those are big fans of the warcraft RTS games and the MMORPG). People would feel forced to play a specific set, which wouldn't feel hospitable for them. Cuz' let's be honest, wild is not an attractive format for people with a limited collection. It becomes cheaper in the long term and I also love playing there, but I can't ignore the fact, that some have difficulties entering it.

    2) and 3) I see where you are going with the "design space limitation" argument. It's true, that the power-level in wild is tremendously higher than in standard and people can do insane things early on. Though I would like to state, that design limiting cards don't come from the Basic or the Classic sets - most of them originate from the expansions. Furthermore, it's not like the devs haven't nerfed wild cards before, in order to balance the meta a bit - like the case with Aviana, Naga Sea Witch, Shadowboxer and I would argue, that Patches the Pirate and Raza the Chained are also part of this category (because back in K&C Reno Priest was a very dominant deck in wild). So the cards or combos you've mentioned above might be changed in the near future. And due to the big variety of cards there, most of the quoted combos can be countered - mech hunter is extremely vulnerable to Devolve, Defile or Brawl, Mass Hysteria, if you manage to survive until turn 5; Voidcaller is silenceable; Quest Mage needs a godlike hand to pull off such turns, which could be compared to the high-roll potential of Aggro Paladin (High Priest Thekal + Molten Giants); SN1P-SN4P requires you to have 3 other combo pieces before going off.

    My issue with charge is, that there isn't much counterplay from the opponent aside from playing taunts (which didn't stop Worgen Warrior from seeing a lot of competitive play back in the days). Dakarian made a very good post, where they explained the issues of returning GP Warrior back to competitive hearthstone. And I talked about Warsong Commander's problems outside that deck - even in plain non-combo lists. Correct me if I'm wrong, but warrior didn't have a good aggro package prior to WotOG. The class slowly received a very solid pirate one, which became dominant during MSoG, and now warriors can run a burst-y mid-range mech deck in standard. Point is, Warsong Commander would be auto-included in such lists for the sake of the free face damage (and the potential burst you would get from Frothing Berserker). Speaking of which, isn't this why we see hunters playing Tundra Rhino, into Scavenging Hyena and Unleash the Hounds? Dakarian also stated, that warriors now have more ways to enrage the berserker, so charging a 15- or 20-Attack minion into the opponent's face may not be a rare scenario. And after stating this, I would like to bring another topic- in your opinion would people warmly welcome the unnerfed version of Charge?

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Battletag: vasiiilvasil

    Region: EU

    Trade only?: Yes, you go first


  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From NightCrawler

    They should just unnerf and HoF everything.  I'm not salty about Big Priest, but you can't deny that it's powerful.  Unnerfed anything would be no more powerful than how Big Priest already is and enable people to play some of their favorite decks from the past.  A lot of these cards are literally seeing no play since their nerfs, so they serve no purpose sitting around in standard

    Uhm... what about new/returning players or people with a limited amount of dust?

    I personally think, that it would be a good idea to have two different versions of the Basic/Classic set for both formats - one would include the initial state of the cards, so that people would enjoy playing their old decks again, and the other would be designed accordingly to the standard environment. However I have said it before - some cards (like Warsong Commander, Charge or Starving Buzzard) should be redesigned with caution. I agree with most what OP said and I admire the time and effort they put in writing that post, but Charge is Charge and imho it would limit design space for future cards, which may support Grim Patron Warrior and return it back to its glory days or just create an entirely new (and oppressive) archtype.

    I can't deny, that at the moment this may not be the case. I don't see any problematic minions with 3 or less Attack, that would create annoying combos with Warsong Commander (except [Hearthstone Card (Vicious Fledgling) Not Found] maybe). There are some mechs though and warrior is one of the 3 classes, that utilizes magnetize, so this could be considered a counter-argument (even though not a strong one). But outside of combo decks, aggressive lists like Pirate Warrior would consider playing it just because the Commander gives their early-game minions charge.


    /I prefer to use a hearthpwn link, because the list is visually better. Sorry, mods./

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    When I saw the quests for the first time, I thought about the drawback of not being able to run hero cards in your deck, because the new hero powers could replace or be replaced by the quest reward. Imho Heart of Vir'naal is very strong in various decks (Shudderwock TTK with Emperor, Jade, Elemental...), but it would be interesting to see some decks removing the all-powerful Hagatha the Witch and the ability to generate cards in favour for this card. This applies to all other classes in wild, that have busted hero cards (or in standard with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius in warrior's case).


    Quote From Lightspoon

    I'm a bit worried that this may limit design space in the future: battlecry is a solid mechanic spread everywhere and the chance to double it costantly may seriously put a limit on what will we printed both in the Shaman class and neutral pool.

    I fully agree with Lightspoon. Having a constant Brann Bronzebeard effect for only 2 mana per turn is worrisome.

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    Once more, I regret having kept Yogg after the nerf. Such a waste of dust...

    If you have Grumble, Worldshaker and Shudderwock, you can build a meme ShudderYogg deck. Whenever I'm in the mood for some fireworks, I go to wild casual and play it there. The trick is to copy Shudderwock a bunch of times before playing Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    In other words we all have to admire Reno for his intense fitness training. He is really muscular for a mage.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Mage. If you take a look at Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron's artwork, you would see some big hands holding it.

    Elise is known to be a druid (ever since Un'Goro), Brann is a hunter and Finley makes more sense to be a paladin. Even though it would have been hilarious, if we saw a murloc mage.

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    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    The following is off-topic, but it just went through my mind and I wanted to share it with you guys:

    What "hidden" card-hero interactions do you want to see? I expect the hunter legendary Brann would have some kind of a monologue, when played from or against Magni. Like "The Magni Brothers are here... except Muradin" and "Magni? Not you too!".

    Finley would say something to Morggl again and Elise may or may not interact with the druid hero skin (just like Madame Lazul).

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